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I'm not sure what kind of fandom stuff i'm in the mood to draw atm (I'm currently making an updated list of faves), but for now, i'm definitely open to suggestions and questions about my OCs that may or may not result in doodles! I'm still working on commissions (about 4 left to do!), but i can still doodle in between work and for warm-ups, and these can fit into that nicely. 

As for eligible suggestions, I'll mostly let you guys know whether or not i'm cool with certain things, as some of my OCs are not the types to be in all scenarios (for example: My boy Titus wouldnt be bloating on beer, since its just something he wouldnt do). Simple Stuffing and WG scenarios are fine, but aren't always the ones that I find the most inspiring unless specific details are offered that make them more interesting. That said, sometimes im just down to doodling another fat Sean. who knows? Moods are weird and fleeting. :P 

So if you got suggestions/scenarios for my OCs, feel free to put them as a reply to this post! If you just have a question cuz you're just curious about them or the race they belong to or something, i'll answer them (possibly in bulk so there isnt a lot of spam emails). Specifying whether or not they are a suggestion or a question would be helpful too!

This extends to pretty much all my OCs, which include but are not limited to my swimmer boy AU OCs, D&D OCs, Jacob from my stardew valley file, and w/e else i've dabbled in!

Also! Reminder that i have a Curious cat if you want to ask  or offer things anonymously! My tumblr also still works for anonymous messages. I'm not super on top of checking it these days, but its still a valid venue for sending me things.



Maybe it's more a question than a suggestion but who would be the most likely to gain weight on a cruise? I imagine Sean could get used to the 24/7 buffet easily :p


MY TIME HAS COME Ok let’s do this Finley idea: he gives his BF a nice big hug... and oops, starts slimming down. While BF fattens up with Fins weight. (Forgot BFs name... was it Oliver?) Jacob idea: a slime invades his gut and it won’t leave so he has to waddle home with it. It’s hungry and forces him to cram down the food so it can grow. David idea: he’s been hitting the gym hard, eating like a monster, and bulking up. Everything growing. Arms, chest, thighs, gut, he’s turning into a big bulgy beast and Ulrich jokes “dude I feel like I’m shrinking”


Could we get a post of who’s who of your OCs?


sure! I can get something like that up sometime later today or tomorrow


Hmm... What about some Turtle Adventures (TM) featuring Daedalus?


How bout some good old fashioned clothing struggles from the "Covid 19"? Not sure who but think it might fit Sean well


Anything with Titus and a belly


Sean And Titus interacting maybe sean ate all the pizza for the sleep over and they’re just haven’t fun like the good friends they are *cough* *cough* *wink* *wink* just super close friends !


I’d love to see the swim team decked out (and clubbed up) as the Fire Emblem classes that suited their personalities, if you found that idea entertaining.


HINT HINT ! cough COUGH !!!! Okay I kinda wanna know ! Are they gonna end up together or are they just super close friends with “we could be lovers if _____ wasn’t straight” vibes ?


tbh, a good number of the one would, but i probably wouldnt say all of them! Sean definitely would, given that his latest size is more or less already the result of having so much easily accessible food due to the generous portions and availability at school~


This is actually something i've been pondering over for quite a while! Back in October, i already drew Titus in the FE: 3 houses academy uniform, with him being from Brigid and favoring the Dancer Class and specializing in Faith and Swords (and a hidden talent in fists). I have a lot of spell lists and specialties already picked out for a lot of my OCs, i just havent had the time to draw them. (As for them being chubbed up, not all of them would be chubbed up in this AU, tho some would indeed be bulky as is their nature~)


Are Ulrich or Oliver into being crushed by their boyfriends? If so, could we see it?