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Term 42

I'm sorry to say there will be no content this month, term 42 will be

pushed to next month. I'm not a person that gets sick easily, but it had to

happen this time around and right when there are a lot going on : ( Because of

that I don't feel confident that I will have the energy to create the contents

I usually do before end of this month. Also, I don't want to rush it and give

you guys something I wouldn't consider the best I can do, I dont think you guys want that either.

I will take the rest of the month to recover and to tend to those of you
who are having problems with receiving term 41 rewards, I will get to everyone :)

Thank you guys for being patient and understanding. I know a lot has happened

this month but we will get through it ! Thank you all for your support ^^

I'll be making more content next month for term 42 ^^ looking forward to it
once I get better with more energy and enthusiasm !

there is a chance I will have 2 terms in November just to catch up on the missing content for this month. I think I'll have more time to work on content for two terms if I take the rest of this month off , that way I can really spend extra time to refine and polish some of the pieces I'm planing to do :3
If there is 2 terms next month i will use the  2 most popular options from the poll from term 42 ^^ ~

ps. no one will be charged this month ^^



Get well soon!!


It's okay! Take care!


Get well


That is okay. Take your Time and get Well soon

Jacob Paul

Take your time and feel better


Get well


Hope you feel better soon :)


Wishing for a speedy recovery! ❤️


Take care of yourself boo :) we'll be here waiting for you, dont you worry ❤

Sergio Barajas

Don't worry, health is first


Understandable! Take care of yourself


Good for you. I am so glad you're taking the time to take are of yourself and get better. Pushing yourself to please others often ends in more sicknesses and stress. Get better! Relax. You deserve it!


No worries love. I wish you well and hope that you recover speedily.


Take care. We don't want you working yourself to illness on our behalf.


I hope you feel better soon. I still haven't gotten the rewards for term 41, but i want you feeling better first.


Take care of yourself first and foremost! You deserve some rest you painting machine you ;)


Health is more important than any drawing you could make. You can create beautiful artwork but don't put yourself at risk. Feel free to rest and come back refreshed anytime you feel great! <333 (^~^)/

Eric Whitmore

Sorry to hear you're sick. Rest up and get well soon. We'll wait eagerly for your recovery


Feel better. <3


This is completely understandable. You absolutely need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Take the time to get some very well deserved rest. I hope you feel better soon!


oh, this is sad :( i hope you feel better soon

Eric Bloxsom

Feel better! This is no art without an artist.

Veronica Bohrer

Hope you feel better Sakimichi!!! *i like calling you that way for some reason.... but your health is always important!!


Awwww feel better! Will you do any (delayed) Halloween art? I always like October themes!

Frank Leo

Thank your time.


Artists aren't supposed to get sick ;) Hope you feel better! Get some vitamin C, probiotics, garlic and rest!


Heal up, feel better. Everyone needs a break!


Don't rush take as much time as you need, you deserve it after all :) feel better soon!


辛苦了!保重身体! Get well


Take care@_@


Take your time! It's always good to have a break, especially after busy times. Hope you feel better soon :3


Feel better!!


Take a break and take care of your health. Get well soon!


Take care of yourself, and feel better ^^ We would all rather you be in good health than forcing yourself to put out art.


Take care, health is the most important thing 😊


I'm sorry you aren't feeling well and this has been a rough month. Feel better soon and get the rest you deserve :)


After all the stress you've been under, I'm not surprised to hear you're now feeling poorly! *hugs* I hope you feel better soon and you can enjoy the rest of your month without any more hassles!


You just focus on getting better, we have plenty of content to inspire is as it is


Sad to hear you're sick. :( Hope you get well soon and don't worry, we know you always do your best. ^^


Get better soon 💝


Take care of yourself ;)


Oh please get well! Have a good rest!


hope you get better soon.

Beebob Mckenzie

Aww no feel better. I get sick all the time so its kind of just an inconvinience to me at this point but I know well folk that don't get sick often it hits them like a bloody train. Get some good rest and some good food. Feel better!


Take care of yourself and come back better =) ps : For the term 41 issue, how can we do ?


Rest well! Your health comes first and we appreciate all the hard work you put into your art ^^


Sucks to hear you got sick, but glad to know you'll be taking care of yourself first! =D Hope will be able to get a good rest and get well soon. =)


Take your time. Hope you get well soon! ♥

Zach Albright

That is fine, your health is more important, I hope you get better soon!!


been a stressing month i bet with everything happening, dont worry and take it easy!!


Hope you get better!!

Sage Hammons

Term 41 was absolutely worth the wait. Take as long as you need! ::)


Get well ^^


Take care of yourself <3


Get well soon :)


don't worry <3 Take care of yourself


Get well soon :) health has priority!

Christine Bryant

Take care of yourself and get well soon


Being sick is never fun :( feel better soon! ❤️


Get well sakimi. Everyone here loves you. <3


Hope you feel better soon! <3


Take good care of yourself! :)


I hope you get well soon! (Also I still didn't get my term 41 rewards :/ )


Take good care of yourself and make sure to get plenty of rest. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you get well soon :)


It's okey :3


Feel better soon!


I wish that you feel better soon! and don't worry we still here with you. You always will be my hero!


I worry that you've been pushing yourself too hard for us patrons. To be honest, I don't mind if you make it a monthly thing, so you can have time to rest in between creating content for us. Take this sweet time to rest up, heal up and be rejuvenated. We won't go away, after all. :D


Take care of yourself Sakimichan. I've always admired how much content you make for each term, all such beautiful pieces! Just take care of your health too, best wishes


Feel better soon, you health comes first!! <3

Tryst Fox

Feel better!! <3


Hi, Sakimi ! In one of the voice overs you mention something about streaming, do you plan on ever doing it again ? I never got to see any streams of yours T_T.


I never received the pdf and jpg of tier 41


take care & get more rest senpai.. dont worry well gonna wait for u here.


hi sakimi chan, i hope you're feeling better :) i had a concern about term 41, i don't have access to the Photoshop files, it gives me the message that the folder either doesn't exist or that i no longer have permission to access it :( and another thing about tire 4 which i kind of asked about before ... i still haven't used my code because i wanted term 40 however the latest available term on that website is term 38 ...


i hope you get better soon! and don't worry, i'm quite happy there is no term this month since i need to buy christmas presents xP i hope you can resolve the problem with term 41 some time because i still haven't received it. but no worries, as long as i receive it some day i can wait xD rest well :3


How u feel better