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So there's been some question on my posting practices. So I figured I best explain it.

(With the exception of JeanieBottle, which has it's own site)
(And remember there will be the occasional exception to the below, but this is the standard.)

(Rudd Productions, Pixie Rangers, Etc.)

Any extra comic content, will be posted on Patreon for those who contribute to see. So if you contribute to any tier, you'll be able to see the comics as they are released.

After a month (30ish days) the comics are released for public viewing on Patreon. (Patreon manages this release)

Sometime after that I'll transfer content onto Deviantart and other mediums.


Occasionally there will be Announcement comics (most likely Rudd Productions comics) in which the intent it to announce something. These kind of comics will be released depending on whom the message intended for.

Tier Content

Any content released for the Patreon Tiers will remain exclusively for the Patreon Tiers. Pin-ups. desktop wallpapers. etc. (There will be a few exceptions) But for the most part, if you want to see a pin-up or new wallpaper, you'll have to join the respective Tier.


When we started the playpens, I used to post them directly to the Patreon Tier feed. But then I found there was quite a number of people joining the Tier and then defaulting on payments. This resulted in not only potentially getting access to the Playpen for the month, but all the playpens prior too. 

To resolve this, we made Playpens a MORE exclusive release. The Patreon Feed would show a 'pensored' version of the playpen pin-up, and those whose contribution was confirmed at the end of the month would receive a link for the Un-pensored version.

At the moment there isn't a way to share older un-pensored Playpens, but I'm looking into a couple options, including a Playpen PDF magazine of the year's Playpens.


Commissions are released directly to whomever commissioned a piece. I only post the art work if requested by the commissioner.  (I'm still taking on Commissions for the Commission4Commission program)

Commissions are
 $25 a single character pic (e.g. http://fav.me/ddx8m7c )
 $20 per character for images with more then one characters (e.g. http://fav.me/dddea9o )


Other content, is generally released as best I decide for the specific content. Generally it will be one of these methods.

1) Early Patreon release (same as the comics)

2) Directly to DeviantArt. (https://www.deviantart.com/CDRudd)

3) Directly to Discord (https://discord.com/invite/kWqGQtc)

4) Any combination of 2 + 3

5) = 2 + 3


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