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Alrighty! With that done, now we move on to who will be the subject of this sequence. Offer a candidate that you'd like to see as a comment to this post, and keep an eye on it in case someone else suggests someone that better suits your fancy. You're free to change your vote up until voting closes.

This will be done until the, March 10th, where I'll offically announce the subject!

Also feel free to suggest other details, such as those invloving the method of stuffing and the context, and feel free to discuss it amongst other patrons in this post or voice support for other patron's ideas!!



Well, I'm gonna be the a-hole who says, "McHanzo sequence!"


Heh, either of those are fine! but keep in mind that focus will only be on one character. There may be implication of another being the feeder, but I won't be drawing them. (maaaaaybe their hands, but we'll see :P)


I agree with Jesse McCree!

Sapphire Jack

I'm gonna dissent and say Genji instead of McCree


I'm going to further dissent and say Shinjiro Aragaki from Persona 3


I am not into either of the characters that are currently up for suggestion, so I am throwing a third character up for vote: FE: A Gauis and a Carnival junk food eating spree, with everything from eating competitions to just general gorging to eating the other carnival-goers food.


I say Owain/Odin from Fire Emblem, preferably in his undies of course.


I'm gonna say Stahl from fire emblem because I just learned what a glutton he is in canon!


hey I'm always partial to stahl


I'll change my vote to FE: A Stahl aswell.


For the moment, I'll cast my vote for Stahl!


I vote for Stahl too!


Stahl seems like a good pick. Most of what Verzi does seems to be fairly baby-faced characters, like Stahl is. That's why I made a push for Jesse McCree.


Heh, pretty true! Most characters I draw are on the younger spectrum of age (teens to early adult), so traits like rounder, less distinguished faces with no facial hair are more common with them, and very much what i find attractive. (and also one part most characters have simply drawn faces) But yeah, don't give up and keep pushing for what you want! If you can manage to change the minds of enough patrons, you may be able to get your McCree. :3