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Today we've got something special for y'all! Beeky and JakeThePeasant on the CD Rudd Discord (check it out if you haven't! We have fun there.) made a suggestion to see various cast members working out and/or doing yoga. Which inspired CD to make this comic right here: the first Post-SailorSun.org bonus comic. 

Since it was a suggestion, which CD usually just posts straight to the Discord (another reason to join!), but ended up being a whole comic, we decided to post it here, but make it public right from the start (rather than waiting the usual 30 days for bonus comic publication). 

And to see other public Patreon posts (more than 100, now!), check out this elegant and finely crafted link. You'll be able to see all the Pre-SailorSun.org bonus comics on there, too.
