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One of my former members mentioned that the morphs are too freakish before leaving Patreon. What's your feeling about that? Should I come up with less extreme morphs regularly?

If you have any other thoughts, you can put them in the comments.

One more thing: Someone also complained about too much "fat stuff." He probably wasn't following me on Discord—just a little reminder to activate that channel too. 

Thanks for reading.



Johnny Gayzmonic

Your creativity is your creativity. I'm happy to see whatever you come up with.

Brandon Gray

I think you have a great variety of what you post.. I’m glad to pay for whatever you feel like creating


Agreeing with Johnny. This is YOUR page and YOUR space to be creative. No one should muzzle that. Let the complainers see themselves out to make room for those who appreciate what you do.


Love the morphs and fat content...NEVER too much

Anthony Williams

Absolutely love your stuff and couldn’t ask for better. Your eye for detail and changes is unparalleled and utterly amazing. Thank you for posting!!


Noone comes here for "kinda big"


I'd like to see you try vore, if you're open to the idea.

Tug Taylor

You have set the standard in this realm. There are plenty of places others can go if they want less. Not only do you provide a wide variety of views on the growth spectrum, but you are one of the few creators that gives back to important causes. Thanks for your HUGE heart 💗💪💥!


I want MORE extreme morphs, please. Subtle morphs are boring, if I wanted to look at something realistic why would I be on a morph artist's patreon?


I love these off season morph! Keep up the work man!


hmm maybe do odd morphs when only center body parts grow while the rest dont grow?


While I like people to just go all out.. I find It a form of expressionism. If someone wants less extreme morphs.. they can find another one But I also can see where maybe you can experiment with your less extreme morphs. Again just as an experiment. Cause while I find most everything you make hot as hell. I'm in the minority on that opinion.


Personally, I like your fat/gainer content the best & say the more extreme the better!

marc sartino

Taller please ❤️


Cleave to what you want to do, there's always going to be a freakier morpher and a more realistic morpher.


I can understand what some people think but… it’s your page, you take pleasure to do these morphs. For you first. I love giants morphs and you don’t do these morphs, i will not complain because I know you don’t do that. You do muscles, ass, fat, cock,… it’s already awesome ! And your work is just perfect ! Fat morphs are not really my thing but it’s not for that i will complain. I look at it and that’s it. Waiting for the next morph ! 😉 Think about you first, there will always be people who are not happy ! Keep your awesome work ! Do what you like !! 😃😉


Do you. If people don't like it, they can go somewhere else


I second this motion, honestly you could go a bit more extreme 🦍🦍🦍 BIGGER


Frustration is working on something you don't love to fulfill the desires of others, even is they are paying for it.

zack stantz

I think you should just do what inspires you rather than trying to cater to specific tastes - your audience will continue to find you


I love the fat morphs and the muscle morphs and love what you do. Keep up the great work!