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Now isn't this a happy together with the 'Ko family (and Robert)? 

In case you don't recognize everyone, that's Neko's grandma Charon on the left, with her father and mother next, then Kinko, Neko, and Seko. Rounding out the shindig is Neko's husband Thom, her cousin Katy (rockin' her super cute multicolor 'do), and then Robert.

Since Robert's the only non-fictional character, he's the only one in danger from the pandemic, and thus the only one masked.




katy looks as cute and cuddly as a human. and teri is so happy robert must not be seeing anything without his glasses


Hey, Robert here. Fortunately, I only have mild astigmatism. So I can see just fine without my glasses, it's just a little harder to read.