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You can read the Prolog here. 

I first thought back to our Las Vegas trip when we got ready for a Halloween party. Not because the magic show came back to my mind, but because I was equally dawdling to push the evening as far ahead as possible. I didn't have a costume mainly because, unlike my three roommates, my body was in no way massive like any of theirs. Whether it was the musculature of Caleb's, Trevor's towering height, or the overall masculinity of Regan's, I didn't want to accentuate my body with an outfit that shouted, “Look at me! I look like a fucking twig!”

Caleb and Trevor had already left for the party, and they had looked excellent in their costumes. So good, in fact, that I would have loved to watch them all evening. Caleb had been dressed as a Pokémon trainer. He had on short shorts that accentuated his bulky frame, some freckles he had painted on, and a hat with the Pokémon logo on it. Trevor had opted for a convict costume to give us a little look into his future, I guess.

Regan was the only one who was still in the apartment because his costume involved the most work (and would win over most women at the party). He went as a mummy, which meant wrapping himself in gauze bandages from head to toe—strategically leaving a few holes exposed to accentuate his physique.

Regan and I got along just fine so he wasn't shy about asking me to help him with his costume. When he asked me, gauze already covered his lower half. But for a second, I allowed myself to glance between his legs where his thick bulge rested. I had seen that bulge many times in my life, and it never ceased to amaze me. I had even saw it that morning. Regan was leaving his room while I had a bowl of cereal on the couch. He was giving the woman in his bed some minutes to catch her breath before going back in again for another round. I had a perfect view of his large package. He was only wearing some boxer briefs, and his erection hadn’t died down yet. His hard dick was a sight to behold. The head was reaching over to his hip bone, where it had left a wet spot as big as the palm of my hand. His hairy chest was glistening with sweat in the morning light. His cock spasmed as he saw me.

“Sorry if we were too loud,” he said with a goofy smile on his face. I just shook my head and chuckled. He opened the fridge and drank milk straight from the box. His wide jaw moved up and down with each gulp.

Then, almost 12 hours later, he had asked me to wrap his upper body in bandages. I was kind enough to oblige. Regan had plenty of time to think while I dressed him. “You should come to the party too Kyle. You can't always sit here alone and wait for life or whatever to find you. I think you might even like the party we’re going to,” said Regan as I continued to wrap him in gauzes.

“A party that Trevor is going to is, by definition, not for me,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“You shouldn't care what Trevor says to you. I love the guy, but we both know he's talking out of his ass most of the time.” I couldn’t help but smile when he admitted to it being true. I wrapped his toned biceps in bandages and tried to take a mental photo while doing it. Regan’s arms weren’t as big as Caleb’s, but they were still impressive, and I was turned on by touching the big cannons. “Don’t do them too tight. I still need to be able to move,” said Regan as he flexed his arms.

Another difference between Caleb and him was the amount of body hair. While Caleb was always shaved, Regan let his hair grow out. He would occasionally trim his hair every once in a while when things got out of hand, but it was a rarity. I liked his body a lot despite it, though. The fur suited him very well and added a lot to his manly aura.

I was inches away from his hairy pecs and the pitch-black pits under his arms. I loosened the bandages around his arms and the veins I cut off before began swelling down again. He looked more like a mummy with every passing second, and a very hunky one at that.

“I have an idea,” shouted Regan right in my face. With big steps, he ran into his room—a loose strip of gauze flying behind him like a white flag. His nice butt jiggling up and down with each step. Regan came back with the football outfit he wore for Halloween a couple of years ago. Back then, he only wore a Large so it possibly could fit me. “Wear this, Kyle! Join us tonight! Please! Get out there! Have some new experiences!” he said as he shoved the jersey into my hands.

“Really, I don’t wanna go out tonight. All those people having fun…I’ll be nothing more than the weird guy hanging around in the corner of the room,” I said as I pushed his hand with the costume away.

“Come on, do it for me!” he said as he got down to eye level with me and put on the puppy dog eyes.

“No, Regan. For real, I’m not going, sorry,” I said in a flat tone. Regan couldn’t help but snicker as I continued to deflect his invitation. It was all a game for him, but I had gotten annoyed. I couldn’t do what he wanted.

“Come on, Kyle! Get your dick out and into the costume!” he shouted as he grabbed my shirt. But before Regan could do anything else, I said,

“I think you should get your dick out and–“

He let go before I could even finish my sentence. His eyes became empty mirrors for a moment and then it happened. I lost my breath. Regan looked down at me, smiled, and unwrapped the bandages covering his full underwear. Another second later, his waistband was down, and his big soft cock tumbled out with a smack against his thigh. And what a cock it was! The most beautiful and biggest soft dick I’d ever seen! It was seven inches long and as thick as a can of Red Bull. No wonder that all those women would lose their minds when they were in his bedroom. I’d be going crazy too with a cock like that inside me, pounding me, growing in me, filling me up with cum. I didn’t know what to say. What had happened? There was no air left in the room between us; that or I had forgotten how to breathe.

He glanced down at his manliness and squeezed it with his big hand. I saw the defined muscles of his forearm tremble under his skin. He lifted his dick, and I could take a look at his walnut-sized nuts. Just beautiful.

“Okay, okay. I understand. I can’t convince you. Another time maybe.” And just like that, the scene ended as abruptly as it had started. Regan acted as if nothing had happened. He put his schlong back in his underwear, grabbed his stuff, and headed out. “See you later!” The last thing I saw was his ass covered in gauze leaving our apartment. I was standing in our living room, and the world seemed to turn a lot faster suddenly. What had just happened?

Was it some ill-fitted joke only straight people get? Why did he show me his beautiful dick? What the fuck happened? Did it happen? Suddenly, I wasn’t sure about it anymore. I sat down and let the silence of our apartment surround me. And then it hit me like a wrecking ball.

I think you should get your dick out.

Was that me? Did I do that?

I didn’t sleep that night. I kept thinking about what had happened.

Hours later, when I was lying in bed, the others returned from the party. They were drunk and loud, but it didn’t matter because I couldn’t sleep anyways. There was nothing different about their voices. It was as if nothing had happened.

Was Regan aware of what had happened hours ago?


A week later, I was still thinking about the incident. Part of me waited for another situation like that to come up again. I had a theory, a completely bonkers fantasy, running around in my brain 24/7. What if I was able to control him? What if the thing that happened to them in Vegas was still at work?

I would have put it off as a goofy accident if it wasn’t for weeks before when Caleb listened to me in the hotel room. He was hammered that night, and the only wish left was to go to sleep. But I told him, “I think you should take a shower.” And he did it. Just like that. What if the spell was still active? What if I was in control?

I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t think straight anymore, especially around the guys. I was always only one sentence away from trying to command one of them again, but it was too risky, no matter the situation. What if someone walked in while I controlled the minds of one of my friends?

And there also was another problem I hadn’t thought about before trying my luck again. I couldn’t just test it by saying, “Pass me the orange juice” or something. That was a small favor any of them would do for me without asking second questions. It needed to be something they did not want to do.

But of course, I couldn’t let it go.


I was running on a treadmill, the sweat in my eyes blinding me. Our apartment had a gym where every resident could exercise all day and night. The machines weren’t the best, but it was good enough for a decent pump. And it was free, so what else is left to say?

I was the only one of us who used it. Regan wasn’t a big exercise guy because his job as a construction worker was already enough work for his body. Trevor was only interested in jogging and blaming everyone but him for his leg pain. And Caleb had a membership at a real gym because he needed way more equipment. He only dropped by when he needed some cardio and if the weather was too bad to go anywhere else.

One day, the rain was running down the windows in thick streams. Autumn was showing its worst side. The door behind me opened, and Caleb came in.

“Hey! I thought I would find you here,” he said as he approached the treadmill next to mine. We had a chat while he started running with me. He was wearing a loose tank top that showed off his big pecs and some five-inch seams that covered nothing at all. I loved it when he wore those. Caleb started jogging, and a veil of irritation covered his face soon. He looked down.

“These shorts were a bad purchase. I should have ordered one size larger,” he said as he adjusted his shorts.

“If there’s someone who can be proud of his body, then it is you, Caleb,” I said with a grin.

“Thanks man, but these shorts will cut off the circulation of blood flow to my legs in a few miles. I shit you not.” He slowed the treadmill down and pulled his shorts back down again. They looked dangerously tight around his big, toned thighs. The seams were squeezing his skin tightly. They looked like they were practically painted on.

“If I were you, I would only run around naked,” I joked. Caleb laughed with me, and I was relieved that he liked my joke. Then I had an idea. This was the moment I was waiting for.

“I’ll change and come back with something more fitting for running,” said Caleb as he was stepping off the treadmill. I had to think fast and move quickly.

He was almost out of the room when I said, “I think you should just run in your underwear.” He turned around with a puzzled look on his face.


Fuck! Did he not hear me, or…

“What did you say?” he asked again. His tone wasn’t aggressive.

“I think you should just run in your underwear.” I repeated myself and looked over at him. Caleb stood in the doorway in silence for what felt like an eternity. My pulse was racing. What took him so long? What was going on?

“You’re right. No need to change.”

Holy shit.

He came back and started to undress on his way. He stripped off his short shorts with his tank top leaving him almost naked. He was smiling at me, and I kept wondering if this was something Caleb would do around me. Probably not, which meant…

He was running again, his whole body moving up and down with every step. His full pecs jiggled happily; his marvelous cheeks shook with each heavy footfall on the treadmill. Caleb was wearing a jockstrap that accentuated his bulge quite nicely. Bouncing from side to side as he ran.

I had to go further!

“How’s training coming along? Getting ready for the next competition already?”

“It’s great! Vegas motivated me like nothing else before. Now that my cut is over, I’m finally seeing some faster gains again. Even though it’s no muscle mass right now, hahaha!”

He was right. Weeks ago, right after the tournament, he only had muscle mass with very little body fat. Now his body already looked fuller. I liked both looks, but I preferred the fuller one.

We were both out of breath but kept on with our run. Caleb’s body started glistening with sweat soon. His steps on the treadmill became heavier and louder.

“You’d better not train all that mass off too soon.”

“Haha, don’t worry. I’ve just been eating a lot of food the past few weeks, and it shows. I need to cut out some cheat meals this week.”

“It’s not that bad. Trust me. I think you should be proud of your body, no matter what…and flex a little for me.”

And just like that, Caleb pushed a big button on the treadmill, and the machine came to a halt. I did the same and watched as reality unfolded in front of me. Caleb stood two feet away with a smile on his beautiful and freshly shaven face. He started to flex. He began with his quads, presented his wingspan, showed off his arms, back, lats, biceps, pecs, ass again and again and again. With every pose, his body appeared to be bigger than before. He was getting a decent pump.

When he flexed his amazing ass again, I couldn’t stop myself from touching him. I was as lost in his magic as he was in mine.

“Kyle? What are you doing?”

“I think you want to be touched by me right now.”

The tension fell from his back, and he started to lean into my hand.

I can’t believe this is happening.

“Harder,” he whispered, and his wish was my command. I grabbed his cheeks with both my hands and enjoyed the sheer weight of them. Caleb turned around and came closer. Eye to eye. He grabbed my hands and put them on his pecs.

“Touch me.” I squeezed his full pecs, enjoying their smoothness. I moved over to his big 20-inch arms and groped them. Finally, I grabbed around him and found his upper quads one more time. I was standing close enough to Caleb to feel his hardon against mine.

I took a step back, finally in my body again.

“That was a nice massage. Thanks, man,” Caleb said while giving his hardon a little tug. His mind was also returning from elsewhere. He grabbed his clothes from the floor and was on his way out.

“Everything all right?” I asked.

He turned around with a smile on his face.

“Of course! See you upstairs.”

Caleb’s face was unchanged. He had no idea what had just happened.


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