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Guide to getting this item and others !


Closer up for sona nsfw :3 ~

original version

NSFW psd. JPG and Video process will be includes in term 17 rewards :3 !

Thanks guys !

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




now that's music to my eyes. ;)


I just love how shy she looks, so adorable! Great job, keep it up! :D


Hey Sakimi Chan, Do you think you could make a tutorial on how to make the backgrounds fit your character?:P I'm not too bad when it comes to drawing characters/animals, however my backgrounds never fit the main character.


just want to know that if I haven't use my tier 4 download from term 14, could I use that download chance on the current download, say this term, term 17. I checked on the <a href="https://gumroad.com/sakimichanpatreon" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gumroad.com/sakimichanpatreon</a> and find it only update to term 15. Is the later term like term 16 and so on haven't been put up yet, or Tier 4 download is only limited to past terms. just curious~


I love the colors and design for your Sona piece (both versions ^^). One of my favorites from you!


Yah! All about the back, 'bout the back, 'bout the back... *sings*


Hey um I don't really know how to ask this question xD I'm 14 and I am really inspired by your art. I use your body figures to help with my own art (if that's okay with you, I don't copy the art only the body positions.) and I wish I could help and support you with money and see all your posts but I can't because I have no money :P Anyways, you've been a huge help to me and I'd love to show you my art sometime. Thank you for all your wonderful art it really does help me and you're doing a great job.


Yes you can Danny you can use your code for future purchases if it's put up. :D


Aww thank you, Keep it up I would be interested in seeing your art sometimes! :D


this has to be the best piece of Sona, ever


Oh, I love this censor, I think you should totally have a complete version of this picture with it! :D


Lovely vibrant colours here. Brilliant illustration of Sona! May I suggest LeBlanc for sometime in the future? She has a classy elegance I think you'd capture well :)


And there it is folks, the best damn musical performance there is to hear! Or see... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah, HI. I'm wandering, what exactly is "term 17"?


When are you updating your Gumroad page?


"Term" is the name for all the art that gets posted in a certain timespan. When a term ends, you should get (assuming your pledge supports it) a link to a text file containing links to full-res and uncensored versions of the art. To access earlier terms, you can wait for a $20 pledge level to open up, or simply buy the bits you're interested in off of Gumroad.


Hi there! The last term reward I was able to get was 10. My computer/internet has been on the fritz as well as my email host. THings are sorted out now but I couldn't find the spot to private message you in here. Thanks! info@hamiltoons.com


Amazing job! Really natural, I love it : )


Hello Scott, I have sent you a message please let me know asap. Thank you :)


Is it ok for a girl to say that I like the way you are recently experimenting with squeezy boobs? XD


where is this character from? you drew her beautifully


Lady Luck is smilin' -Twisted Fate


havent played LOL honestly since I am more into DOTA2 haha but I really am lovin the way you render LOL Heroes :D they should hire you to create new characters. it'll be totally exciting! :D


Thank you! I would be very happy and honoured to design new character for them. :D