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voted number 1 for this terms Male NSFW :3 I tried to keep this fairly somber like the screen shots from the game, still waiting for it to come out U_U i rly enjoyed drawing his torso *_* keeping the colors grey-ish rly helps with the mood.

This is a term 19, NSFW tier reward

(will be send out first week of September with the other rewards for term 19 rewards ^_^)

  • +High res-Jpg(both normal/nsfw version uncensored)
  • +PSD/layers
  • +uncensored/censored Video process

Thanks guys !

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




Wow o/////o


This is what I waited for :') Great job like always, Sakimi. :D


Lol, love the smiley face on the end of the black bar! XD I don't know the character at all (would be great sometimes with parenthesis where characters are from), but the clothes look really nice! The shirt reminds me of Nightwings armor (I'm not sure if it's armor or a shirt, or a combination though)


Riku and Noctis in one Term omg <3


His head seems a bit small, but it could be because of his clothes. Hoping there will be version of the rest of the gang (Hoping for Gladiolus)


Nummy <3 I'm still rooting for Gladiolus and now genderbent Cindy from XV too. ;3


I still think you should try to remember to include what a character is from in your posts and polls instead of assuming we know what everyone of them is from. Thank you.


I think you did a great job holding the saturation back for this one. It makes it look more like the game character.


noctis me senpai! ( o u o )


You really capture the tone & atmosphere of the game. Keep it up yue!


Looks amazing and in-style! I think the top-back hair sticks up a bit more though; would definitely match his character design more.


A single word: WHOUAAAAA!!!


OMG amazing !!! you are so good !! can you draw Ruvik and Ruben victoriano from The evil within ? i'm dying to see him in your style , so if you could , please ^^ <3


so handsome :D


i like the gray color so much. excellent work!


The drawing is amazing (as usual !) but I think it is less sexy than usual ... But I don't know why xD I find it less attractive than the others although I like Noctis ... Weird I know xD


How long do u usually take to draw 1 standard piece? cos they have so much detail its amazing u put so much effort into your works


Yess!! Sakimi-chan, would you mind if I draw this in traditional? He's just perfect!


i love your art especially the final fantasy pieces.


thank you for the suggestion! they are some evil looking brothers? XD


My girlfriend saw your Riku NSFW and Noctis NSFW preview yesterday and was a little...aroused, because she love how you can reveal sexiness of her favorite characters. Yesterday night was really "sportive" so i am impatient to show her HQ and uncensored version of these pics XD Thanks for making her day and making mine as well indirectly, I think i will pledge more often !


That expression, so foreboding :) Great work!!


Brilliant coloring., Awesome hair :3


Oh boy! When guys look so serious and at the same time so hot! A combination forged not in this reality! :D