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Today begins a new  bi-weekly series of content. 

Before we here at Rudd Productions started this Patreon, we'd previously accepted donations directly. If there were enough donations in a particular month, CD Rudd would make a custom wallpaper for all those who donated in that month. CD would also switch the "in progress" donation meter out for a new mini-pinup of one of the ladies from SS.org or Jeanie Bottle.

We were recently reminded of this old donation content, and decided that it should now be made available to the public, so that long-time readers who missed donations on certain months, or just those who are interested in seeing the evolution of CD Rudd's artwork over the last 10+ years, can see these bits of history. 

A custom wallpaper and Donation Meter image will be posted twice a week (at 5pm PST every Wednesday and Saturday) until we run out of meters (there are 29), and then two custom wallpapers will be posted bi-weekly until those are also exhausted (there are 98). So this whole event should take about six months to finish.

The first batch of meters and wallapers are attached to this post.  Note that the mini-pinups truly are small, so I've attached two versions: the original 125x246 version, and an upscaled version that is 975x1920.

We hope you folks enjoy this little trip down memory lane with us!



Jake The Peasant

It's still amazing to see the artstyle back then.