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Well, my deployment is almost over... (by almost, I'll be going home within in a few weeks.)

Which means, I'll be able to resume comics and Patreon obligations.

This means a couple things, 

One of which is to re-visit the Tier structure... 

I'm sure many of you follow other Patreons as well as this one. So I'll like to know what you want, and what you'll like to see for the Tiers.  Maybe you'd prefer I did something other patreon members do...

Do you want videos, on how I make comics?

Guides? More Rudd Production comics?

Maybe just more cute pictures of Teri...?


Let me know, so I can make the Patreon Experience better for all of us.



I like production comics and pictures of characters/teri. Maybe some inside info that can be relayed in a small strip/picture; like hints to what your main comic is eluding to.


Rudd Productions is a lot of fun! So is the series of Sammy shorts/Mascot in Training.