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Holy crap!




I think the ship will need more than a little paint.


In the immortal words of Scooby "Ruh Roh!"


Oh Dear!

Theo (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-25 07:56:19 Is that a Malorian Cruiser? Let us hope that Ethen does not become a drugged slavegirl. more likely she will rescue a princess who has become a drugged slavegirl!. https://www.patreon.com/CDRudd/posts?filters[tag]=Pixie%20Rangers&sort=published_a
2021-01-26 15:27:45 Is that a Malorian Cruiser? Let us hope that Ethen does not become a drugged slavegirl. more likely she will rescue a princess who has become a drugged slavegirl!. https://www.patreon.com/CDRudd/posts?filters[tag]=Pixie%20Rangers&sort=published_a

Is that a Malorian Cruiser? Let us hope that Ethen does not become a drugged slavegirl. more likely she will rescue a princess who has become a drugged slavegirl!. https://www.patreon.com/CDRudd/posts?filters[tag]=Pixie%20Rangers&sort=published_a