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I couldn't figure out what to title this post, so I figured I'd have some fun with the title. 

Any whoo... A couple things have been happening. 

1) Cocoa Beach.I'll be traveling to Cocoa Beach, Flordia (Where one of my webcomics is set) on 6 Jan 2018. I'm setting up a meet and greet, so anyone who is a fan of SailorSun.org, or I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle. You can come and met... well 'me'. If your interested, check http://jeaniebottle.com/?p=3631 and comment back so I know who might be attending.

2) Comments and Likes. As an artist, it's a little difficult to determine what the readership likes, and doesn't like. So commenting on Patreon and liking things (that you like) is a great indicator of what kind of extra material you the contributer would like to see. So please, comment or at least Like or Dislike.

3) Fraud and Declines. With the new $25 tier, the patreon pledges almost doubled... Which is AWESOME to see what you the reader want to see. Sadly a LOT of those pledges seemed to be marked as Fraud (which is disappointing to see those kind of people cheating to get what honest contributes want to see). Patreon usually double checks these claims within a few days (at the beginning of the month). SO, if you have a account being marked as Fraud, or Declined, you may want to look into it and get the issues resolved.  When I get the heads up that patreon has done it's thing, I'll be blocking anyone with a fraud or declined accounts. If the Fraud trend continues, I may have to removed the $25 tier to prevent people from cheating the contributers who are honestly trying to contribute.



Well that certainly is sad that people are trying to cheat the system. I assume Patreon sends e-mails to us if their is a problem with our payment method so we can straining it out. I hate to be in fraud/decline status because I forgot to update my card info or something silly like that. :(


Your good Cursix. I'm sure those doing it knows they are.