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Apologies for taking so long to give you all an update. Life has been kind of chaotic lately, but here's some of what's been going on.

1. As most of you know, I was scheduled to get one of my root canals done last week, but during the procedure, they discovered that my tooth was too decayed to save so they had to remove it. If it was a tooth further back I probably wouldn’t be that devastated, but it was one of my premolars near the front. It’s not too noticeable if I don't smile too widely, but I’m still a bit upset about it 😢I'm going back to the dentist tomorrow to get the second root canal done on my other tooth, which I'm more confident they'll be able to save since it broke more recently than the other one. So, yeah. Wish me luck guys!

2. In other news, I'm going through a rough patch with my art right now, as some of you may have noticed. I thought I was past it weeks ago, but I'm struggling again. I just have no good ideas and hate everything I create. I'll try my best to push through it and make something for you guys tho. I really miss drawing and posting more frequently.

3. Regarding the two NSFW comics I was planning on doing, I've decided to scrap parts 3 and 4 for the "5 minutes" comic and merge it with the plot of the comic you guys voted for. This way, it will be easier for me to complete and will get to you guys faster. When I read over parts 3 and 4 again, It was SO SO bad. Like really bad. The dialogue and pacing were horrible, and I just don’t like how the scene came out at all. I don't read or watch as much hentai as you guys probably think I do so it's no surprise to me I can't write it that well lol. The new scene is halfway done being written, and this time I will have someone more experienced review it and give me feedback so I can make it the best it can be. I hope you guys are okay with these changes. If not I totally understand! 

4. And lastly, some good news! I've been working on the character bios again for the past few days, and progress is going extremely well. I don't know how long it will be before I can post them for you all, but I'm excited to finally be developing my story and characters more. Working on these has made me excited about characters that I rarely draw. Hopefully, this will motivate me to incorporate them more into my art in the future!

I think that’s all for now! again I’m very sorry for the wait. Have an amazing rest of your week!



As someone with oral health struggles myself, it can definitely be draining. Props to you for keeping your head up, and take all the time you need! Health comes first

Aimee Spinks

I cant wait foe the character bios but definitely take the time you need 😊 as someone who's just came out of surgery I get the need for rest physically and mentally. 💙💙