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September marks the month where the Patreon turns one year old! It's been quite a ride, and im glad for all the support everyone has given me thus far.

Since the dawn of 2017, I've been pondering over the upper tiers and how to reorganize them so that more people have an opportunity to get rewards. Below are the changes I settled on for the most part! If the tier isn't listed, please assume that there are no changes planned for them.

10 dollar tier: Increase maximum slot limit to 10, however, each slot holder gets only 1 monochrome/flat color character of their choice per charge. 

15 dollar tier: a New tier that I will add with a slot limit of 5. Each slot holder will get 2 monochrome/flat color characters per charge.

20 dollar tier: Same as before, with a maximum slot limit of 3, however, the reward will be reduced to 3 characters per charge, instead of the current 4.

The above changes have been decided mostly because there has been notable interest in getting reward doodles, however, the holders of the slots are persistent in their support. :P

With these changes, I'll be rewarding more than double the patrons, 18 up from the current 8, despite the total number of figures/characters increasing only by 7 (29 from the current 22).

I've also removed the color + shaded option on account of it honestly being my least favorite thing to do, is more work than what is being paid for it, and that it is not an option that is in high demand.

As for the 20 dollar reward, it has been scaled down due to the 4 character requests being a bit overwhelming at times for me, and also to better coincide with the time and effort needed to complete them.

These changes will mostly be a trial thing, and if reason demands it, they will be subject to changes again. I want to gauge both interest, and to see if i am able to handle this new workload without burning myself out one way or another.

As always, I'm always open to hearing feedback and suggestions from you guys! 

Thanks again for for all of your support!



Sounds good, but I would just announce far in advance when you plan on switching / adding the tiers. (I.e. the exact date and time) so that it doesn't come out of the blue for your patreons. Had a couple other artists do this without a prewarning and it was very disruptive. Otherwise, I'm all for this :3


Yeah, that's the main reason i put this post up now, just so all current patrons have at least a month's notice. Once it hits September 1st, the tiers will be switched, and I'll be sure to put up a reminder notice a bit later in August.