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Here's a small heads up that from this point on, I'm going to allow all my stream files to remain viewable to the 1$ tier instead of shucking them into the $5 tier two months later. This was decided mostly out of convenience for myself, and I will reflect this in the tier info section!

Also! I have decided that the $600 milestone award will be Underdog Poll! People liked the nsfw idea, but there was more unanimous support for this idea. Here is the info, as it was explained in the post i made last month:

"Underdog poll. Unfortunately some of the options really have no hope of winning based on their popularity (and the fact that the WG sequence is still reigning supreme), so perhaps an underdog prize can be awarded to choices that have yet to win, such as the mpreg and macro themes. The underdog prize would only go to the choices that havent' won/have the lowest amount of wins (underdog wins will be tallied, similar to normal wins to keep it diverse).

After the underdog event is chosen, there will be a voting thread for the character, and the winner of that would get a single doodle, similar to the consolation prizes. "

This will hopefully lesson the blows from the Weight Gain sequence's repeated tyranny. These details are subject to change, cuz I need to hash out some of the specifics. But once we hit the milestone officially, I will make a new post with the details! 



Aww, guess I'll have to wait until the next milestone for that sweet NSFW haha If you don't mind me giving my input, it sounds like a lot of voting! Voting for the main event, voting for the character, voting for the food (for a feed event), voting for the underdog. Maybe it would just be simpler and less hassle if you chose the character for the underdog event? Just a thought!


It's not too much a big deal, especially since the for the event, i wont have to do a poll every month, cuz i'll probably just choose whichever event has the lowest wins. ;3 (currently, its mpreg and macro. i'll have a poll for one of them, then the next month will assuredly be the one event that lost the previous month) I MAY choose the character for the underdog event, but i would still let people make suggestions and provide their support. Details will be finalized once we reach the milestone.