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In short,  starting this October, I am going to double the weight against winners, meaning every victory will be an effective -2 to their tally. So come this October, the WG sequence will have a -24 to it, instead of a -12 for it's 12 total wins, while the Feed (Character) event will have a -8 for its 4 total wins, and so on and so forth.

Now my reasoning: 

The Weight gain sequence has won 12 months out of the 22 months my patreon has been doing these monthly events, and that balance is honestly not ideal in my eyes, especially given 2 options haven't won at all. 

I took some time to do some looking, and noticed a couple things about voting:


-A very large majority of voters have double voting power; this month, there were 76 votes on the 1 dollar voting poll. 55 of them were 5$ and higher voters. This pattern holds true for past months where a large percentage of voters are double vote casters.

-despite the above, a victory still counts as a single vote against that choice.

The two above observations mean that my weighted system isn't doing much to slow down the popular options, and next to nothing to help the options who've yet to win a victory because they essentially end up accounting for less than one person overall.

This system was made under the original assumption that single voters would outweigh the double voters at least somewhat, but that has been the exact opposite of the case.


Due to the fact that most of the people voting are double voters anyway, the fair thing to do in order to diversify the events is to try and line up the weight against victors with the weight of the votes most are casting.

This may seem pretty harsh, but I assure you, even with this huge penalty increase, I foresee the WG sequence still winning it's fair share after the penalties equalize a bit. I looked at this month's tally, and if I applied this new system to this month's polls, the WG sequence would've lost by only one vote.

My main goal is to mix things up every once in a while, because a healthy portion of my patrons don't necessarily enjoy WG, and a lot of them don't mind it but would like to see other belly kink sources/themes on more occasions. I myself hope to diversify the events too, especially since there are a couple options that I personally enjoy that I'd like to see win more often! 

Of course, I appreciate any and all feedback, but please be sure to give good reasoning behind your ideas and criticisms!



On the topic of diversity, I've noticed quite a lot of the winning characters tend to already have a bit of representation in the belly expansion community, as well the majority coming from anime series, or looking like they come from it. Pretty much impossible for any other type of character to get a foot in the door any more. I'm guessing this might come across as passive aggressive or salty to some, but it just feels like we're always getting more of the same.


I definitely get what you mean, and I see that too. There's certainly a huge preference for animated characters, and most of that preference tends towards popular anime and characters who are already getting attention. As much as I'd like to, i don't think there's a way to really address that issue beyond hoping the fans of those characters vote for them during voting periods, and the fans of the popular characters stop being so thirsty (which is unlikely, haha). I can grant disadvantage to series and franchises that win, but that will be a hit to characters of the same series/franchise who need the representation.


Maybe instead of voting against, a winning category gets taken off the poll for 3 months? So if WG wins, it comes off the poll for 3 months, like a "cool down" effect. If you want to make things even less frequent, could be a win adds an additional month. So if WG won in Jan, it couldn't come back until April. If it won again, it couldn't come back until August, etc.


To clarify: So if WG won in Jan, and stuffing won in Feb, neither would show up in March.


I'm not trying to be rude, but are you really surprised that Mpreg and Macro haven't won? they're two of the more outlandish sects of the belly kink and I don't think anyone can deny that.


Not particularly, but being outlandish is absolutely no reason at all for them to never win. (and lets be real, most of WG lovers enjoy them some rapid and magical WG, which is just as outlandish if i'm being frank. ;3) My issue mostly stems from the current standings: Macro and mpreg: 0 Underwear Event: 2 Stuffing Sequence: 3 Feed Character Event: 4 Inflation Event: 1 WG sequence: ***12 wins*** So even if they have won at least once, the overall issue persists and still extends to the other choices. And this issue is capitalized on the fact that the people actually voting for the WG sequence makes up less than 25% of my patron base. if 50% of people were voting for it, i'd be more inclined to be fine with it. but 25% is a paltry majority for it to be winning more than 50% of the time.

Zeeb The Werebear

Hopefully this will help give mpreg a chance.

Ruddy Full

Seems legit. And while Mpreg is SOOO not my bag, it'll be cool if Macro gets a chance for more of your work.