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I was in the tube today and minding my own business, playing something stupid on my phone while listening music, when he entered. I’m currently single and—additionally—I have a weakness for men with strong legs. He was so nice to look at that I practically started staring at him. He came from the gym—clearly—because he was still slightly sweaty and his thighs were pumped af. Every time he moved, is huge muscular legs shook and you could see the massive muscle tissue under his skin working. I was so enchanted that I took a photo. I sent it to my friend and he was speechless too. But I think he saw it …

He thrusted forward in his seat as if it wasn’t comfortable for him at all. He became quite unsteady and I wondered why. Sometimes he looked up from his phone and smiled at me slightly. My face must have been the redest until then. I could feel his eyes on my body. 

Then he rearranged his body on his seat again and I noticed that his legs and especially his thighs looked way bigger now. He was out of breath as if he had ran for his life. I took another photo…this time even more obviously.

He started massaging his miracolous thighs in front of me and they became even bigger under his touch. He stood up and walked to the door just to come back after a few seconds. It looked like as if he just had too much energy in his enormous legs. 

He whispered a little “Fuck” and his legs became even bigger. Maybe because I wished so or because he took something…I don’t know. It just happened.

He was trying to focus on his phone but there was no way around noticing his steadily growing monster thighs. He probably couldn’t even walk normally with them. They were just too big.

When the growth subsided he gave me a look that said “I’m ready. Now you can touch them.”

We were not alone but it did not matter. I came the moment I touched his monstrous thighs. What a dream come true…




The pictures connected to this post may not be visible ATM. I will fix that tomorrow