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Mecree X Graves (OWXLol) great suggestion, the cigar is a nice touch haha XD <3 some good opportunity to paint more muscular +masculine yaoi. Was fun ! I did run into a computer crash while working on this piece so I have lost some layers + steps. But the video, psd, full res jpg is still the same ^_^

download for preview


(This piece is part of term 55 reward sign up from June 18-31)  

Term 55 rewards will be send out 1-5th of July

  comes with 

  • Tier 2-5(3- 4k pixel Jpg(wallpaper)(nsfw) +steps sequence+PSD+brushes+video process(nsfw)

Reward archive IIFAQII Tutorial Archive




Is there any way i can buy this? ;_;


You made mcree look so handsome! 💕


Finally you did graves!! 😍


I like mcree and hanzo more together but this is really hot too! Good job 👏


This is perfect! *squee* Bara boys &lt;3


dude i'm freaking out you aCtUalLy pAinTed mCcREEEEEE!!!!!! &lt;333333333


This is so awesome! I cant wait for it *^* But... DID YOU SAW THE NEW CHAMP KAYN??? *^* I would DIE for fanart of him &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 xD


Ahh I was like 2 days late with my pledge so i couldnt get this on time and it doesnt seem to be on gumroad :CCCC still, amazing job Sakimichan! The fact that you can draw so many different types of bodies and people is inspiring to see!! &lt;3


...I suddenly don't need to acquire a specific issue of X-treme X-men with canon Wolverine x Hercules because I got these two guys RIGHT HERE! &lt;3