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A few months ago I decided to switch to Patreon as a vehicle for webcomic donations. Verses the donate and I'll send you a wallpaper from before.

I choose to do Suggest, Vote, Pin-ups and videos (which was switch to wallpapers till I get a better internet connection that favors uploading speeds) as Tiers.  Plus I added the Playpen tier for those who want that sort of thing... 

I've also release extra content, higher rez images from the comics, Old Donation wallpapers, Etc.)

I'll be honest, keeping up with all the Patreon pin-ups and tiers has taken up more time then the donation and meters did before. And there has been the occasional goofs as I learn and try to produce products you would enjoy. (and yes, I am a little late getting Jan's Pin-ups Finished... it's still being worked on). On the flip side, Patreon has provided a more reliable means of monthly donations...

Now I want to know what you all think. 

Should I stick with Patreon, or back to the wallpaper donation method? 

And do you think the tiers should be changed to feature something other then pin-ups?

 If your not a Patreon, but considering it, what would YOU like to see? 

Obviously you want more artwork for lower cost, and I'd like bags of money and fame for doing as little as possible. 

But living in the REAL world, I'd like to know what YOU the readers would reasonably expect for your contributions.

If there's a service you'd like to see as a tier, (Eg High Res comics, help guides, whatever you can think of... let me know. I'll discuss with Robert and see if we need to swing our focus on Patreon).

This is YOUR moment to let me know what YOU want to see from myself and the Patreon content.


Kaz Redclaw

How about something inbetween? Still use patreon, but just use it for the monthly wallpapers and the like. Maybe a couple of tiers of wallpaper, lower tiers get one, upper tiers get two, or some such. Perhaps pull old wallpapers out of the archive for the upper tiers.


I think Patreon is a good way we can support you and other artists we like. Its a rather simple system (from the end user perspective). The tier system may need to be worked on a bit. Perhaps you don't need monthly on some of the pinups and focus more on desktops. Kaz's suggestion on things like sketches and concept art might be a good direction; a sort of an insider view of how you work. Another thing you could do is not so much give pictures but rather some insight to what your thinking in terms of the direction your comics are going or consult with us if you have writers block. Not everything has to be pictures, just some lore is good once in a while. For me personally, I'm fine with not as many pin-ups. I admit your playpen tier was what got me into Patreon in the first place; I had been ignoring Patreon as just another site I would have to check regularly. I too have weeks where I get almost no time for myself and others where I have loads of time. But reading about the extra items you were providing on Patreon finally got me to register and since then I'm finding it far easier to support you and some other artists I've been following. Issue with donations is I always end up "I'll do it tomorrow as I have to login to my credit system" and sadly my lazy nature wins out. With Patreon, I just set how much I want to give to you monthly, (not ashamed to say you are getting more than your top tier from me) and not worry about if I donated this month or not. Heck, even the occasional update from Pateron when you post or it notifies me its a new month and thus charging me helps remind me once is a while to check up on various comics and artists.