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Hey guys ! This is the update and recap for Term 19's completion!( from August 1-22) ! Term 20 will begin starting after this post (August23-31)! (Rewards will be send out via Patreon message from September 1-8 when all pledges have been processed by Patreon : ))

Thank you guys for the continuous support ! I'm thankful I have the

opportunity to practice so much ! feeling excited about painting more

original fantasy characters ! More originals to come for term 18 !+ the

usually nsfw male female voted by you guys n maybe a little yaoi or yuri on the side >;3

[Reward summary for term19]

Tier 1+ (1$)

Tier 2 +(5$)

  • -Tier 1 reward
  • -PSD(8)Twilight sparkle,Riku, Lux, Star guardian Lux, Saber, Rosalina, Noctis, Makoto X Haru(yaoi)
  • -High res Jpg of the 8 PSD
  • -NSFW Jpgs (5+)Star guardian lux(Fem), Rosalina(Fem), Noctic(Male), Riku(Male), Makoto X Haru (yaoi)
  • -access to brushes+ brush ads ons from all available previous terms If any

Tier 3 +(10$)

  • -tier 2 rewards
  • -Video process (8)Twilight sparkle,Riku, Lux, Star guardian Lux, Saber, Rosalina, Noctis, Makoto X Haru(yaoi)
  • -Skin tone variation tutorial pack
  • Lake lady step by step tutorial pack
  • -How to paint nude pinups male/female voice over tutorial

+Tier 4 +(20$)

  • -tier 3 reward
  • -past term ( voucher to download 1 past term from my gumroad )

+Tier 5 +(70$)

  • -tier 3 rewards
  • -Mail and letter from me per month

❅Stuff to look forward to for term 20! (August 23-31 )❅

-more psds (6-8 ish) and jpgs ! (6-8 ish)

-more video process (6-8 ish)

-more tutorials and references

- 1 voice over tutorial (how to layer clothing, maybe armor )popular demand :3

-2(male+female)NSFW at least

-more yaoi or yuri??? (if time allows it XD)

-Tier 2+ Streaming live session(question+critic)(announcing date next week !)

Thanks guys ! looking forward to improving and seeing more pieces from you guys on my activity feed!

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




I pledged for a few months with you and i went away for a while so ive not managed to download the content i paid for. I have stopped my pledges due to money restrictions and for some reason, i cannot access the terms i subscribed for. Is that whats meant to happen?


Hello Kaleta, each term is only available for 1 month if you need access to past terms please let me know and send me your email through patreon message and I can give you access again. :)


I can't wait :)


Best Term Ever!!!!


Thx for this terms, i liked all the pics and the body tutorial seems extremely useful ^^, and, sorry if i push again x.x, but i wish that some day you make Lux with her Sorceress skin, i wish it happen *x*


this term is amazing, have all the stuffs I love <3


Saki, Please update the Gumroad page ;^;.


So excited for this term! Two lovely pictures of my favorite League champ <3 Very happy I was able to pledge soon enough to get this term :D


This has been an epic term. Can't wait to receive it. :D


Yay! So excited for the next term! :D


I'm sorry to bother you again but I do have a question regarding the payment. Since i am a patron do the payment/rewards happen automatically ? or am I supposed to edit the pledge and save changes for every term ? I am a bit confused on this part ... Because I keep getting an notification by email every time you make a post so I assumed it happened automatically. I just wanted to be sure.

Abdullatef Al-Zamel

So this month is going to be only term 19? No term 20?


Hello Cams, sorry about that what am I missing again on my gumroad? *_*


This term has so much eye candy (in both senses!)! Seeing so many good mixes of colors is soooo nice *_*. I hope you consider the Squid Sisters from splatoon with this in mind <3 (safe for work imo though, I just wanna see you take a jab at them xD)


Will tier 3 get the same rewards as the yoai fan package?


¡Suggestion Time!: Sonoshee McLaren from Redline Film, a new Hatsune Miku Nude (?), Strenght from Black Rock Shooter, Sakura Card Captor, Louise from Zero no Tsukaima and oh woman, I want to see a rework of your piece of Metal Full Alchemist. [Futuristic, Fantasy] Why no more Tera or or games you've played?


Hello!!! , this is my first time as patreon , I would like to know when and where you can vote for the next NSFW? ^^


Oh, also, i would like to suggest something that could be interesting, we all love your work with Photoshop, but why dont you make like, some very key tutorials for body, eyes, hands, and that kind of basic stuff, but in real life? like watching your hand drawing in paper, i think it could be interesting ^^


yess term 19 was awesome! i have a question though; does tier 4 get a voucher per term (as in 2 per month?) or do we get 1 voucher per month? ( o_o )


Hi i'm new here so I was wondering, If the donation s are bi-weekly do we get charged once every 2 weeks or twice at the end of the month? Because I'm pretty sure i submitted my pledge over 2 weeks ago and I don't think I have been charged yet.


Twice at the start of each month. Adds the suspension of waiting to open your 'package' once every month :D


YES! i subscribe becuz of this term <3


am confuse at the charges o.o if i were to choose the tier 4... will i get charge 40$ at the beginning of each month or how does that work... @////@??


This was disappointing on o many levels. I fin that I have lost so much interest in your work since I see sooooo many of the same looking characters with different hair slapped on them. I am also going to say I've noticed that when you lose money, you update with more 'white' people than anything, like that is where your money is and it is truly sad considering all of your patrons are a huge variety of persons. I respected your work for your variety, it as dropped since this patreon since you have lost self respect over money. Using 'white' (blonde hair and blue eyes' to gain more money, is disgusting.


yes, you'll get charged $40 per month unless you cap-size your amount to $20, then you'll get charged with $20 per month, provided you'll get only one term a month, not two :)


I agree with you completely, but instead of attacking her why don't you simply ask for a variety. She gives you the option to suggest characters. All you have to do is ask.


Your art is amazing! :)


Hmmm. Wasn't the NSFW JPG of Saber supposed to be available too?


Hello Guys, please don't argue on my comment section please I don't want to start deleting comments. :(

Taryn Sinclaire

So I have a question that runs in a different sort of vein. I love your work and so do my friends. The difference is that they are not willing to pay for it (bad ethics I think). They have been telling me how your work, even your NSFW work, can be found online now and that "art" shops even have prints for sale. So I was wondering how you deal with people selling prints of your work and what I should do if I come across any of these places.


Thank you guys for defending me and letting me know your opinions. but please keep it towards my picture and not to each other. :(


I have deleted some comments thank you for your view and opinion I have read it all. :)


Hello Mikaela, thank you for defending me but please keep it to my work. :)


That is very interesting,please let me know if you see anyone selling my work without my permission I would try to ask them to take it down. you can also try to contact the admin for the website to take it down.


Sakimi-chan, I supported you since term 15, however I didn't know there was a time limit for downloading content (since it's only written when you download the text file). Would you mind giving me access to term 15 and 16 since I paid for it but didn't have to time to download it ? Thanks !


How do I download term 19?


Hello Damien, thank you for the support! Term 19 and 20 will be sent to you via patreon message on the first week of next month. :)


Sakimi I signed up for your 19th term, it's my first time...I haven't gotten anything yet


Oh I'm horrible....I just read your above message! Thanks for being amazing!!!!!


you are welcome! the rewards will be send before the end of this week. :)


Where can I find my patreon messages? Thats where rewards pop up right? So where can I find these messages on the patreon website?


~_~ it was this tier with Lux sigh mb


Unsure if my pledge went through or not for this one, any chance for confirmation? Lotta bills went out in the past week or so, so its hard to find if this is among them.


hi! I pledged for this term and ive never used patreon before, im sure you get this question a lot but where would i find your message assuming you sent one?


Hello daniel, sorry for the delay I am currently experiencing a bit of trouble I'll send the rewards out as soon as it's solved. thank you for your patience. :(


Sorry for the delay Sarah, I am currently experiencing a bit of trouble I'll send the rewards out as soon as it's solved. :(

Jay Melody

I pledged. Is this the reward


I pledged too, but something goes wrong with payment, now is ok. Now I just wait the email, come on Sakimi, do it for my little witch :D


how do I get to the rewards? All I see are the newsletters


Hi Saki, you probably get this a lot but I had a lot of bills this month and although it said I pledged this month, I didn't get a message yet so I am just wondering if it went through. If it did and I'm just waiting for the message that's fine, just nervous I won't get it is all.


Sakimichan will send you a message with download link! She was at FanExpo this weekend so that's why it's taking a bit :3


Hello! I am not sure, but I did not see a yaoi picture included in this term. I was wondering if that was still coming in this pack or the next? Thank you!


Sakimichan, I support you because term 19-20, but having one number billing issues should not be traded, you can give me access to term 19-20 since I paid pay for it? Thanks!


Wheeey! :D Awesome! *\o/* And finally some female nsfw without gigantic tits. Haven't been any since Jinx ^-^ Thank you~~


hi again! Sorry to message again lol but i my bank account said it processed and charged $10 to my account but im still confused as to where i can get the term 19 rewards? xD


Hello,This is the first time I came to this website, because I like your work very much and I want to ask some questions.if I support you now,can I get the term 19 reward? How can I get it?


Sadly, in order to receive term 19 you have to pledge $20 for term 21. Tier 4 ($20) pledge allows you to receive a past term of your choice. :) here is my page for more info. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/sakimichan">https://www.patreon.com/sakimichan</a>


Hi Sakimi Chan, I still haven't received my links for Terms 19 &amp; 20?


Hello Raye, sorry for the delay patreon's processing list was bugged a while ago and I can't tell If i miss some people. :(


I haven't received mine either, I sent you a message, but I see you are actively responding on here so I'll comment here too.


Hi Sakimi Chan, l have a queation about terms 19. I supported u 5$ but in terms 20, my credit card was error. I don,t sure when because I haven,t link in terms 19 too. Maybe it was error at terms 19? Can u check it for me. If it miss I,m ok. Thank you (and sorry about I,m bad in English ha ha) Love u and will have been supported &lt;3


Hello sakimichan ! I'm having the same problem as the others, which is the missing term 19 and 20 reward .Can you check it out as well ?


Hello Dan, sorry for the delay patreon was bugged awhile ago so I couldn't figure out who is processed later. :(


Hi Sakimi Chan, I received the download links to these files on mediafire when you sent out the notifications, but I completely forgot that the file would be closed by the end of September. I was about to download the video processes today (it takes ages to download them because they are so huge), but the file has already been closed. Is it possible for you to reopen the folder? Sorry for the trouble! &gt;&lt;


Hello Sam, please send me your email through patreon message so I can give you access to term 19. thank you :)