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Hello Everyone Please go check out the post I made a few days ago before reading this one. essentially I will be making some changes to my patreon. Here's a recap of the changes.

What the changes will be recap

This is the part that I didn't like to discuss, but It must be done and as an artist I have to be firm on my decision to protect my work. Through out the past few years I've been fairly consistent in putting out a large quantity of contents even for the $5 tier rewards. I've been including both JPG and PSD very often 7-8 pieces per term, each term totaling up to 14-16 piece. With that said I feel like even if I change a few things, the quality and the quantity of my work would still be the same (7-8 pieces per term).

The change will affect all Tiers in the following way: 

  • I will no longer include PSDs for Tier 2 and Yaoi/Yuri. Tier 3+ will still include them.
  •  All high res JPGs  as well as the PSD files will be watermarked and signed ( it will be small enough not to interfere with the image).
  • The PSDs will be considerably smaller, as I know most of you want it just to see my work flow. It should only be used for educational purposes (changes does not apply to tutorial PSDs, only my normal and NSFW pieces).


Thank you for everyone's input, positive and negative. However this is one decision I will stand firm on. Watermark is what I feel necessary and it is my right to put down to protect my work. pirating is not the only reason for the changes but I wont get more into it. Some of you don't see the point in that and see this as a bad business move. It might be but in the end I'll still be making art even if I do opt to close down my patreon worse case scenario. Patreon is a great platform but there's other possibilities out there. I do want to give thanks to those who are supporting me in my decision. We will see how it goes from here, either way I'll still be painting what i love and I hope you guys will keep enjoy what I create ^_^


  • watermarking is a big part of the changes going froward to all future terms after September. An example of the watermark is attached. Essentially i will be watermarking all psd/jpg rewards with the sample given. The patron watermark will be places in a more discrete fashion but it will be visible enough to read.The jpg sizes will not be smaller, it will be the same as before.

Watermark concerns
Many of you who do not agree with the watermark change have made it clear that piracy will not be effected by this.  I would agree with that but it will offer up a traceback to me. In addition it will be easier for me to report and discourage those who takes my leaked artwork and mass print them and sell them on ebay or other platforms.

Rewards adjustments for tier 2 , yuri/yaoi tier and up
I will be including 3-6 step by step guide jpgs for the loss for psds in those tiers.It will also be apart of tier 3 and up.

Thank you for your understanding, Those changes will be effective this month and so on, it will not effect term 41.




Maybe you should add water mark to your video process/video tutorials, etc as well just in case??


I totally understand why you do this. It's in your every right to protect your art and work. I will gladly still support you, and I hope it will help with some of the pirating. Keep up the good work :)


Such a shame that people show so much disrespect to artists. It's a ton of work, even my simple pencil sketches can take hours. keep up the awesome work!


Man, I never even thought about people selling prints on ebay... What a bunch of degenerate scumbags... Props to you for not losing it over something as crummy as this. Keep it up!


That's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Any way to not put them in the middle of the art work on the characters?


Get it gurl! 💛 We support you!


Whoa they were selling her prints on ebay? That's so disrespectful I can not believe there are people like that. That's truly disgusting.


That would make it easy for the thieves to crop or remove it.


That's not bad, I can live with that.

El Giggles

Do your thing, girl~


By "smaller PSDs" you mean the resolution ? Will it affect the previous terms ?


It's all good, Saki, we are right behind you all the way :D I personally don't mind the watermarks at all, I'm happy to enjoy your works knowing that you are happier to put the watermarks there. We will support you regardless of what you decide to do with this sort of thing :)


Truth be told I'm more interested in learning how to draw. If you provided more of those I totally wouldnt mind the water marks at all :D the line art tutorial was a good start


I've been supporting you on Patreon since term 2 and I'll continue to support you!


I plan to keep supporting, the watermark doesn't bother me as long as its placed well to make it disadvantages to try and crop or remove, but not interfere with the important parts of the art ( face and naughty bits for NSFW). And even then, I actually like the high res water mark, you did a good job designing it.


I think it's very reasonable and the watermark is really subtle yet visible. I think it's perfect and I'm surprised she hasn't done it before XD I agree with your changes 100% sakimi-sensei :)


I enjoy the step by step guides alot, and i will give them a hearty welcome <3


I have to agree with other comments thats a really nice looking watermark / signature. Hope it helps with the issues. Happy to be having Sakimi-chan branded artwork from now on. Were you going to use the Patreon one on the Gumroad store? Or a slightly different one which might help differentiate where exactly the reposters are getting it from.


As I mentioned in your previous post, the only change that disappoints me is the smaller PSDs as I loved being able to zoom in and examine pieces. Still hoping we can watermark our way out of that change, but I understand high resolution is the key for good print creation, so if smaller is unavoidable, it is what it is. We support you, and I hope the end result is stress off your mind and you can have more fun with your work!


As i said in your previous post, you will always have my support sakimi sensei :)

Shawna Canon

Thank you for providing the samples, and I like that you're adding the step-by-steps to replace the PSDs. I'm still uncertain whether I'll keep supporting after this change, but I'll likely give it a month and see how the new way looks before making a decision.


It used to frustrate me when an artist's work wouldn't have a watermark because I couldn't find them. I think it's a great idea :)


Hey Sakimi. Thanks for providing a sample of how the watermark you are introducing is going to look. It gives a nice idea of how it will "affect" future paintings. Overall, I would say that it is very reasonable. They definitely don't look overly intrusive on the image and nicely designed. Its unfortunate that there are people that don't or can't understand your reasoning for making these changes. It is absolutely your right to make these changes and protect your work. I'm happy to know that you'll have some more piece of mind with these changes. I definitely support your decision and will continue to support what you do! ^^


I am sad that you had to go to this length to stop people from stealing your drawings. This is what every artist fears. JPG/PSD saved on a computer for personal use such as having a desktop background is one thing not too bad, but for people to sell them is another. Anyhow, I understand why the watermarks, its sad because anyone would prefer to see the art without them BUT it does not seem that bad with the samples you gave us. I agree with some other comment I just saw here before writing mine; as long as it does not hide the face or some sensitive parts for the NSFW pieces or any really important details, it will totally be fine :) . I'll continue being a patreon anyway because I really like encouraging your work and also receiving all those amazing new art pieces. Keep up the good work and I hope everything works out !


Honestly I don't see why anyone is complaining about you wanting to protect your work. I guess they don't know what it's like. I'm sticking with you and I'm excited for what October brings :)

Shawna Canon

Incidentally, have you tried to report those people selling your work on ebay to ebay? I just did a search, and sure enough, there are several. Which is pretty sucky. And it looks like they're from China, which means your legal avenues are limited, as China doesn't have much respect for the concept of copyright. But, if you report it to ebay, maybe ebay will at least take action against these sellers. I just reported one of the listings. I don't know how good ebay is about this sort of thing, but maybe if your supporters help you in going after these sellers, you'll be able to stop some of them. I know this doesn't prevent other places on the net, but it would be something.


Well, you probably already know that I am supportive of these changes. 😅 Theft, not just monetary but the theft of concepts and characters too, is a big problem and a very hurtful one for pretty much any artist. I hope it doesn't come to you closing down your patreon, but you have to defend yourself.


yes ^_^ I'm looking onto maybe having someone help me report them so I can focus more on creating. thank you thou ~

Shawna Canon

Okay, I have another suggestion. I'm looking around, and it looks like most of the pirated versions I'm seeing are coming from Asia and/or manga/anime-focused sites. So... have you thought about focusing more on Western characters instead of ones originating in Asian fandoms? I don't know how much/if this would help, but it's another suggestion for you to consider.

The Eight Phases

Hi Sakimi, I was hesitant to give my opinion on the issue, until I could see an example. But I want to say that I do fully support your decision to sign and watermark your pieces. I was curious if it would be possible to make your signature and watermark "Part of" the artwork rather than more like a "branding label over" the artwork? Maybe a sort of stylized logo on the character's clothing, or in the lighting effects of their hair? Or maybe even a piece of jewelry, wristband, necklace, earring, etc. that contains your info? Sort of like trying to make it "hide in plain sight". Like for Lightning's pic, it would have been really cool to see your signature on the collar, maybe with a stitched thread effect, like a high couture clothing brand logo! ^w^ And maybe put the watermark into the armor or bracer, like an armorer's sigil! That possibility of adding more "Sakimi originality" gets me looking forward to what you could do with character tattoos, and the folks from Fairy Tail! XD Most importantly, I hope you don't feel hassled or badgered. And I hope I don't sound like I'm trying to "tell you what/how to do things". I've never made any artwork, so I don't know how hard something like this would be. But I do know that if anyone is capable of making something like this shine, then I need look no further! ^.^ On a side note, something like that would definitely motivate me to move up from the Yaoi tier. I love your guys, especially their naughty pics! Your girls I like with their clothes on. XD Lots of love and wishing you success.


Protip: It's best to put watermarks over patterns, imo. Solid backgrounds make it easier to remove. Source: I detext images often in PS.


I was assuming that the watermark would look more like a traditional signature in an unobtrusive spot, but I'm shocked at how large it is and how much it obstructs the image. I could understand it if the watermark was closer to the outside of the image, but for example, in the Lightning image it's edging in on his face. In my opinion that completely compromises the quality of the image and the whole purpose of supporting on patreon. I don't print the images or use them for anything. I just periodically look through them when I feel like viewing Sakimi chan's beautiful work. But if there's going to be a large and unsightly watermark in the middle of the image even when I am supporting on patreon, I might as well just periodically look through the previews on Facebook. It didn't really bother me that I'd be losing the PSDs, but the preview of the new watermark is so disappointing.

Shawna Canon

Here's a totally random suggestion (Google image search is reminding me of some of your pieces I'd forgotten about): I'd love to see a couple pic with male Harley and female Joker. That would be so cool.

Shawna Canon

I'm not interested in either Yaoi or Yuri, but if het couples become a regular feature of that tier, I'd consider moving up.


That Watermark is totally fine. Im rather surprised that those havent been there all the time. There is a lil typo in your sample pic. Also, who gets an low res and who a high res jpg? ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)


Doping the right thing. Defend tour rights!


I am definitely supporting your stand on the watermark. It is your work, your creation and your representation. You have to be protective of your own works of art and it is your rights to do so judging from the scenario that you have described on the abuse of the same through eBay and other outcomes of your works.


You go girl! You do what you need to do to protect your art and rights.

Ciarán M

In the last update i said i had no issue with a watermark and that remains true, the one you've chosen looks fine and doesn't appear obtrusive 😀. As ever, looking forward to seeing more of your work 😄💜


Hi hi ~ :D I just wanted to give my feedback on the new watermark sample. The hi-res watermark is much better than the social media watermark and I'm glad it's less blocky without all that text. XD What I'm worried about is where you're going to place it since the sample Lightning GB is kinda in your face and seems intrusive to me and ruins his pretty face. XP I do think this is definitely a step in a good direction though and personally wouldn't mind more personalized watermarks for each piece, like overlaying the logo graphic with colors and such to make it at least match with the image it's used on. I also like the consistency of the signature part ~ I know you like to squiggle it all over the place. :D

Big Dinner

While I definitely see where you're coming from, I definitely forsee many patrons being upset with the watermark samples. I personally use several pieces of art I get through patreon as wallpapers on my computer and other devices, and watermarks, no matter how much you try to make them unintrusive, ruin the overall aesthetic of the image (makes it look "cheap", "why do we have to see watermarks if we're paying you" is something I feel like will be said regarding this change). I wouldn't mind so much if they were worked into the piece, like having it look like it's a part of their clothing/armor, bodyart/tattoo or anything like that, just having it float on there really ruins the piece in my opinion. I really hope you continue doing what you do, but if the watermarking goes forward as it is I might just drop down a tier or even cancel outright because still seeing watermarks despite being a patron is pretty lame, and I hope you find another solution.

Don Wagner

Your content is amazing & if you take away or change a little bit we're still getting more than our money's worth!


Could always do a custom watermark for each supporter to hunt down the person causing this.


Watermarks look fine to me.

Veronica Bohrer

Im totally fine with whatever you do :) I do learn a lot from looking at your PSD's or even the side by side photos you do. The only thing I am upset with is the fact I feared someone would do this to you and really hoped no one wouldn't do anything like the such. Even with myself there are times I'm just so busy or completely forgetful that I miss my rewards from you XD I just know I love supporting you and when I have time open or when I'm not forgetful I do watch your content. Watermark or not i still find it super important to protect your art piece and I do agree with another person of making it into your art piece. I mean if you wanna do two signatures that's also fine by me. I always make about 2-3 signatures within my art, part of my art, and blatantly showing in front of my art. I'm not saying you shouldn't have it, I'm saying you should totally have more than one if you wanted :)

Karion Latanos

Do what you need to do to protect your work!


Have to agree especially the lightening one. Really distracting and I wouldn't even bother saving the image to my wallpapers. I understand but it sucks.


Always been a huge supporter (even if it means cutting money from my food budget to pay) and I understand piracy and the leaks. In the end though, a watermark will completely ruin a piece of art. That's just that facts. I'll probably try October and see how badly they are defaced and go from there. In the end, nothing will stop pirates from stealing unless you put the mark right over the subject's face. Also, not reducing the price for tier three and removing content makes no sense either.


Totally fine with the watermark decision, I support it all the way, however you want to do it. It's sad that people think they can take anything and repost it/sell it these days, so any way you can protect your work is great in my books. And with the way you've shown in the examples I don't think it ruins the artwork at all. Thank you for keeping us updated, and I'll continue to be a patron & look forward to your work~


I love your work. I have every term u have made to this point and have bought many, many of ur art pieces when u came to sakura-con. Yes, i was that guy that spent like $250 for ur posters. That being said, i wasn't against u putting watermarks on ur art, until i saw ur samples. I have to admit, i am discouraged by it. If u were to put it as suggested, more on the corner or side, away from the main art, maybe not so bad, but as they are now, it really does ruin the piece. I understand ur need to protect ur art, but please hear me out. Murphys law state that what can happen, WILL HAPPEN. As it has happened in the music industry and movie industry, it will happen in the visual arts indusrty as well. Piracy is a fact of life now. No matter what measures are put in place, there will always b people who finds ways around it. U are gifted, as can b seen by ur great number of followers. We live in the internet age where everything can b found on the net. All of us know that we can find ur art for free on the net, but we love ur art, and became patreons because we want to support u to continue ur great art. Like one of ur patreons said, we look at ur art because it brings us joy or relief or whatever emotion we look to it for, but such a watermark as in ur example does ruin it and takes way from the art piece. I believe that if u did a search for some of the top artwork on the net, sakimichan will be in the top 10 with Artgerm or any of the great artists i have come to follow. I guess what im trying to say is, don't let a couple bad people make u take steps that may ruin great relationships with ur followers. I want to continue supporting u(even if ur not coming to sakuracon so i can give u more of my money :p) and seeing u grow even greater. I just hope u don't get too drastic with ur measures. Think of ur good patrons and followers and ignore the bad. I still want to see ur take on She-ra, Teela, the the Sorceress from He-man!!!


Sorry for the long comment!!!




The problem is towards the edges makes it easy to crop out. Also she has stated she is aware of the fact it won't stop the pirates but she wants to prevent her work becoming for lack of a better word: orphaned. There are thousands of images on the internet where even if the artist was once popular you will never know who they were because they were shared over and over again without credit and so much time has passed the original places they were posted are probably gone. This is really painful for artists. There are also people who take your art, your characters and concepts to use for their role plays and other things. Essentially erasing you from your work. You rarely find film and music shared without the makers name attached. Orphaned art is rampant.


I think work with your watermark are better, its like a sing, you are an artist, I prefer that, like traditional paintings... I like it :)


Watermarking or not doesn't really change anything.. all artists sign their works


Totally understand your concerns. It's too bad that the watermarks have to be so close to the middle of the image but people will crop them out if you don't :/. I will remain a supporter though. You do incredible work and you are just responding to the times. Thanks for coming up with a solution that didn't result in you stopping some of your work.

Frank Leo

Let me give you an idea to think-over, this is an actual technique used by MANY Artists ... sign with a colour that is close to the "background" the words is on [making it hard to see, or basically invisible], but will be clearly sen when the image colour is inverted in any image viewer ... you can sign the image this way, even sign on the boobs ... without making it "obvious". ... of course, unless you want it to be obvious. I dislike watermarks, but thieves are thieves ... I still stand firm in my statement before: the thieves are from the "un-needed" tiers.


I like the design of Patreon's watermark, it blends quite well with the picture behind it.


I am 102.4% in favor of the watermark idea.


She has confirmed this.


Sakimi, do what you have to do to ensure people don't steal your work. It is amazing and you deserve to do what every you want in order to make sure you protect it as well. Fully back everything you are doing and keep it up. =D


If want to use watermarks to trace the piracy you could create diferent ones for each tier, I know it would mean more work for you but it would give you a more detailed idea where the leak(s) are. Still you have my full support in doing this.


It is unfortunate that watermarking images is one of those topics that can get nasty when there are people who get rude or aggressive when an artist tries to protect their work by watermarking it. Do what you need to do to stop thieves from profiting from your work. The examples you showed aren't invasive at all, so do what you need to do to protect your work. Nothing will ever really stop thieves, but to do nothing gives them the message an artist doesn't care about their work or how it is misused.


I have an idea about the layout of the watermark. I think you should put it into the shoulders or chest of the characters, because in Lightning is a distraction, my eyes go straight to the watermark. Moreover, I will continue to support you with or without watermarks because I love your work, keep up! :>

Shawna Canon

I have a general suggestion: What about a $4 tier that includes everything in the $5 tier but without the NSFW images? I'd bet there are enough people who don't really want/need that part of it to make such a tier worthwhile. (I mean, keep the bare-chested-men type stuff, just leave out the ones that show bare boobs and genitals.)


I fully support you in all of this <3 do what you need to do girl!


I support you! Sorry you had to go through all of this.


I will wait to see what the watermarks will look on more art examples including on the one here to decide how much it affects the art. Saying that I do completely support your efforts to get some recognition and to help protect you from people stealing your stuff. I still love your art so im still happy. :)


I think this exemples of watermark are very visible. Why don't use invisible watermark like <a href="https://www.raymond.cc/blog/signmyimage-protects-your-image-with-invisible-signature/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.raymond.cc/blog/signmyimage-protects-your-image-with-invisible-signature/</a> ? Because there I do not see the difference with the images on deviantart.


If she uses these invisible water marks it'd be great!

Ewilan (beledhien)

Seems pretty fair to me. The examples of watermark look good, it doesn't ruin the beauty of your art at all to me. Plus the addition of the step by step rewards is great ! Thank you :)

Shawna Canon

The words you're looking for are: "you", "your", "be", and "I'm". I don't say that to be pedantic. It's just that writing certain words as if you're a teen texting on a late-90's phone really detracts from the excellent and thoughtful points you're trying to make. Typing those extra one or two letters makes all the difference in presenting yourself as an intelligent, respectable adult. (Again, I'm honestly not saying that to mock you or give you crap.)


I have not received my Patreon Reward even though my Creditcard has already been charged and it is already Oct. 11 here. I am assuming I got accidentally skipped when you were handing out the rewards.


the Term 41 to be exact


you also don't need to write the same message on 3 different posts. Don't worry, she sees them all.


I'll try to push term 41 out this week. Even if I have to pull all nighter I'll do it. :(


Is Term 41 fully out yet or are you still going through it? Haven't received yet if the latter is the answer. :p


Glad to see I'm not the only one who hasn't received the rewards. With that said, perhaps a post on Facebook or an e-mail explaining the situation would have been appreciated. Not trying to be snarky at all.


she's been updating in the comments of her term 41 and the "final changes" post. Though I would agree that maybe another post saying what's up would be nice


Hey sakimichan i've changed my tier yesterday of 10$ for 20$ tier, so i'll received 10$ tier reward this month and 20$ tier reward in November right?