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Where should I start?😆 This month has been very busy for me. Good news is that I FINALLY registered my business! The process wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. it was a bit confusing tho lol.

I've been working on setting up my shop and website since June I believe. I'm ready to get it out of the way so that I can shift my focus back to my art. Throughout this month, I've dedicated most of my time to working on the site. I'm not sure when the entire thing will be finished. The character pages have become more extensive than I initially planned. My estimate is that it will take another 2-3 months just to complete the characters in Rose's story alone. I don't want to wait that long to launch the website tho. Instead, my plan is to get the shop section of the site up and running first and release the remaining pages at a later date.

Speaking of the shop, I'm happy to announce that I'm very close to being able to sell the stickers! Yesterday, I took a couple of product photos and they turned out great! I still need to set up a business bank account, finalize the shop page, and arrange shipping and delivery. Once those are done, everything should be ready to go! And of course the savior tier will receive a code for free shipping! I'm really excited! Hopefully, the stickers will sell well and I'll be able to continue making more stuff for all my fans and followers.

That's all for now. I apologize for not posting much art this month. Now that a big chunk of this stuff is out of the way I will try to put more effort into making art in Novemeber!


I love how this turned out!!!
Home page
Yes I'm using the Genshin head portraits as placeholders lol.
Here are the actual head portraits! 12 done 6 more to go!
Preview of the comics part of the site!
My sister setting up the shoot for me
I love how this turned out!!!
Preview of the shop page. Not a lot has been done yet.



Wishing your lots of luck! You’re doing great!