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I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about the current hiatus.

There has been some new members joining our Patreon group. While it's great to see people flocking to see the extra content here, I wanted to ensure the new Patreon contributors and remind the legacy contributors that the current lack of content is not the norm. 

I am on hiatus will August. That doesn't mean there will not be any updates, just the normal pin-ups, wallpapers, playpens, etc won't be updating monthly as it normally does. 

Don't run away yet! There is still exclusive content that is being made and is being released for the patreon contributors first. As well, I have set Patreon not to process  monthly charges during the hiatus. So there won't be any re-occurring charges till the end of the hiatus. 

This does mean anyone who joins out Patreon during the hiatus will have to pay the first time charge, but that's it till August. You will get to see the previous exclusive content AND the advance content that's still being released.

Need more? 

Well, I shouldn't say this, BUT I have been working on and off on some of the content to be released upon my return in August. Including the next instalment of the Pixie Ranger comics, "Pixie Rangers II". And I can promise I will be providing some sneak peaks of the Pixie Ranger comics before the end of the hiatus, including showing a sneak peak of a New Pixie Ranger character, 'Divia'.

I hope you all continue to stick with me through the hiatus and enjoy all the fan made extras about to be posted on JeanieBottle.com. Also consider joining the CD Rudd Discord, https://discord.com/invite/kWqGQtc

Thanks for sticking with me, everyone.


Light Clark

Sounds good, but sure would've been nice to hear about this Divia person BEFORE I wrote three episodes of Pixie Rangers ...


She was only created a couple weeks ago and didn't have a name till last week. There are a lot of Pixie Rangers in the PR universe. Her introduction won't conflict with your stories