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Hey lovely people! Now that I think my life is finally getting back on track again, I sat down and thought of a few ideas on how to revamp my Patreon that I want to share with you all!

Also I got rid of the $5 tier and switched around the names if you haven't noticed! Anyone apart of that tier will be unpledged and will have to re-pledge to a different one.

(Anything underlined is a new benefit I'm thinking of adding to that tier!)

Prisoner ($1) Tier:

πŸ–Œ Full Illustration WIPs and Sketches

πŸŽ™ Access to a Patreon Exclusive Discord channel where I will host Monthly Q&A sessions.

πŸ“… Monthly Recaps and Updates ( I've been slacking on giving you guys updates on what's been going on. It's because I feel like I'm annoying you guys whenever I give updates on issues going on in my life lol but maybe if I add recaps and info on future projects to it I'll feel less annoying? Idk lol)


Samaritan ($3) Tier:

πŸ“– Comic page WIPs

🌟 Early bird access to posts (1-3 days in advance)

🎞 Peek into my other projects, including Animation WIPs! (previously apart of the $5 tier!)


Sinner ($6.66) Tier:

πŸ”₯ Exclusive NSFW art at least once a month (and sometimes even more!)

πŸ“Ί Join me in Private Livestreams (Very unsure about this one because I don't know how often I'd do them + the thought of talking on the mic scares me lol)

πŸ—³ Have a say with voting in polls (Previously apart of the $5 tier)


Savior ($10) Tier:

πŸ’Œ For those offering extra support, you’re the real MVPs!

πŸ› Get discount codes for my future online store!

also Introducing...

Loyalty Rewards!!!🎁

Stick around for 3 months and get some free stickers

6 months gets you a free keychain

And 12 months of love and support means you get a FREE standee of your favorite OC of mine!

(Loyalty rewards is something I want to test out! I've been meaning to create some keychains and standees anyway. If it works out well I might add on extra free stuff)

Do you like these Ideas or do you have suggestions on other benefits I could give? Let me know in the comments! And reminder that these are just Ideas! There's no guarantee these will actually become benefits in the future!



im now tempted to bump up to savior

Malachi Lloyd

Am a 10$ savior am happy as hell