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Aaaand there it is. How are they going to deal with this?




now Crystal has to be a better boyfriend than david.

Reynna Romero

Come to think of it, how did Crystal lose the ability to speak that she got after the head injury? Maybe I’m forgetting something

Kylie Belle

I think it's not that she physically can't talk, but that she chooses not to because of her powers


Well, if you recall the one time she did talk, she instantly said whatever crossed her mind. Which lead to some unfortunate things said.


Crystal was able to speak cause her brain swelled, and her thoughts were instantly routed to her mouth. Physically Crystal can speak, there's something mental that stops her.

Reynna Romero

CD I’m not gonna lie, somehow that is one of the hardest things to accept from your comics. Because if it’s the brain’s state that dictates her ability to speak wouldn’t that effect people who get swapped into her body? Oh god my brain is starting to go down the “consciousness and soul” rabbit hole on my end. I’m totally overthinking this.


Yea... It's dangerous to over think these things...You may end up in a logic circle, "If everything I say is false.... isn't that statement true.... but if it's true, then it should be fault...(and the bulb breaks)."