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For the past couple months, i've been wanting to try a bit of a change up with the patreon events:

Firstly, i'm going to extend the voting periods. The most relevant voting periods were 5 days each, and usually ends all the important voting by the 10th. Now, i'm gonna make it so that voting ends the same day all patreon requests are due, basically closing on the 15th (midnight PST). This will give people a bit more time to ponder over (and remember) what to vote for.

Secondly, instead of a big sequence that takes so long to complete, I'm going to simplify them in a way similar to how i do the Consolation prizes. ie, they will be lined and flat colored.  

Thirdly, (this is the most complicated part, so if there are further questions, feel free to ask!) how the monthly works are decided will be changed up. During the two week period will be when patrons can suggest BOTH a character and the particularly belly-related kink that will be applied to them, whether it be stuffing, weight gain, mpreg, w/e have you. This nomination would encase BOTH the character and the scenario. There will be no separation of them.

Also during this voting period, while you can nominate a new character + scenario combo, you can instead place your vote behind one that was already voted for, similarly to how we've been running the character polls (5+ dollar voters still have double power). At the end of the voting period, the scenario with the most votes gets a flat colored 3 part sequence (cuz i know all ya'll love your sequences!) and the 2nd placer gets a flat colored "before and after" of their scenario. Then, for those that don't win, I will still select a "Verzi's Choice" which will be my favorite nomination that will be viewable to even non-patrons, but then i'll also choose 4 randomly selected losers to draw their scenario as flat colored consolations.

Example: A patron nominates Naruto getting very fat. Other patrons can either place their support behind them, or, if they either dont like the character or the scenario, nominate another. They can use their vote to either nominate, say, Kiba getting fat instead, or perhaps a scenario where Naruto overdoes it at a buffet and gets super stuffed instead of getting fat. Despite scenarios sharing either a character or a kink, they will be considered different nominations.

In the end, it basically breaks down to the winner getting a 3 part sequence, the 2nd placer getting a 2 part sequence, and 5 other nominations getting fills. It's a bit of a marriage between my underwear type events and the sequence events.

My reasoning for doing this is thus: 

-One, i honestly am veeeeery displeased with the way I shade. It takes a lot of time on my part, and very rarely comes out satisfactory to my sensibilities despite the time put into to it. Before i start shading again, i want to find time to explore other methods to see if i take to them better, and freeing up the time i spend shading will (hopefully) give me a chance to do so.

-Two, I have been very much aware of the source of a lot of the winners for the patreon events, and it leaves some patrons a bit put off. This new method would both take care of the issue of making sure the less popular kinks have content on a more monthly basis, and the less popular characters get fills for them too, even if they aren't winning by popularity.

-Three, my ADHD makes the sequences very daunting in terms of project greatness (mostly due to the shading), and by simplifying the tasks, i'm hoping to be able to more easily tackle them and get them done in a more timely manner so you guys dont have to wait so long.

As I said, if you have any questions or other types of feed back, please let me know! I'm still trying to find a good balance between getting you guys a nice variety of content for all the support you guys have given me the past couple years and trying to find time to grow my abilities, so it'd be great to hear what you guys think! If necessary, I can always go back to the old way of doing things, so this is not necessarily a permanent fixture unless a majority of you guys (and I) take to it!

(Also, stay tuned for the post where you actually vote! don't put your nominations on this one~)


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