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Here's where you put your character + Scenario nominations for this month.

As a response to this post, post what character and what scenario you want them involved in, or wait and see what someone else comes up with and put your vote behind theirs'! 5 dollar and higher tier holders still hold double voting power. $3 dollar and higher tiers will also have a Downvote (click to learn more) to cast to reduce one nomination by 1 point when votes are tallied ($5 dollar and higher voters still only have 1 downvote, btw)! Be sure to post which nominations you are downvoting, and remember they can also be changed at any point like normal votes.

Once it hits midnight PST of the 15th of this month, voting will close and i will count to see who wins. The 1st placer will get a 3 part, flat color sequence. the 2nd placer will get a 2 part "before and after", and there will be 6 consolations where 4 will be randomly chosen and 2 being Verzi's Choices. 

Remember that all nominations have a chance of being randomly picked for one of the 4 random fills unless they won already (see below) or i personally say i'm not going to do them.

For the nature of the nominations, they can be a character just getting fat, pregnant, macro'd, being stuffed and popping clothes buttons, or in their underwear (or nude) getting turned on by their bod or state of belly (yep! nsfw stuff is allowed), or whatever have you. Combos of kinks are also allowed (ie, chubbed up + stuffed, or macro + stuffing).

And please, try to keep the suggestion length to what would fit in one Tweet, and please provide references or clarifications if a character has multiple versions floating around (such as Marvel/DC heroes sharing the same name but played by different actors or drawn by different artists)

Also note: Characters who have already won consolations and previous events in the past still count as if they've won them in this new system! Characters who've already won for a particular kink cannot win them again unless their context nomination is one i deem different enough from the last time they won.

Keep in mind that you can change your votes up til voting closes, but please say what you're changing it from so I can better keep track!

And if there is more than one nomination for the same character, tell me which context you're voting for! Otherwise, i cannot count your vote.

These polls are also single character only, meaning there will not be any X feeding Y, no A boning B, no C rubbing D, etc etc. One dude per nomination!



Probably a long-shot character, but here goes: Y-6 from Steven Universe growing into a pear-shaped fatty with moobs after trying and overindulging in earth foods.


Any of your male OC who are in denial about their underwear being too small due to their progressing weight gain. I'd really like to see more of your OC this year.


I definitely appreciate this nomination (and trust me when i say i want to see more of my own OCs this year too. ;D) but my OCs arent available for patreon polls, so i'll have to ask you to change your nomination/vote to another character!


Fred Jones from Scooby Doo live action movie 2002 with belly inflation via water inflation and he is aroused. He got trapped by a real sea witch.


I’d like to suggest Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 5. He gets infected with a gluttony virus and tries to fight his urges to eat, but he eventually gives in and grows very fat, even getting aroused by eating and his new size. If He has been suggested before (Not sure if he has) then I will think of something else :)


Superman (Henry Cavill) suited and Forcefed + boner


Poe Dameron (Star Wars) - Musclechub weight gain + arousal


Dojima (Persona 4) + WG + Naked + Arousal


Jason Mendoza (from the Good Place)-WG+embarrassed+wardrobe malfunction


Heymans Breda (Fullmetal Alchemist) WG with some wardrobe malfunctions sounds fun!


Muscle chub Geralt from the Netflix Witcher series (portrayed by Henry Cavill). Maybe with him ending up unable to cover his belly but owning it.


Kuromatsu being forced to finish his burataz leftovers by them stuffing him with them.


Musclechub Leon (Sword and Shield) naked and aroused with his belly


WG of Ebisu from Housamo; he outgrows his less revealing outfits until he's left with his swim trunks, which are still too small.


Fred from Big Hero 6 WG/feeding


Peter b Parker aroused with his belly


Breda got a WG consolation a month or so ago, so while eligible for 1st and 2nd place still, know he wont be eligible for a consolation fill if he doesnt win!


Arousal isn't a kink I can make a sequence of, so please specify if you want WG, stuffed, inflated, etc. Also note that Peter B parker already got both a macro 2nd place sequence , and a WG+aroused consolation. He can win 1st place again for macro, and 1st+2nd place for WG, but cannot get consolations for either of those.


Well a stuffing sequence for him would be fun

Ruddy Full

How about Dr. Xander "Smolder" Bravestone (Dwayne Johnson's character) from the new Jumanji movies but magically sumo-sized and clothes tearing after uncovering a ritual idol in a temple?


I'll second this, and down vote Poe from starwars with no hard feeling about the person who suggested him, I just can't stabd that character x3


I have no idea who he is, but I just googled him, and I 100% support this!


Dipper Pines (age 22?) WG


Fred Jones (Whats new Sccoby Doo) enjying a Shaggy style stuffing


Raihan from Pokemon Sword and Shield WG from various eating streams that he’s gotten in the habit of doing lately.


May I please nominate chubby pre-TS Ashe from FE:3H in his undies all stuffed and uncomfortably full with some added boner bulge? Behold my most original ideas haha


I'll nominate Ginti from Death Parade becoming musclechub with wardrobe malfunctions


Wolverine from xmen evolution stuffing sequence in his casual clothes


Another Patreon has nominated Link from BotW Chuchu slime inflation


A second patreon has nominated a musclechub young Genji from overwatch!


Rey Mysterio weight from celebrating too much. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/22/92/ec/2292ec5c0a11ba78367887b00a160689.jpg


Since my nomination won't stand a chance to even get a consolation prize, I am now putting my vote here.


Actually, can I nominate Raphael (Fire Emblem) musclechub wg/force feeding again, (as a continuation of the Verzi's Choice) with the ghost hands relentlessly stuffing him with tons of Garreg Mach meat pie (and making him chug milk to wash it down)? I understand that if he doesn't get 1st or 2nd he cannot get anything.


you certainly can nominate him! And you already understand the implications, so its all good.


Cool-I'll do that then! I really thought I was over these Fire Emblem bois, but alas...


I looked into him, and given that this isn't an actual character, im going to ask that you try nominating someone else, as even though this is his wrestling persona, its still "him" and not a character.


My bad. I didn't read the rules the best. Just saw you do illustrations of specific actors portraying characters and didn't think it would be an issue. Guess I'll nominate Atreus again from God of War being stuffed.