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"I'm not joking. You have to be careful! Everyone here wants you to try their stuff. There are so many protein bars, shakes, and shit!" 

"I'll be fine, I'll promise. It's just four days of running around, shaking hands, and taking photos with fans."

"I know you, Alexey. Once you start indulging you don't know how to stop." 

"Hahaha, time to prove you wrong. I know how to control myself."

"Yeah, sure…just focus on your job here, okay?" 

"I get it! You can go now. See you tomorrow, bro."


"Are you fucking kidding me?" 

"I…(pant) I have no idea what you mean?"

"You look like you ate and drank everything people offered you without thinking about it twice. Stop smiling at me like that!" 

"What?! I'm just feeling good, you know? Massive, even."

"Massive? You look like someone blew you up with a pump." 


"Stop laughing, Alexey! That's not funny! Even…even your package looks…different." 

"No idea what's happening down there, but I'm starting to become massive anywhere."

"I can't be by your side all day. I have to meet business partners. Just promise me you behave today. Just stay here, okay? No wandering around! No eating! You have a contest in just four months, Jesus Christ!" 

"It'll be fine. I promise."

DAY 3 

"Listen…I tried! I really tried! I'm sorry, bro. All the stuff here at the trade show is just so…delicious and…filling!"

"Filling? I can fucking see that! What's wrong with you?" 

"Don't you think this belly looks nice? And these pecs?"

"Alexey, you archived to stuff yourself so much, you grew some fucking tits right there." 

"I like the sound of that."

"You have to wake up, honestly! I have no idea how we'll bring you to the stage in just a few months!" 

"I'll start cutting tomorrow, I promise."

"Why not today?" 

"I'm not full enough yet. And the last day of the trade show is always the best. (Starts waddling away to the next protein bar stand)"

"Fuck, what's going on with him?! I don't have time for this?!"


(He finds Alexey in a pile of boxes. He has a shake in each hand, drinking them simultaneously.) 

"Hey man…(pant, glug, glug, glug, pant) How are you doing?"

"How am I doing? What's wrong with you? I've been looking everywhere for you!" 

"I've been here (pant) eating…drinking…gaining, hehehe. Look at these arms! (flex)"

"Fuck, Alexey…you're massive." "Getting bigger day by day!"

"This has to stop; you know that, right?" 

"Nah, (pant) the guys here say they'll send me free live-long supplies if I share my progress on social now and then." (glug, glug, glug)

"What the…" 

"Don't just stand there, buddy (pant). I need your help. First, you need to find me some more delicious shakes. And then I need your hand with another thing I can't reach any more."




Ridiculously cartoonish, and I LOVE it!!!!