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Greetings all.

If you are presently unaware, I'm on a cruise ship on vacation. Even though I have internet (and able to post this message), uploading content has been exceedingly difficult. Therefore I want to assure you that content is still being made for Patreon. I already have the desktop wallpaper made and working on the next Pixie Ranger update. 

I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle updates were made prior to the cruise and should not be affected with any issues going live as per normal. 

I wanted to make sure you are a Patreon contributer were aware of the situation, as I take updates to Patreon very seriously and did not want anyone to worry and think, "Where is the Desktop wallpaper? It's usually out by now."

I should have access to better internet next week and will be able to post the new content at that time.  

Thanks for your understanding.


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