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So ever so often I like to do  extras for the Patreon contributes. Something beyond just posting extra comics and art. I do this randomly with maybe providing hints of something coming.

Last time I sent out "exclusive professionally made CDRudd-verse stickers" of Bay, Sammy, and Jeanie to Patreon's whose addresses were in the system (Those who have been contributing longer got all 3 stickers, those who recently started contributing got random stickers). I was going to do it again... but COVID got in the way.

I'm thinking of doing it again, but not sure if they were desired, or if I should focus on something else. So I put it to you, if this is something you would like to see done again, should I do something else, or focus on just more content?




I did Eh because I am not opposed or in love with the idea of stickers, a bookmark could be neat or just more digital stuff.

Kylie Belle