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Robert has requested, "Month of Catgirls". Since Robert gets paid in peanuts I figured I'd throw him this.

So that's the theme for this month.

For the Single Pin-ups, pick your top two choices. (Remember, picking more than two choices will cause your vote will be voided.)

I'm reaching outside the Rudd-verse for Catgirls options.

(I know, in the Anine/Manga world we'd have a ton of characters. So I decided to skip Anime/Manga references)

Poll ends 15 November 2022.



Love April ONeill. Egs did a bonus pic of her. Worth the view

The Rare Delurker

I was going to vote for both Star Trek characters. But the fact that Catreece from Reality Check! was actually mentioned means I had to use one of my votes for her, even if she doesn't make it.