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Hey guys, I wanted to make a post to inform you guys that December will just have 1 term. Since it's going to be singel termed  I'll be doing a hetero piece as yuri/yaoi tier bonus:) 

I'm makign this month a single term so I have more time to streamline how rewards will be deliveered and how it's processed. Still a few things to iron out but in the future it won't take aslong .thank you for your understading :)

ps. Happy december! hope you all are enjoying the holiday time so far ^^ 



sakimi i just wanted to special thank you for your tutorials ,,, because of you look what i became in 31 days of working :) <a href="http://saifrygo.deviantart.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://saifrygo.deviantart.com/</a> thank you again for your tuts it's helps alot


Take all the time you need to get everything organised, freeing yourself up to enjoy your art! Doing a single term this month will cause you far less stress. I hope you are also enjoying the holiday season and you're taking care of yourself with the colder weather.


Just keep doing what you're doing. You're fantastic and looking forward to your artwork this month &lt;3


Can.. we have the Hetero terms happen a better way? I mean .. It seems like there is a long long time between terms where we only get one het picture every blue moon.


It's a good thing this month has only 1 term. Take some time for you, i hope you too have a Happy December :) This hetero is going to be our special gift from you then, since it's december make this one special ;) And again, take some time for you to rest and enjoy the holiday. Much love, you're amaizing ! Mwah &lt;3 ! x)


Thank you for the work Sakimi. And I believed that all your followers understand. So rest and enjoy everything :).


I really like most of your hetero pics so I have mixed feelings on it being 1 term. Less art but a hetero pairing so... lol


Great job figuring things out and getting back on track when things got difficult. I'm really enjoying my content!


Happy december for you too ^^


Ok,take your time and i look forward to this bonus drawing.Happy holidays!


Merry holidays!


Oh, a hetero one, nice. That should always be added, for equality reasons, you know?


Great! Thx for informing us :D Could I suggest that one of your future tutorial voice over videos is for painting metal. Your cloth tutorial helped me so much ty! Anyways, Happy Holidays :)


Ohh! very nice but I don't believe I did all that, I think it's your none stop persistence in practising that you improve insanely within a month. Now imagine in a year. XD


Thank you for the input, but I believe that is what makes it great. Because it's rare it feels better when receiving it. :D


Thank you! I am going to try to see how fast I can send out the rewards and get a proper estimated time. :)


I have how to paint material tutorial somewhere I can't remember which term. *_*


Hetero!!!! Cool. I wish I had a girlfriend, so I could know the feeling of having a relationship. :(


Just got them pics :) Great work!!


Yeess! To be honest december is usually a financial crunch for me so I'm alright with 1 term :3 happy december my dear!!! (P.S. Can you do the lovely men of FFXV please!! Ignis is my fav


Thanks so much, all the art for the terms came through. Have a great Holiday Season!


To be honest I'd be fine with one term per month being normal and two terms being rare.