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final render for this terms voice over tutorial ^_^ I wanted to see is I can paint my take on a remake version of yuffie~

HD jpg of this piece will be available for all tiers, tutorial will be available for tier3+ :)

*Thank you all for your support on the current situation, it's been tough but I've been keeping busy creating more content for you guys so I'll be ok. I did ran into some issue with one of my hardrive a few days ago and some of my pieces for this term were on there including the yuri piece , I've sent my bad hardrive for data recovery and they said it'll take a few days to recover all my data. Sadly there might be a chance I wont be able to include the yuri piece this term due to this but i will try to create some more sexy pinups to replace them ~*




The proportion doesn't seem to be right. The body looks long.:((Just my personal opinion.)


Nothing to add more than amazing job ❤️


I have a feeling that will be her design for part 2 of final fantasy vii. Haha 😆 but to be honest it’s incredible that artwork 🖼

Mr. Centauri

Busty yuffie is also amazing 👌🤤


YUFFIIIIIEEEE. Omg. My heart~ ♥️ and girl no worries! Hard drive failure honestly is the worst...hence why I have 3 😂. Thank you for working so hard love, we appreciate you and your content! 😊

Valla Valhalla

She looks beautiful, though it's obvious you rushed it a bit, also the background seems like an under the ground ruined city, very creative. I love your artworks make no mistake.


Hi Sakimi Chan. Loved your art for a while. Saw what happened on Twitter, so I've come here to show support, take some of my money. :) never apologise to these people, keep doing what you do. <3


Yuffie all grown up. She looks great! 💕 Hope you get the HD data recovered. It would be bad if you lost a lot of progress. 😰


Been loving your art for years and was on the fence about pledging because I never used patreon before. But seeing all the the unwaranted harassement your receive on a daily basis helped me make the right decision :) Keep on your amazing work and remember that you have the support of thousands of people!


saw that people trying to cancel you. thats not cool so take my money. also you art is top tier.


Need moar Yuffie! Keep it up!! Use my money to reduce the cost of SSD. Hard drive is ancient


Saw all the hate flying around Twitter lately. Most of these people are jealous and bitter of your success and will jump at anything to try and take you down. Just remember we all love and support you, and don't let these haters get you down.

Scott Yang


Alex Ramos

YES!!! YES!!!!! YUFFIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't worry we understand. Won't Say no to a cute Yuffie 💗


You Are A Great Artist, Don't Care About Haters Me Anxiously Waiting for NSFW Art from kyo (kof) Sakimichan, Continue With Your Success


just subbed again. You did nothing wrong, we are with you! Twitter is nothing but a bunch of hateful people, There is nothing to apologize for,.


This is why I'm glad to be out of the social media loop. They really just want to hijack your platform for toxic political activism. It's not even as productive as bombarding their elected representatives' social media. Best way to damage control is to wait it out because most of them will latch onto the next controversy soon. You don't owe them anything. Let them rage by themselves. Best of luck and stay positive.


exactly. And never apologize. They will see weakness and come for you even more. As they do now. They give a fuck about the apology. Just an evil bunch of loosers, that make everyone but themselves responsible for their misery.


Please don't let twatter get to you. These people are mentally ill. All they do is pump each other up and hurt others, and those are the NICE ones. There are also literal criminals and terrorists trying to further a political agenda. We all love your art and support you 100%. Don't censor yourself. Don't apologize for anything you don't do.


I don't want to start a rage war, but as an American, I was upset about the likes on the tweets. Because I think it was giving visibility to viewpoints that I thought were wrong and harmful to the movement that was trying to make real change. Because the American system needs radical change, and I wasn't excited about counter viewpoints getting a platform. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and beliefs. And I also advocate peace 100%. It's a shame that looting and things like that are happening. But it's a travesty that unarmed people are being murdered by police, and that's what absolutely has to stop. I just don't want the movement to get silenced by people undercutting it. Anyway. I think it's wise to let politics and all that stay out of this. We support the artist for their art. I'm not asking for the artist to censor themself, but maybe just let personal opinions on highly divisive and potentially harmful topics not be voiced through the platform. Just my two cents. Everyone else has been allowed to voice theirs, so here's mine. I just don't like that all of us who were upset or offended by the tweet or who appreciated the apology are being characterized as hate mongering radicals. I think we all can be reasonable about this, even if we just have to reasonably disagree at the end of the day.


That being said. i know seattle i have family there. The police is getting hindered to do their job for years now by democratic city hall members. Drugs, crimes. All at the top of america. And then antifa comes in and declares an Independent state because police violence. And i know for a fact there IS none in seattle. And that makes me question the whole story. its a shitshow of a city.


well.. there was something that i don't know. i don't know what was happening , but i hope that everything will go fine.

Aviva Godfrey

Don't let the idiots get to you. Everyone's upset about everything right now. I'm beginning to think the wrong person getting a hangnail could cause an international crisis at this point. On top of that, you have your own opinions; just like everyone else in this world, it is a basic human right to have an opinion. You're just fine, love. You didn't do a damn thing wrong.

Dylan Sheaves

I don't use Twitter so I can't speak directly to whatever people are saying but success breeds resentment at the best of times , and it's made worse by the fact everyone seems to be on a hair trigger of hate right now (I won't drag wether that's justified or not into this). Try not to worry about screaming idiots on the internet. If nothing else everyone here is here because they love what you do so you're not alone in this.

Dylan Sheaves

As for the hard drive issue, if you end up replacing it maybe consider an SSD, the new QLC devices (Samsung markets them as QVO ) has closed the price gap significantly between themselves and a hard drive of the same capacity , the bump in performance and reliability is certainly worth it.


I really hope you are doing a NSFW of her


Good news it seems that the files might be recoverable and they are cloning it right now. :)


Awesome Yuffie. Yuna Summoner/Songstress/Gunner next? ;-)


Just wanted to say as a somewhat new Patron (I joined because of the very sexy Origa Discordia) that your artwork is super beautiful and you can count on my continued support.


Be nice to see you do some less top heavy girls as the smaller look is also very nice.