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In September, you realized that your friend who had looked like a twig all his life was piling on pounds. You started joking that he would become fat as Santa himself by Christmas if he wouldn't stop eating like a maniac—you poked his newly gained thickness, grabbed his protruding love handles, and called him your little fattie. You should have realized sooner that this behavior was only accelerating his hunger. Your friend was shooting for the stars this Christmas. 

Every piece of clothing he owned became too small. He was sitting on the couch all day, drinking egg nog, and stuffing his face with delicious treats.

The night before Christmas, you wake up in the middle of the night. You find your friend in front of the open fridge, the only source of light coming from within. He had been eating all night, and it showed.

You come closer. He's packed to the brim, breathing heavily, but he also keeps on stuffing.

Between bites, he says, “Big enough? I hope you like your present." 

He pushes his enormous belly into you. It's soft and hairy, just the way you like it. 

"You're spoiling me. But…let's see how much this belly can take."



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