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In order to give months a bit more cohesion and keep things interesting on both my end and you you guys' end, I'm thinking i should hold Monthly theme polls!

These Polls will be exclusive to those holding a $5 tier, with the $10 tier offering double voting power (since that tier still needs a little something for those who decide to support me on that level, and since the current rate of commissions being open dont make the YCH polls available enough)

The Polls will take place AFTER the character+kink polls close on the 15th, (as to not complicate things), and will run until the end of the month. Whatever gets the most votes will be the big theme for the following month's fills.

For example, once, say, November 15th rolls around, i'll put up the theme poll post. Patrons of at least $5 will be able to post nominations for what kind of theme will chosen. After a week, i'll gather all the nominations and put them in a normal poll for easier counting. Once the last day of November rolls around, I announce the winner, and that will be set for people to make their character nominations for on the first of December.

Note! These will be separate from the general kinks that are usually offered (stuffing/Weight gain/mpreg, etc). Those will still be clarified during the normal character polls that we usually have. The theme will focus more on contextual details. For example: the theme could be "Suits with Buttons," which means that the coming month's fills can be any of the usual kinks, but all the characters involve not fitting in or busting out of fancy suits with buttons due to being stuffed, having gained weight, pregnant, etc. Other theme examples could be "Slime", "Force Fed", "Underwear," etc!

Let me know what you think! If the support is high enough, this can be in place for the 15th of this month.



Love this idea


I like this idea, plus I'm pretty onboard with anything that makes life a tiny bit easier for ya! It'll be interesting to see it in action.

Defensive Bastiodon

I don’t quite understand the new poll, but I’m not opposed to new ideas. It’ll take me seeing it work to actually understand...


I like it


I have to admit, I'm kind of torn on this idea... On the one hand, I certainly see what you mean about cohesion, and this could bring some new life to the polls. On the other hand, I like the potential for more variety each month, and I also like the ability for us to choose our own contextual details for our nods (though I know not everyone does). If the theme is pretty broad, like say, the holiday season, I think that still gives people a good amount of freedom/variety. But something like slime or suits (just because I associate many characters with their trademark outfits) feels a little restrictive to me. Just my two cents. It's a good idea, and I think it can work; I just have a few reservations.


The reservations are understandable. I imagine that some themes will be a bit restrictive, but even with some narrowly-scoped themes, they are good opportunities for me and patrons to really be imaginative, i think. In the end, people don't really specify context a whole lot beyond busting out of clothes or just being musclechubbed with the occasional boner thrown in, so this is a good way to push people into really digging into the character since a lot of characters/series do have a lot to them that gets overlooked. (for example, 75% of video game settings have a slime monster, so that can certainly be worked in) I may not make the theme an absolute requirement, but i'll have to see what further feedback i receive.


For something like slime, my concern was not that it couldn't be worked in, but that it might be harder to work in for someone who wanted to nominate MPreg or gradual WG for that month, for example (many people would probably just have a slime/slime monster inflation). Or even just that it might be hard to work in for certain characters. Context is kind of important to me, and I can't think of slime being something I could really work in for many of the characters that I have nominated, even if slime was in the game in some form. Though, I guess if it was expanded to be slime, sludge, or jelly it would work. If it's not always a hard requirement (or there is some wiggle room like the above example), though, I'm on board, for sure. Like I said, I do like the idea; it could really get the creative juices flowing.


In the end, i think there will be notable amounts of wiggle room. Like, in the aforementioned slime theme, things that vaguely look like slime (jelly, etc) or even something like come inflation would also apply (just as long as im drawing coloring slimy stuff ;3) and thats certainly an issue. some characters will not be appropriate for certain themes and vice versa. Context is important to me too, which is why i generally go out of my way to integrate something from their own game/series (if im familiar enough with it) when i can. However, it won't be a thing that can be helped so its probably best to think of an alternative nomination and hold characters you dont think would work in your back pocket until a better theme comes up.


Okay; that makes me feel much better about it. Looking forward to this starting (already started brainstorming...).