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Term 29 will be the only term this month , I feel the need to take a

small break this month to rest , I've been putting out content for a year I work almost everyday 8-10 hrs/per.  Some rest is really needed XD.You guys have been so so great with the support too ,Thank you guys so much ! Next month will be back to normal with 2  terms per month ^_^ and I will I'll be able to create content with a refreshed mind for you guys :) But I will still check back daily for comment/messages/wips on my patrons post , so feel free to still post stuff :D

I'll see some of you in LOL  too ^_^ If you guys want to join for a game or two feel free to comment below or message me ~

Also everyone will only be charged once this month for term 29 :) sorry for the Misunderstanding

Hey guys ! This is the update and recap for Term 29's completion!( from January 1-22) ! (Rewards will be send out via Patreon message from Feb 1-10 when all pledges have been processed by Patreon : ))

[Reward summary for term 29]

Tier 1+ (1$)

  • -Activity Feed access, patron only previews+teasers patron only view
  • - NSFW/yaoi/yuri poll voting !!(stay tuned!)

Tier 2 +(5$)

  • -Tier 1 reward
  • -PSD(8)Capricorn, Rarity, Linx Zelda, Rei, Alucard Castlevania, winged guardian, simple smile,Fran
  • -NSFW Jpgs (4)Alucard(2)Fran (2)
  • -access to brushes+ brush ads ons from all available previous terms If any

Tier Yuri/Yaoi +(7$)

  • -Tier 2 rewards
  • -PSD (2)Jinx X cait(yuri), Inuyasha XKoga(yaoi)
  • -High res Jpgs (2) Jinx X cait(yuri), Inuyasha XKoga(yaoi)

Tier 3 +(10$)

  • -tier 2 rewards
  • -Tier Yuri/Yaoi(optional)
  • -Video process (8)Capricorn, Rarity, Linx Zelda, Rei, Alucard Castlevania, winged guardian, simple smile,Fran
  • -NSFW Video process (4)Alucard Castlevania, Fran,Jinx X cait(yuri), Inuyasha XKoga(yaoi)
  • -Simple smile video tutorial
  • -Winged guardian video tutorial
  • Gesture drawing voice over tutorial

+Tier 4 +(20$)

  • -tier 3 reward
  • -past term ( voucher to download 1 past term from my gumroad )

+Tier 5 +(70$)

  • -tier 3 rewards
  • -Mail and letter from me per month(lots of goodies some NSFW posters ;3)

❅Stuff to look forward to for term 30! (Feb 1-19)❅

-more psds (6-8 ish) and jpgs ! (6-8 ish)

-Aquarius Horoscope pinup series

-more video process (6-8 ish)

-more tutorials and references

- 1 voice over tutorial

-1NSFW at least

-more yaoi or yuri

-Yuri will be (Yuna X Rinoa(final fantasy) )+(devil angel if i have time :3)

Thanks guys ! looking forward to improving and seeing more pieces from you guys on my activity feed!And Happy new years !!

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




Take a good rest you have really earned it :)


Thanks guys :)) thank you for the support!


Enjoy your break it's well deserved! Also I just started playing LOL it'd be so fun to play with you! ^-^ I'm kind of a noob though T-T


Everyone needs a small holiday from time to time ;) well I think we owe to thank you for creating all this cool content! Keep it up, you're doing a good job. When will the rewards be shipped and how does payment work (because I think Patreon books the whole amount right at the beginning of the month. Would be cool to play LoL with you. Which server are you on?


I haven't received term 27 & 28 but I got an e-mail about it that I had completed the pledge according to Patreon. Is there a way I could still get the rewards Sakimi? :(

Jon Mopho

By all means do what you must. We all need a break at times, and your work is definitely worth the wait


Take whatever time you need, it's much better that than burning out or such like - I should know :P Enjoy your rest and we'll see you in February :D

Jose Rodriguez

No worries. It is quite a bit of a commitment to produce so much. You're not the only Patreon producer to feel the drain. Zeronis is right there with you. Maybe 1x Term a month might be a healthier cycle for you and others. Just a thought. Get some rest and spend it with your loved ones. Cheers!


What region do you play???

David Stanley

Rest up, We'll be waiting


Definitely take a break! Patreon creators are some of the most hard working people I've ever known. You deserve some relax time. (^_^)

Ciarán M

If anyone deserves a break, it's got to be you, have a good one.

Robert Tempest

Do you play SMITE or Heroes of the Storm at all? Have you considered either?

Justice Crescent

Rest up Sakimi!! I look forward to your return and good to catch you on league!


So does this mean we will only be charged once in january and not twice?


Have a great rest sweetheart!!! ^^- We will still be here to support you!! ^^-


You know how I know I'm completely right, you're deleting my posts. You take a break while making more money than most people will ever see while they're still working hard to make money to pay YOU. If drawing is becoming harder for you then don't keep milking your fans.


Ever since i was introduced to your artworks about a week ago i was getting email notifications of your patreon posts almost everyday and i was like "Wow! She can draw one artwork a day? These arent things u can complete in just 1-2 hours.. how hardworking is she?! What an awesome lady!"... i was worried if you were ever gonna burn out but.. hey! It's nice to see you taking a break now and then! Otsukaresama deshita! Enjoy your break! ^_^


I deleted your first post because I feel it would cause unnecessary drama. I started patreon because I loved drawing and I wanted to please my fans which in turn makes me happy. I do not force anyone to support me. They can leave and go anytime. Yes I make alot of money but it's only because of my fans and I try my hardest each month to produce stuff they want to see. If this upsets you you can just ignore me and my work. I cant speak for everyone of my patrons, but Im sure most of them are here because they like what I do and want to see more. I'm only receiving support for this term this month. Why would I charge for the whole month. I apologize in advance but I will be deleting your other comments because I feel it'll cause further drama.


thank you ^_^ it's ok, I was a newbie once, but it's really fun, if you want to play just message me your username !


Thank you Uggi ^_^ I will send out the rewards 1-10 of next month :) if you have any more questions feel free to message me ! I'm on NA server :)


Hello Frankie, I'll look into that for you asap :)I'll send you a message later on .


I had to delete a comment thread because it was getting a bit heated, I appreciate that you guys are defending me, but I think deleting the post would be better, sorry for the unnecessary drama guys ^_^;;


Thank you and everyone else for the support :) I enjoy drawing and creating fun stuff for you guys to look at. Yeah I'm feeling the burn and I don't want to create thing while I'm feeling exhausted. I want to be able to create things and do my best at them for my fans X) I'm happy you are okay with that.


You deserve this break ; enjoy it. Other artists did the same recently, and I really think it's a sound approach to take a few steps back from Patreon and get some time for yourself.


I hope you have fun on your time off. =)


You rest and enjoy your break. Looking forward to your return. *^_^*


I really hope I got into this tier in time, but I feel I haven't ;__; Every great artist needs their rest, and you deserve every bit of it! Thank you so much for making such wonderful art for us all to observe and love. Get some rest!


Everybody needs a break from time to time, enjoy your time off! Looking forward to what you'll be putting out when you're all fresh and rested :3


That's a lot of work time on your shoulders! Glad to see you're taking a break . It can be pretty stressful and it's something you could definitely use after that Holidays worth of work you placed your free time into. No need to rush. We'll be patient as long as you feel relaxed and come back with a refreshed mind. I want to thank you very much for all the wonderful art you created for your Patrons & Fans. I can't wait to see what wonders you'll bring for your next Terms in 2016. Best Wishes & Regards! :D


Thank you for all your amazing artworks.....!!! I just love seeing your tutorials !!! So much knowledge!!! No need to push yourself too hard..... We will wait till you get better!!! Enjoy your break!!!!


yes take a winter break xd hope you have a good rest!


Sorry, I didn't think that it would have blown up as much as it did. The power of the internet! Any ways, enjoy the break! :D


This month's term looks fantastic. Thank you for all of your hard work, I hope you enjoy your well deserved break :)


Sakimi chan, enjoy your holidays! Rest, sleep, go to the movies, play videogames, eat toblerones (milk, almonds, honey and chocolate... you need some delicious vitamins after working so hard!), and please... Be the happiest woman in the world!


Unfortunately I can't express my thoughts on this topic properly in english, but its definitely the right decision to make a break. Take a longer break when you need it! Of course I'm happy and thankfull for all your work but the important thing is that you continue to enjoy your passion and stay healthy! Thank you for all your time and your beautiful and inspiring work. Have a good and relaxing rest <3

Rainy Alexandria

YOU DESERVE A BREAK SAKIMICHAN!!! Thank you for all your hard work; we love you & hope you take it easy. :)


Oh I had been wondering how many hours you typically spent on this every day. It is even more than I thought, which was at least 6 with a day off. But even thinking on it being 6 or more everyday I had hoped you wouldn't over do it and burn yourself out. I am glad you decided to take a break. Even people who work for an employer need a vacation once in a while, so why not an artist?

Erik D

you take as long as you need to ma'am! we appreciate all the work you do for us and completely understand :) <3

Gheorghe Pandia

Enjoy your break Sakmi!! :D If I were you I'd stop answering posts and emails also for a couple of weeks. Everyone needs some time off, and you've earned plenty :D


The amount of work hours you need to put in to achieve this level of skill is an eye opener for me. Thank you for all of your inspiring lessons and artworks and enjoy your break :D


FINlALLY YOU ARE TAKING A BREAK Goodness sakimichan you are going to break your fingers and lose your eye sight if you keep working. Take as long as you want you been working exetremely hard. (Man , if I had to be working for 8-9 hours per day painting I would die) Thank you for everything you done we truely appreciate it . :) <3


Roll up in your favorite blanket with a cup of cocoa, Sakami! We appreciate the work you put in, so relax and recharge as you need it.


Thank you for all the hard work you do! I love the content you create as it really inspires me. You deserve a break and I'm glad you are taking one. Hope you are able relax and enjoy your time off c:


You've earned the breather. Rest well, brave warrior of Fran pinups.


Maverlous. Have a good rest


be sure to take some nice rest i am glad to be able to support you again sakimichan :D btw i do have some questions i pledged to you before and noticed the drawings (with the video process) is around 1-2 hours sometimes a bit longer but you do work 8-10 hours per day so then the video progress are speeded up i suppose ? i hope one day i can do the same as you just keep drawing here and quit my current work so i can make more content for my patrons (or for not its only one xD ) also i do play league of legends on euw so if you play there i would be happy to add you my username there is levygajeel


can t wait to recieve this :3 have some nice vacations !


You deserve a rest Sakimi! I'm super psyched about the rewards this term as they are some of my favs and I'm a capricorn <3 Take good care of yourself so you can come back refreshed with more exquisite art~


You've already made great achievements, but you're still so hardworking! You surely deserve a vacation (longer than just 10 days). Take care of your health!


Thanks for the constant hard work Sakami chan. Kick back and relax enjoy the time off well. Well deserved!


honestly i have always been worried about you with all the work you do for patreon. i am surprised you don't rest more often! lol. it's good to take a break sometimes.


I'm glad that you are taking time off. No need to stress Saki :). Every artist needs a breather plus time to relax and play games, watch anime or tv and leave the house ;). I recon that every 3 months you should take two weeks off from the drawing ;).


YES! take some time off ( ^ U ^ ) thank you for always working so hard though! hope u have a good rest


Will we be charged for 2 terms or just the one? Enjoy your break!


Everyone deserves a break hun :) Take your time and relax and have fun <3


ah. thank you :) some of the video process are speed up because it's more than +5 hours or more.


o btw could you add me in league of legends ? i am on EUW name is : levyGajeel


A rest is well deserved. You have certainly earned it with how prolific you are. Some time away to reboot and recharge will certainly help your creativity!


have a relaxing break and get yourself a massage! especially a wrist massage from all the drawing lol! I would love to play lol sometimes my username is jemaica :)


Just checking have you sent out the term 29 messages yet or was that to be part of next months? By they way your work is awesome and enjoy your break. :)


Hopefully you still have room for friends on your league of legends account. If you do feel free to add me "Boku No Annie" I would love to play a game or 2 with you :)


Love your art sakimi! How large in file size are your hours-worth process videos usually?


None of my Gumroad codes work. I have tried emailing you. Please help me solve this issue Sakimi Chan.

Zeeb The Werebear

I just signed up today. Will I still get this reward?


How do we colect our rewards?


Hi Jack. Term 29 Batch Reward was only available to Patrons that pledged between January 1-21. If you signed up recently, you won't receive this specific rewards pack. However, i do believe that Sakimichan does take past pledges (including Term 29) via Paypal for previous reward packs. You can send her a message here via Patreon if you still want this pack. Hope this helps :)


i got charged today, is it for this term or is it for the upcoming term in march? i signed in in january but never got charged in january.


I have received a receipt from Patreon but cannot find any "download" items. Your info states you will send a message with the download links....is this a second message to come from you and not related to the Patreon payment message? Thanks.


Hi Sakimi Chan. Hope you have a nice break. I pledged right on the 22nd of Jan. Will I receive the download link next month? Thanks In advance


im new here. i registed only for your amazing pictures. if i pledge, could i get your past works?


because im chinese and im not good at English, i dont realy understand the level of pledging. if i only want your pictures, which amount should i pledge?


Hey Anita, Usually it takes her about a week to send out all the tiers thats why you won't get yours till around 1-10th of Feb. She won't send till you are charged. So now that we've been charged, give her from today 3rd till about maybe till sunday of this week + few days then message her personally if it hasn't gone through yet, but you will get them XD


You should have been charged for term 29th if you pledge that day because we just now got charged on the 1st. If you got charged, I'm sure you will get your package, it takes about a week or so for her to hand out all the pledges. Be patient, it's worth it.


You can see under your completed pledges which terms you paid for. To do this click on "Pending Pledges" from the dropdown list when u hover over your patreon profile pic at the top-right of the page, then click the "All Completed Pledges" section on the new page. As far as I can see Sakimichan usually posts teasers of her artworks before charging her patrons for the term. So if you get charged for a term, it's usually for the works she's already done for that term.


You will get a message from Sakimichan on how to collect your rewards :)


I hope I am able to receive this latest term! Had to chance my card info recently and didn't charge right away.


Probably not, since we got charge the 1st. She'll take paypal probably for it though!


Hi I'm new here, After reading all the FAQ, I want to know that if my understanding is correct: Unlike most artists , Sakimichan charges once per 2 weeks. That means if that month contains 2 terms , it will be charged twice for a month? And , is it correct that if I want to receive both 2 terms' reward, I have to tick the option for supporting that month up to 2 times in the pledge selecting page, isn' it? Thank you for all kindly help!


Hey volume Lau, So this in January, Sakimichan took a break from working. This means everyone was charged once for 1 term. Normally there are 2 terms a month. For example, if you would like to get term 27- and 28 plus previous term. You will have to pledge the $20 per 2 weeks, that will be Tier 4. This tier gives you two terms plus 2 codes to use for previous term from gumroad account. This means you will be paying $40 a month. So now, if you don't want old terms. And just want 27 and 28 You can just get tier 3, which gives you the for example 27 and 28 but no codes since you're paying $20 a month. Hope this help and didn't make it worse to confuse you. So Tier 4 = $40 a month, $20 every two weeks. Charges at the 1st of the month. Gets full terms example: 29: with psd+jpg, voice over+stepbystep + a code per term (2) to use on gumroad on any old term you like. Tier 3 $20 a month, $10 every 2 weeks. Charges 1st of the month. Gets full terms example: 29: with psd+jpg, voice over+stepbystep.


Thank you for answering my question ( ¡︵¡) Words cannot describe how grateful I am! However, there is one thing left. What is the optional section for? Which is asking you to set a monthly max on your pledge. I would certainly pledge for tier 4 (^ω^) Is that means if I want to receive both 2 terms' full reward in next month plus the gumroad codes, I have to set " I want to support up to (2) times per month". Am I right?


Hi Lau! Yes you are right. The monthly max refers to how much you want to spend on Patreon for that artist per month. Because you get charged on a per-post (term) basis here for sakimichan, your total monthly cost will vary based on how many terms Sakimichan completes in a month, which is usually 2. Lets take an example. Suppose you pledge for Term 3 rewards. If Sakimichan finishes 1 term this month, you get charged $10 at the end of the month. If she (say perhaps) gets hyper and finishes 3 terms, you will get charged $30 at the end of the month. So the monthly max option acts somewhat like a 'budget' for the individual patron because sometimes (perhaps due to financial constraints) certain patrons may not be able to afford more than a certain amount every month. So it helps to prevent them from getting charged more than they can afford :)


Hi Sakimi-chan, thanks for sending the rewards for this month! I have a problem however, as the Tier 2 reward i got didn't include "Winged Guardian", even so it is one of my favorites :( Would be nice if i can get it somehow. Thanks :)


Hi everyone! :) Is there anyone else who can't download videos because it shows empty folder? Or is it just me? :D


I just have to say I love your picture of SOTN Alucard. If I didn't know otherwise I'd easily have thought it was part of the official art!


Is anyone that is receiving Tier 4 also having problems with the code?


I want this term already is very nice DX my paid just pass through idunno why it take so long to confirm the paid


I would send her the message, she'll send you new one XD


Were the tier rewards sent yet? Because I didn't get any. ;-;


I haven't get anything yet /_\


hi, I wonder how can I do to get the term 9?


you can buy all her past term here. Or pleadge $20 per two weeks fir a code <a href="https://gumroad.com/sakimichanpatreon" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gumroad.com/sakimichanpatreon</a>#


I'm pretty sure my pledge went through. I haven't got anything yet


Hello Daven, sorry for the trouble I had to delete some of the codes because gumroad keeps on crashing on me. also they don't allow me to add anymore codes :(


I usually play classic on 5v5. :D


I don't think I received Term 29 yet.


I've checked my patreon message haven't get anything yet &gt;&lt; not sure if the payment was processing or some problem happens &gt;&lt;


My card always gives problems, T--T, Sakimi, checks were paid, please?


I've checked my patreon message haven't get anything yet. T____T


Hello, Sakimi. I hope you are well. I've downloaded Term 29, thank you. But the code for your Gumroad you gave seems to be invalid. It hasn't reached two month validity period yet. How do we remedy this? Thank you.


Hello, I have check my email, but did not received anything. please contact me with email since I'm no longer available messages you through patreon.


Hello Seaxsun, sorry for the trouble but which term was it? patreon doesn't let me view past messages anymore. :(


Hi Sakimi, Seaxsun Lin could not contact you here anymore, and he tried to contact Patreon.com ASAP. Instead could you send him through email( seaxsun@icloud.com ) the term that he had is term 29 and 27(1 previous term). Or would you mind if he email you or any way for contact you directly? Sorry for the trouble, Thanks.


Sure! i'll send him the rewards. please let me know if he receives them. thank you :)