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Hey Guys ! This is a topic that's a little hard to bring up since it revolves about money and I usually don't like to talk about it, :( but please bear with me and read So the situation right now is that stead of being able to charge the payment twice per month, I can only request so at the end of every month., so the first 2 weeks, I will not be able to receive the support till the end of that month. This is a bit of a problem for me because I feel like if I send the rewards to everyone for the first 2 weeks, there's a possibility that people might take advantage of the fact that they wont be charged for this term till the end of the month and just take the perks and cancel the pledge before they get charged. I know I can count on alot of you, but there's always that possibly , Hope you guys understand ! My suggestion for this problem is, for this month I will be sending just 1 psd+video process just to hold you guys over. Then, I'll send the rest of the agreed upon rewards after the payments have gone through at the beginning of next month. After I'm planing to just post some previews of the rewards like I've been doing and have them send out after payment goes though. ( which means, instead of sending rewards out twice a month, I will be sending most of them at the end or the beginning of each month) I really wished patreon was more flexible in terms of how many time we can set up payment transfers but right now it's how it is and I'm trying to find a good compromise and solution to this problem : (. Please let me know if that's okay with you, or if you have any suggestions ! Sorry for the trouble guys !



I'm personally okay with this :) I completely understand about some people trying to take advantage of the system, but I think you're being more than fair. I know I can only speak for myself, but I became a patron just because I think you're an awesome artist and deserve it, the access to your art is awesome as well, but for me this is more about you and less about me :) Good luck and take care!


Protect yourself and send the majority of rewards at the end of the month. Your art is worth the wait and when the first days after payment months come around it'll be like birthdays for all.


I'm totally agree with your decisions ! that's very fair, and i became a patron for supporting you, so.. :)


Seal of approval from my side, well thought :)


I agree with this as well ^_^


I think this is more than fair :)


I'm okay with this. On my end, if I find that I have to cancel/adjust my pledge for any reason, I will let you know beforehand so that you know the reason and we can work something out. =)


Patreon should've made it so that users are charged at least half the payment immediately upon downloading files and the rest at the end of the month to ensure that the artists aren't completely cheated out of their money. Either way, I'm fine with whatever decision you make and can't wait to see the video process. (:


Thanks for understanding Nicole ! yes, it would be great is they can do that !, I hope they can implement that feature later on .


Darn Patreon. I really want to support you, but I can only afford like $10 a month. I guess my plan to support you every other 2 weeks wont work after all. ;( I guess going back to monthly is out of the question too? I DO think you need to do what is right for you though, and if that means sending it at the end of the month then you should do that. But would people who sign up at the last half of the month get the same rewards? How will you track that?


you can pick to switch to 5$ per 2 weeks as it would be 10$ per month in total ! So basically how I can track who gets what is, at the end of the month, once the payment goes though each term payment will have the names of all the patrons who payment has gone through successfully , that's how I will be sending out rewards : )


I honestly hope that you can send out one video processes tomorrow. Plus I know I'm staying around till the end of the month so don't worry about that from me at least! I've just been dying for the 15th for those videos processes! 。(*^▽^*)ゞ Sorry Patreon isn't flexible enough, but it's sure to work out. (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)


It's not a problem at all. =)


At the end of the day, the people who are genuinely here to support you would have no issue with this; it's completely understandable, and I would do the same in your position. I'm just super excited for the beginning of next month now, it's worth the wait! <3


I can certainly arrange that : ) probably a psd : D !


I think it's fine. You need to be protected against people taking advantage of the system and if this is what is needed than it is what will have to happen.


I don't mind either ^^


It's totally understandable, unfortunately. Thanks for the heads up, Sakimi Chan :) Just as long as we still get to see the amazing art you do waiting is completely fine.


I'm cool with it :) I think you're right about not sending out the rewards until you can charge us, or Patreon makes the charging options more flexible. Definitely wait, and even though money is alway a dirty topic, you still have to make a living. Thanks for being awesome! ;)


its ok sakimi i think everyone understands c;


im good with that :)


I'm absolutely fine with this~! As everyone said we're here to support you so you can do what you want and love. \(o w o)/


It's not a problem at all. I've waited a long time to access your own tutorials. I can wait another bit ^_^ It's totally understandable.


It will be really difficult for me to wait (hope the psd will be Hinata's though >.<') but the reason is totally fair :)


I completely understand! And I think you're handling it well, still giving us 1 psd+video is such a nice gesture. Thank you! I shall be pledged for a looong time though =P <33


Do as you wish it's not a problem :)


I'm totally okay with it seems fair... would we get at least 1 vid in the middle of the month just so we don't have to wait as long


I understand, and honestly, I don't really care! ^^ This is a wonderfull opportunity you "give" us, I'll wait the time I have to, and I'll support you as much as I can! ^^ Thank you very much for all of this! (be nice with me, I'm french, so I don't speak english very well XD)


You know i dont ever comment on things like this but i want to say that you are my favorite artist over on DA and i have no problem supporting. Ive gotten prints from you in the past because i love what you do. I never buy artists prints but yours really stuck with me. So no matter how you work out the payment and rewards issue im here to support.


That only fair! :) It sucks when talking about money gets awkward, especially when there's really nothing wrong on your part. Keep up the good work! I'm glad I can reap the benefits of your talents while supporting you, even if it's just a little bit!


Hi Sakimi! I have just now paid for two terms and I was wondering if I am still able to access the videos from those terms. I'm kinda new here and have been trying to find videos but I can't seem to find any.


Hello Ayla, thank you for your support. Ill be sending term 3 and 4 rewards on January 4th due to some computer issues: ) I'll be sending you the links for term 1and 2 term rewards in the mean time : )