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continuing my one piece series :D with the lovely boa Hancock ;3 this took awhile to paint, I feel like I learned a few things while working on this piece. I had a lot of fun painting her sleeves, I really like those designs !Her hair was alot of fun to paint as well :D

his is a term 22,  tier reward

(will be send out 1-10 of October with the other rewards for term 22 rewards ^_^)

  • +High res-Jpg
  • +PSD/layers
  • +Video process

Thanks guys !

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awesome work, any chance it'd be a nsfw?


I think this is perfect the she is, This doesn't need a NSFW <3 great work as always Sakimichan!


Nice work as always :)\

Big B



Well done her! Im impressed with your anatomy. You're getting better with pushing it. This seem more accurate though. Breasts and stomach. Seem more convincing. Nice work proud of this one. XD


I know she didnt win the poll for nsfw, but is there any chance, you'd put her up for polls again if you decide not to do a nsfw version saki? She was so close to winning last time. But you had a very competitive selection.


Oh wow! That's awesome SakimiChan. You actually did Boa Hancock. I really wanted to see your version of Boa Hancok and it's every bit as great as I thought it would be. It would be awesome if you did a NSFW/Semi-NSFW version. You always make great NSFW artwork. If only she would have won the poll. She was beaten by just 3 votes!!! Wow. I can't wait for the rewards at the beginning of next month. I'm just going to stare at it and admire it for a while now...

Sergio Barajas

I was really waiting for Hancock-sama XD. Will it be Rebecca next?


i wish i was luffy, so that i can receive boa's love .( o u o ).


Absolutely beautiful, she is just lovely. :3


Hi Sakimichan, do you know how can I unsubscribe to a waiting list ? Thanks. PS : Keep on, awesome work


Great work! Yes, those sleeves are definitely awesome :D


Um I'm confused as ever but could anyone tell me that if I pledge 10 dollars does that mean that I have to pay 10 dollars within 2 weeks or twice in two weeks ugh! Sry just so confused by this plz do helpX( thanku!


OMG!!! I loved!!


She's just stunning ! And you're right, your work on the sleeves' texture is top level. I really have the impression that i'm looking at nacre. Wonderful work !


You are a spectacularly gifted artist! I am more than pleased to be able to support you and receive these wondrous pieces in return. I look forward to your future work!


OwO sooo goood


You really, really, have to do Sabo! T_T


Hello Asma, sorry about that patreon is confusing. >_<" you'll be charged by patreon at the beginning of the month, the total would be $20. they usually charges both terms at the same time, but sometimes they would charge it separately. :)


I see what you mean. :D Thank you for the comment I'll edit it as soon as I can. :(


Thanx a lot! For telling me and sry for the late replyX/


Also does that mean that of they do charge me separately is it possible for me to to only pledge 10$ for the first? Sry for asking again I know ur busy and I love ur workX3


This whole series has been really good. :)


Amazing! I love the colors you used!!! one of my favorite characters, thank you very much now I can die xD