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You guys voted for yami yugi from Yu-gi oh for male NSFW pinup this term :3
One of my favorite childhood anime ! happy I would finally do some art of the main character ! He's hair is crazy to paint XD ~

NSFW 1 preview

NSFW 2 preview

►This is a term 27, tier 2+ reward ◄

(will be send out 1-10th of januray with the other rewards for term 27 rewards ^_^)

This tutorial pack comes with

  • High res (rendered)
  • High res NSFW (rendered)
  • PSD with all layers (rendered)
  • Video process
  • Video process(NSFW)

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




So hunky, me lovey ~ *ω* <3


Never watch it but love the way you draw him


ahaha i used to have a BIG crush on him several years ago. XDDDDDD he is awesome... i like seeing your version of him. =)


That's some amazing rendition on Yugi!


when i basically voted for yugi to be drawn for the male nswf because I like the anime as well lol. Dude looks great the way he turned out. You could try doing some other stuff for the yugioh series, joey, tea, etc. just some suggestions lol, but overall, great job on another fantastic piece!


its time to D-D-D-D-DUEL! ヽ( ′ ∀ ′ )ノ


Really awesome painting. Lovely colours and composition!


To be honest your other artwork was a lot better. It seemed like you didnt even try on this one. The anatomy is off but overall it's ok. i guess

Jen Foxworth

Man I've waiting for you to do this one for a while, I knew it had to be coming eventually XD quite nice yes yes


I Feel like I did my best for this piece to represent the character, but to each their opinion :3 I had fun painting this and I like the practice.


OMG I had the biggest crush on Yami Yugi! He looks so awesome! Great job =)


Grew up watching Yu-Gi-Oh back then. So happy to see Yugi drawn. I like this one :D


Gorgeous!! I love Yami Yugi ♡♡ His hair looks spectacular!


This is awesome (>^ω^<)🌸❤


"It's time to DUEL!" I just had to say it.


So awesome!!!! I just love Yami/Yugi and this was one of my favourite shows as a kid. You really did a brilliant job again! He looks so cool and hot. ^_^