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Alright, with the voting changes, i actually paid a bit more attention to the tiers and of the voters and the voting turn out, and i've come to notice something.

A lot of ya'll ain't voting.

Now, this isn't exactly a problem... but it's piqued my interest! The turn out is much better for the polls with usually half of you chime in for that. But for the characters, the voter poll is notably smaller and consists almost completely of 5 dollar and higher tier holders! (There were only three 1 dollar tier holders who voted this month)

So the question I pose to you is: Why don't you vote?

I don't mean to sound confrontational or anything, and i apologize in advance if i come off that way. I'm simply curious as to why a very large percentage of the lovely people throwing money at me aren't utilizing one of the benefits of the most basic tier.

Again, it's not a problem, since the end result, despite the fact i do favor some options and subjects, is of not much concern to me, but I am concerned with the notable amount of silence, and i'd be lying if it didn't make me a little anxious to not hear such a large amount of you not chiming in during voting periods.

So please let me know your reason for not voting! and feel free to comment if there's something else you want to ask, or to add to whatever you voted for!


Sapphire Jack

I don't vote because I usually don't like the choices. I don't watch any anime and there's nothing about Homestuck appealing to me so most of the choices and in turn almost all of the winners mean nothing to me.


Half the time, I myself do not care much at all for the suggested characters that are suggested and even win, so i can understand. Do you not have any characters that you'd like to nominate? It is why I give everyone the option to suggest a character, and most characters are fair game (as long as they're male given the nature of me and my audience)


For me, I think it’s two things: 1. The biggest factor, by far, for me, is that the last couple of months have just been very busy as well as very mentally challenging. So, pretty much every scrap of free time has been spent trying to relax and mentally recharge. 2. This is more minor, but I think I also became a bit less engaged when the votes swung away from weight gain in favor of stuffing or other kinds of sequences. Don’t get me wrong, weight gain had totally been dominating the votes for a while and I think it’s totally fair to give peeps who prefer other types of sequences a chance to see them. It’s just, for me, I’ll pretty hanky get more involved when weight gain has a more even chance of winning the poll again (and maybe it’s getting close to that? Again, not really sure because the primary reason I’ve been unengaged is mental health) Hopefully at least some of this makes sense!


Totally makes sense, and totes understandable! Thanks for the input~


I kinda mentioned my position during the stream, but I'll put it down here too just for the record! I tend to always vote for the type of event, but when it comes to the actual character, if there's someone that's been on my mind recently, I will tend to suggest that person (like Bakugou! But he already won an event, so hurray! \o/). But otherwise, the main two reasons I don't vote are: 1) I like both front-runners a lot, so regardless of who wins, I'll still be happy! OR 2) I dislike both front-runners, so it really doesn't matter who wins and voting for a third character wouldn't make a difference. Ok, maybe dislike is too strong a word, but you know what I mean ;D So, in other words, a combinations of Options 1 and 2 tbh! Although, judging by how Bigby just appeared out of nowhere and destroyed the front-runners, maybe there's a lesson to be learned here haha (If I'm honest, Verzi, I've only missed one or two votes, so people like me are probably not the fans you're trying to get comments from! I strongly suspect the ones that don't have the time to vote are not likely to have the time to give you any proper feedback here!)


Haha yeah, you're not quite the intended audience of this poll,. but your input is still appreciated, and sorta still falls in line with every one else's reasons.