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Here's where you nominate/vote for this month's character+scenario! Be sure to heed the monthly theme!

When crafting your contexts and choosing your character, please keep in mind that the top three winners this month will be getting a single stage fill (And a possible Verzi's Choice single fill)


This month's Theme is: Somnophilia/Sleeping

The character will either be sleeping, falling asleep, or being woken up during whatever is happening to them, whether that thing is resulting in them having the tum, or they just have one and are just sleepy!

Do Note that without outside context, situations are generally gonna be of dubious consent! (Which can certainly be the appeal for some!)

Nominations that are off theme will be subject to a -5 vote handicap when being counted!


Please read here for full directions! and remember that:

The Poll closes at Midnight when the 14th transitions to the 15th!

$5 tier holders can Downvote! Click here for info regarding that.

$10 tier holders have double voting power (your votes count as TWO, but you cannot split this vote)

Please be clear who the character is, where they are from, and which version of them they are if they have multiple!

And Please be clear who you're voting for or changing your vote to in order to minimize confusion on my end!



A sleeping Vergil (Static Shock) based on his Young Justice design is accidentally absorbing the energy in his room leading to a very stuffed tummy


Sebastian from Stardew Valley being inflated as a prank while he's asleep

Mark Harris

Zuko tube feeds sokka while he sleeps. They're both already chubby and sokka consented beforehand. Both are naked and hard 😊


Professor Neroli getting a midnight snack.


a fine idea! but keep in mind that for single figure fills, i'll only be drawing one actual character. the other one can be implied to be there via text or a hand, but it'll only be Sokka


Ollie from Far Cry 3 passing out from some funny mushrooms he just tried. They “colonize” his gut and swell him up rapidly; he wakes up a half hour later as his shorts are bursting open, belly like a tight balloon. (He’s still high as balls so it’s all good though, he’s probably even enjoying it somewhat…)


Professor Elm from Pokémon, asleep while he got a huge Pokémon egg inside his belly, that he inserted himself for an experiment and to take care of the egg


Zagreus from the game Hades, super chub and horny from too many ambrosias

Paul Tonner

Ventus from kingdom hearts sleeping off a food coma.

Tom’s Husband Rift

Sylvain from Fire Emblem: Three Houses rubbing his active pregnant belly in his sleep

Eric Boyd

Andy from Advance Wars is sleeping off the big meal he just ate

Axis Blackwell

Atreus post god of war ragnarok. Traveling Post game, he sleeps in trees for safety. Unfortunately he finds himself pregnant and that threatens to break both his armor and the tree branch he’s napping on.

Lucas Hassi

A pregnant Baptiste (from Overwatch) in his Tropical skin is sitting on a beach chair and fast asleep. His shirts is wide open so his nice big belly can get some sun.