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Here's where you guys can put down an idea for a character/kink/scenario, or perhaps ask about certain interactions i can either draw or write about for my OCs (for those of you familiar with them. Check out my world anvil, discord, and google drive for stuff about them!)

To Reiterate, this isnt a poll and i'm not forcing myself to do these over my break, but if i find the gumption to do some doodling, I might pull from what's put down here, so you never know! It will also give me a bit of an idea of what you guys want to see.

You can respond to this post in any way you please (just be clear, for my sake xD), so feel free to respond in a similar format as what you would put down for the polls if you'd like, or you can write about a character/kink/scenario that you'd simply want to see more of!

Some Links:

My World Anvil Homepage, which has some info on my OCs 

My google drive folder of most of my OC stuff 

A List of My Fave characters in case you want to suggest things cater to my tastes ;P



housamo finally seems to be giving shinya a little bit of attention again, so maybe something with The Boi™? I always thought his lore of needing to release his power's "pent-up energy" was interesting, so maybe if he tries to refrain from using his powers it ends up with an inflation scenario? getting a tummy ache from "love inflation" feels like a new one :P


Beast boy doing the no burping sprite chugging challenge, knowing how competitive and naive he is it shouldn't be too hard to convince him to try it :p and since he's pretty stretchy I'm pretty sure he could win but end up bloated huge!


Good suggestion! and nice initiative, since i plan on making a doodle suggestion post for my July 2022 Break. xD Do me a solid and repost this to the new post im throwing up in about a week, that way i wont forget it once my break truly starts~