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Taking advantage of how space combat is NOT like sea combat!




I'm surprised star trek never did this, its not like there is an up in space.


They still have to deal with momentum. There are no breaks in space.


This sort of tactic tends to depend on the ability of the ship to direct thrust independent of facing, otherwise they "drift" in a predictable course for the duration of the maneuver. It tends to be easier to create weapons that can "shoot around corners" than do the same with thrust.

Reynna Romero

I just want them to show other ships coming out of warp in varying orientations.


But you forget the most important thing... They're babes in space...


By flipping the ship using the attitude thrusters the main drives are now pointed directly away from the target and will provide rapid deceleration. The Vipers in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica used this maneuver quite often.