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Hey guys ! This is the update and recap for Term 24's completion!( from October 22-31) ! Term 25 will begin starting after this post (November 1-21)! (Rewards will be send out via Patreon message from November 1-10 when all pledges have been processed by Patreon : ))

This is offically the first year since I started here on pateron, Specially thank you to all those who have been with me from the Beginning as well as those of you you decided to join in a bit later ^_^ !could not of had the opportunity to draw sexy stuff as well as practice so much without your support ! ( I can finally draw decent nudes, kinda  XD ) Sorry for the lack of stuff This term, I've been a bit tired then usual but I will still do my best to bring u guys content that are fun and educational for upcoming terms : ) !

[Reward summary for term24]

Tier 1+ (1$)

  • -Activity Feed access patron only view
  • - NSFW/yaoi/yuri poll voting !!( standby for poll updates !)

Tier 2 +(5$)

  • -Tier 1 reward
  • -PSD(6)Crystal maiden, Wonder woman, Beach day, Crow godess, Halloween girl
  • -High res Jpg of the 6 PSD
  • -NSFW Jpgs (2)Erza, Normal Link( from term 15)
  • -access to brushes+ brush ads ons from all available previous terms If any

Tier Yuri/Yaoi +(7$)

  • -Tier 2 rewards
  • -PSD (2) Seph X Vincent(yaoi) , Ahri XSona(yuri)
  • -High res Jpgs (2) Seph X Vincent(yaoi) , Ahri XSona(yuri)

Tier 3 +(10$)

  • -tier 2 rewards
  • -Tier Yuri/Yaoi(optional)
  • -Video process (8)Crystal maiden, Wonder woman, Beach day, Crow godess, Halloween girl,
  • -NSFW Video process (4)Seph X Vincent(yaoi) , Ahri XSona(yuri),Beach day, Link(from term 15)
  • -Crow Godess video tutorial pack
  • Halloween girl video tutorial pack
  • Perspective guide for characters voice over lesson

+Tier 4 +(20$)

  • -tier 3 reward
  • -past term ( voucher to download 1 past term from my gumroad )

+Tier 5 +(70$)

  • -tier 3 rewards
  • -Mail and letter from me per month(lots of goodies some NSFW posters ;3)

❅Stuff to look forward to for term 25! (November 1-22 )❅

-more psds (6-8 ish) and jpgs ! (6-8 ish)

-Shiek sfw/NSFW male +female versions

-more video process (6-8 ish)

-more tutorials and references

- 1 voice over tutorial

-2(male+female)NSFW at least

-more yaoi or yuri ( : D)

Thanks guys ! looking forward to improving and seeing more pieces from you guys on my activity feed!Happy Halloween !

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




Hi Sakimi, you have to check if my name is on the list? I got to give, but on the other hand, do not remember when the value of the $ was too expensive and could not help, and now when I see here is saying that I helped in patreon (lol), but do not know because I have not seen no charges on my card. I do not know, is to check? Also because I have not received any email to download the tutorials.


Is it at all possible to still get receive term 23/24 yuri/yaoi tier if i change my patronage now? I dun goofed. I should've done it from the beginning -_-'


i really like the yuri pick n im not sure if i made it in time, is their any other way to get them?


when do you post paid post? i can't wait :3


Woo finally, my first term! I can't wait to start practicing! Thank you!


Awwwww I wished I pledged really feel down cuz my parents won't let me:C anyways nice work sakimichan keep it up!


take a break senpai, and congrats on 1st year! (~ = u = )~


I just joined and I'm excited about all this content already.


Same here! You know when it'll get sent out? I know it's between Nov 1-22


My hopes and suggestions for future nsfw's: Champion Cynthia from Pokemon, Sylvannas Windrunner from WoW, or even Tracer from Overwatch! And possibly some poses facing forward like your dragonfruit queen :3!


sounds awesome already I can't wait to receive them +0+


So excited! It's my first term and I can't wait! >///< Would really like to see you do Allen Walker and/or Tyki Mikk from D.grayman <333


I pledged last Thursday, can I still qualify for the term 24 rewards? Really want the Boa Hancock one and the Jerza one!


Thank you so much!


I tried to update payment info to clear out pending pledges and get the rewards for Oct. Does the fact that it didn't clear pending mean I need to wait till you make another post for the money to go to you?


Hey, thanks for the League games, they were really fun xD hope to play with you again!


If I just got this does that mean I get term 24 rewards? :O


My first pledge too, woop! XD my credit card messed up and I switched to paypal now, hope I didn't miss out on this term ._. I don't recall seeing an paypal option when I joined though, oh well... Kinda wish I had more money for the other rewards, your work looks so gorgeous!


Up for this. Just updated my payment info. @$!#. I forgot to change cards. I need info about this as well.


Awesome! Can't wait for the rewards! Hey, SakimiChan you should do your version of Saitama from One Punch Man. I just finished watching the 5th episode of that series and I'm hooked now. It would be awesome if you could do your version of that character. I would be very curious to see what it would look like. Oh and it you haven't checked out that Anime/Manga I highly recommend it!


It would be cool if you or someone would do a kind of documentary or behind the scenes on your journey here on Patreon since I think you're probably one of if not the most successful 2D artist on here. It would be kind of an awesome and enlightening experience to check out for those just starting out such as myself. Congrats on all the success.


Hey do you think you could do Cortana from Halo for the next tier?

Rainy Alexandria

Whoohoo! My vote is Koi Nami from LoL if you're taking suggestions. Idk if you've seen her she's so pretty


I think Yang from RWBY would be a good one. Any RWBY character would be nice, but Yang's my favorite.


i didnt get any thing :'(


"(Rewards will be send out via Patreon message from November 1-10 when all pledges have been processed by Patreon : ))" Just be patient :)


No male nsfw for this term? ;-;


I upped my payment a week or two before this term was done, and I still haven't received the rewards yet. My payment went up from 5 to 10. I'm not sure if it's because its going to take a while (That I understand) or if it just didnt show up.


The zipfile that was sent out for term 24 is 0 bytes when I download it?


where is the wonder woman ? I didn't receive the WW but I received all the other ones ???


Yeah, I saw the PSD for Wonder Woman but not the Jpeg.


Yeah Wonder Woman's missing in the file


Sorry to be a bother but how do i download the images? I recieved the email but idk how to see them. I am new to this so some simple steps would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.


I haven't received an email yet. :-(

John Slaughter

I can't believe it's been a year already! Yikes!


guys try again.... he updated the files..... the msg you get use the links to download


Loving this month's content. :D Eagerly awaiting the next polls, I know exactly what I want to vote for...


I really like your digital art, but sometimes I'm curious about your traditional art :p


thank you so much for the amazing pix! i look forward to seeing what else exciting characters you come up with!


When I go to the video process download link, there are no files, in term 23 or 24, im not sure if I'm the only one having this issue. =(


When I clicked on the Mediafire link just now, it shows "Temporary unavailable please check back soon". I was able to access yesterday, is anyone having the same problem? How am I able to continue me downloading?


Its my first support. but I cannot find download link… Could anyone tell me if you know? and I want to DL past term cuz my pledge is $20 =(


She sends it to you in a mssg from the Nov 1-10 when your pledge is processed, so not everybody gets it at the same time.


Is it possible to purchase one of the rewards from higher tiers?


If you just want 1 specific reward you can buy it over on her gumroad page. <a href="https://gumroad.com/sakimichan" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gumroad.com/sakimichan</a> Seems like some of the newer stuff isn't up yet though.


Am I the only one who got two term 23 links instead of one term 23 and one term 24 link?


Hey Brian, I also got the Term 23 reward when I signed up for the Term 24 reward package. Anyone know what's up with that??


its the 8th and I still haven't received the term 24 i'm being soo impatient!


Anybody's loading taking ages to load?


For some reason I also got a link labeled term 24 but had old rewards from a past term :o


Dont know if it is too late. In her email, there are few mediafire link, copy those link 1 by 1 without the"-" at the beginning and paste to the address bar. It will download by itself if u use google chrome. U can press crtl+j to open the download page and click show in folder to open the download page. And all if this is from google chrome but it should be similar for other web browser


still waiting for mine D:

Jon Geist

Can't wait get my set. The tutorials are the best.


i got "sexy link too" which is from a past term right? he doesnt belong in term 24 xD


Hey there, I still havent recieved my message, hope I didnt miss it :X


Haven't received this as well :P


Still haven't gotten this. Any word on when it will be sent? Pretty please?


Same here... I didn't get this one


same =(


Hey Sakimi! I havent received this one either. Any idea why that might be?