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Hey guys, as some of you might of notices the terms processing are taking a bit longer then usual, but don't worry it will be done within the week or the next ^_^ I have messaged patreon about it  because I had some difficulties creating my 20th term (that might of cost a delay)!

sorry for the wait guys ! I promise I will send out the rewards asap ! Please expect the rewards 6-8th of this month : ) !

Anyways just wanted to keep you guys up to date about this as I'm sure some of you are wondering ! :)



Since term 20 hasn't been processed yet, is it possible for term 19 rewards to be sent out earlier, or has term 19 not been processed through either?


Tease. ;)


Thanks for the update! Is there any way to check for sure for us that term 19/20 is going to be sent out for us? My stupid credit card company sent me a new one(wasn't supposed to expire for a year), so I had to update it, worried it reset the terms, or 19 didn't count


My term 19 has already been processed and paid for, is there no way for me to get that while 20 still processes?


I just got my email about what I've supported for the month. Term 20 wasn't on the list, so that means you'll probably be sending these terms out a few days apart. Zeronis had this issue last month but he did manage to get it sorted out a few days later. Best of luck :)


Thanks for the heads up :D, i was starting to wonder why it was taking too long?... but also kinda knew that patreon was going through something this month hahaha, anyway ill just wait patiently since everything is cool, :D thanks again and keep up the wonderful job :D can't wait to see the new tutorials, cheers!~

Sergio Barajas

Don't worry Sakimi-chan, pacience is a virtue XD


You do what you gotta do ;)


I not received the payment request in my paypal account still. I applied to 19 & 20 terms. I hope not take to much time.


Looks like term 20 has gone through, at least for me 25 mins ago.


The payment for my pledge this term has gone awry. I've been charged twice for my payment.


Yay mines finally went through \o/


Would appreciate if you let me know who I need to contact regarding this. Patreon is only suppose to be able to charge me for $10 per every 2 weeks, in other words 1 payment of $20 per month (my pledge). Well patreon just withdrew two $20 payments.


Elin isnt the only one, it doubled processed my pledges


My payment went through but I'm not getting any messages to download rhe content?


Did it double just Sakimi's or all of your pledges? I got double charged for all my pledges. Trying to figure out how to get this fixed


I think you should send her a personal message so she doesn't miss your comment


Glad I'm not the only one being double charged >< hopefully it's an easy fix


I think it was a blessing in disguise that I forgot to update my payment settings because Patreon attempted to double charge me this morning. 0.o Updated my payment settings now and I hope Patreon won't double charge me again. :)


Got charged for term 20 ! Really good that it worked out !


Yeah I've been double charged as well. Patreon just withdrew two 20 dollar payments from my account. I'm FURIOUS, I almost didn't have enough to cover it and now I can't even buy lunch tomorrow.


I agree. I was shocked when I saw it. At first I just thought they re-sent the email twice by mistake but I looked into my account and the money was withdrawn in two separate payments.


hiiiii! I have donated on 2 nd september, i guess i'm supposed to get my rewards in october only? thanks


I'm confused at why everyone is talking about a 'double charge'? You're charged twice if you're subscribed to both Terms 19 & 20. Or is everyone saying they've been charged twice for Term 20 alone (in other words if you're on a pledge of $20 and subscribed for both Terms 19 & 20 you've been charged $60 total this month?) edit: asking because I can't check my own account; the bank website is under maintenance atm.


Charge went through today for Term 20. :) Term 19 was billed a few days ago. Glad it worked out ^^


I think I can clarify this for you. My pledge is $10 for every 2 weeks which means that I pay $20 every month. This covers both the terms since each term covers ~half a month (Term 19 Aug 1-22 and Term 20 Aug 23-31). Now what occured yesterday was that patreon charged two $20 payments in other words I've paid $40 instead of the $20 I've pledged for both terms. Hope this clarifies it.


cheer up! :) I expect your reward and like your paintings so much.


I got charged again as well. I received a charge of 20USD on the 1st then 20USDx2 on the 4th, which means I was overcharged another 20USD without my consent. I expect this to be fixed.


So i seem to be having a problem, as i was only charged for term 19, but havent been charged for term 20. Can anyone help me out with this?


Yes I do believe there is an error or mistake somewhere with charges, as I add to the list of those double-charged. Though as for the delay, Sakimichan, it happens, naught of to worry ^^


Got the same problem, and i haven't received any confirmation for the payment :/


well i just got confirmation of being double billed. 300 instead of 150. sent message to patreon help but who knows when they will get back to me


I also sent an email to patreon. I feel bad for you since your out much more money than me. Hopefully they are working on trying to fix it, but since its weekend they might not be checking their email as often.


Where having this problemD: I pad for the patreon today on the 6th of sept does that mean I'll receive term 21?


i got charged normally, thank goodness i didn't get double charged.


If you pledge that means its a monthly payment? like i will recive all terms until i cancel, i don't have to edit my payments every month?


If Patreon charged you today then that means they were probably charging you for term 20. If you want term 21 and 22 then patreon will charge you for those terms around the first week of October. When did you become a patron?


Yes that's right :D You are signed on to future terms until you cancel :) No need to edit! Unless you want to change your reward tier!


Ohhhhhhh! Thanks Kaden! Guess it's Oct then I haven't actually charged yet:3


Also I became a patreon yesterday on the 6th actually sry for writing paidXp




I still haven't received my rewards.


Ah, okay, glad I could help! Also, remember there are 2 terms each month so you'll be charged twice in October for term 21 and 22 :)


Me too. I just got notified that i was double charged.


請耐心等待,應該太多人的關係,SakimiChan要一一的寄出去XD 很多人也在等呀,我也是正在等^^

Eric Bloxsom

This is prob my fav two batches since the DJ Sona batch was released. I love the level of detail in your work, Sakimi Chan! Thank you for your hard work!


Term 19 seems to be in order! Looking forward to Term 20!


Got Term 19 ! now term 20 and it will be the best week ever :D


No Twilight Sparkle video process? :'(


I'm still waiting for my reward :(


The skintone tutorial is only 26 minutes? :/ I'm not sure if it's only me?


me too, and there is "thank you" at end xD It's weird XD


I´m still waiting for my reward too :c


Is anyone else missing the video process for twilight sparkle?


for some odd reason When ever I get my rewards from sakimichan , I get it in text form. Does Anyone have the same problem I do ??? ^_^'


I haven't received term 19 or term 20. Have they all been sent out?


hey sakimi today 08.09.2015... where is my reward :(


huh? i dont think its a problem, i always get them as text form. I just open the .txt file and copy and paste the links, done.


Not yet. I received Term 19 a couple of hours ago. I guess she is in the process of sending them out right now. Also, she wrote that Term 20 follows afterwards, so you may get Term 19 and Term 20 separately though within this week.


i have a question i pledged for 19 - 20 terms and the thing is .. my confirmation mail just says term 19 D:!!!!


Please be patient :) Seems likePatreon itself had some hiccups processing payments and it took a couple of days longer than normal (+convention time +see above). Doesn't mean I don't want my other rewards right now xD


I only got term 19 :(


Mine is doing the same thing so I'm just going to wait and see if I get term 20 soon

Jay Melody

sigh i wanna be able to color like this


she had a problem with processing term 20 so that's why it hasn't come yet. don't worry, she will give us term 20 soon!


Got my first reward package today and I am over the moon. Many thanks for all the wonderful art and insight. <3


Hello Saki, I seemed to have been charged twice for the same terms. I was wondering who I should contact about that issue? I've sent a note(not sure if that's what it's called) to Patreon, but not sure… Thank you!

Jay Melody

i wanna do the 10.00 one


Awh I didn't realize the yuri was a whole another tier till I noticed I didn't get it in the download :c


does your confirmation mail only say about term 19 too?


Term 20 complete newsletter said that term 20 tier3 reward has 10 video process(except tutorial), but video process link page has just 6 video files. what happend?


Term 20 arrived ! Thank you so much .. its wonderful :D


Just got my term twenty and I'm so excited. I love your work and hope to eventually get caught up on the previous 18 terms,


Did anyone get the Non-NSFW video process for Lily Saber? I can't find it in the links :o


I didn't get term 20 yet and it's not on gumroad yet. Maybe in the next few days it'll be up, Saber Lily is in term 20 and I'm so excited to get it !!


For those who are having trouble with Patreon charging a term twice message them and they will help you. I message them and got a message today that they looked into my billing and indeed saw that I was charged twice and I received a refund. Just message them and they should take care of it.


my payment for term 20 just got through today ( card problems and etc ) o/ hope to receive the term 20 soon :)


I'm confused, no 20 tier rewards so far for me. Joined on August 31. Sakimichan, can you ,please,let me know if you've got my pledge or not?


I still haven't been charged for term 20. Thought it was just taking a while, but I checked my account and it doesn't show anything for it. What do? D:


I'm the same as the recent above comments! ^ not sure what to do..still waiting..


yea me too :l


My pledge hasn't been processed and I've yet to receive the rewards D:


I have term 19 but still waiting for 20 :/ It's not on gumroad either. Is anyone having the same issue?


Got a refund for the double charge today. Took some time but it was solved in the end. To the people that haven't been charged I would send a message to Patreon, because they might have stopped all payment processes because of the site wide double charging that occurred in the beginning of the month.


Send a message to patreon if you haven't already. They might have stopped all payment processing due to their issue with double charging.


Send a message to patreon. They are having issues with their payment processing (several patreons have been double charged this months) and they might have stopped all processing to fix it.


Hello Shanti, for some reason I can't find your name on my list please check with your bank to see if patreon has charged you for term 20. thank you :(


I pledged for term 20 on the 30th of last month and I haven't receive anything yet, I'm guessing I missed the reward?


Hello Khroma, I refunded you term 20. please let me know if you receive the refund thank you. :)


Hello Marco, currently patreon is having a bit of problem with term 20. :(

Jay Melody

the last one you made, is it called term 19?


you got lucky a lot of people is experiencing the problem and it's keeping me super busy >_<"


Adan, sorry about that, I'll see if I can refund you. I also sent them a note but still waiting for a response. :( nvm I can't T_T


thank you! It's slightly stressing me out with all the problem i am experiencing. :(

Jay Melody

What about 18

Monica Kormoczi

Sorry but I still haven't received term 19 and 20


Hi, i didn't recieve term 20 but i'm not sure a payment has gone out for it, term 19 worked fine and i didn't stop the payments and they don't seem to have been cancelled? Bit confused ^^;


just got my confirmation from Patreon that my refund is on its way. Great service so far. Great work Sakimi. Can't wait to see more of your amazing work. Still would love to see a She-ra or He-man sorceress in your style. Here's to hoping!!!

Jay Melody

So I gotta wait till 20 L


we are currently on term 21 you can always pledge $20 to redeem a past term of your choice. :)

Jay Melody

What's in 21


Hello, I was charged for term 20, but never received it. (was charged 9/8/15)


Hi dear, I don't have receveid the term 20, it's normal ? :S


Hi Sakimi Chan I didnt recieved the message for my 19 and 20 terms (charged today).


Hello Miu, soryr for the delay term 20 was acting weird so a lot of people wans't processed I'll send you your reward right away. :(


Hello Miu, sorry for the delay term 20 was acting weird so a lot of people wasn't processed I'll send you your reward right away. :(


Hey Sakimi Chan, I pledged in time for Term 20 but I don't see if I've been charged yet. All my other pledges look like they got charged. Is there some way you can check?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 18:47:21 Hello Sakimi Chan, I have also not recieved my email rewards for term 19 &20. I hope you can get thr kinks with Patreon soon.
2015-09-16 01:13:43 Hello Sakimi Chan, I have also not recieved my email rewards for term 19 &20. I hope you can get thr kinks with Patreon soon.

Hello Sakimi Chan, I have also not recieved my email rewards for term 19 &20. I hope you can get thr kinks with Patreon soon.


Hello Alan, term 19 and 20 was sent you can check your patreon message. :)