March Event Decided: Full colored Stuffing/Feeding sequence! (Patreon)
2017-03-05 14:25:12
Alrighty! With that done, now we move on to who will be the subject of this sequence. Offer a candidate that you'd like to see as a comment to this post, and keep an eye on it in case someone else suggests someone that better suits your fancy. You're free to change your vote up until voting closes.
This will be done until the, March 10th, where I'll offically announce the subject!
Also feel free to suggest other details, such as those invloving the method of stuffing and the context, and feel free to discuss it amongst other patrons in this post or voice support for other patron's ideas!!
This will be done until the, March 10th, where I'll offically announce the subject!
Also feel free to suggest other details, such as those invloving the method of stuffing and the context, and feel free to discuss it amongst other patrons in this post or voice support for other patron's ideas!!