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Here is Chapter 8 if you haven't read it yet. Don’t complain to me when it escalates hahahaha. I hope you're all ready for the conclusion of this story. Have fun and thanks for reading the whole story. I already started writing the next one.

(This story contains Brothers, Muscle Growth, Pecs, Milking, Nipple Cocks, Cock Growth, Balls Growth, Off-Season Mass, Inflation, Height Growth, becoming hairy, macro and more)

In their little hut, my two bodyguards opened their eyes to the roar of the tide and the sounds of tropical birds. Another day in paradise awaited them.

“Bro, come on! Get up! It’s after sunrise. The boss is gonna be hungry again!”

He stretched as the several-hundred-pound mass of muscle next to him groaned and shifted.

“I’m up, I’m up. Damn, I’m hungry too! Last night was crazy.”

The two had gone through a dramatic transformation since they’d left the big city for an environment better suited to their growing boss. Two weeks ago, I had finally gotten so monstrously big that we’d had no choice but to leave everything behind. With not one day to spare, my bodyguards had arranged everything we needed. I was so proud of them—they’d had to handle all the calls and most of the paperwork themselves since I’d gotten too huge to help them.

The veranda of their little sand-colored beach house protested loudly as they emerged into the light. Closing in on 800lbs now, the twins had nothing to hide anymore. Their 7’2’’ bodies were swollen beyond belief, barely able to crouch and squeeze to fit through the door frame. Preceding them by a few feet were the unbelievably big pouches containing their balls and cocks, which had continued to grow steadily for the last few weeks. The orbs were bigger than beach balls now, and had recently begun dragging on the ground.

“I think my cock grew again last night.”

“Yeah, mine definitely did. We must be giving the whales a run for their money now.”

“Let’s be sure to grow them even bigger, then,” the first one answered with a smirk. “Can’t have those little old whales thinking they can compete with us!”

They pushed their prodigious bulges down a little path and into the forest behind their hut.

The two quickly broke into a musky sweat as one of them got his bulge stuck in the undergrowth. By the time his brother had helped him get it free again, it had pulled a young tree to the ground.

“Don’t worry about that,” his brother said. “If the path isn’t big enough, our bodies are just gonna have to cut a bigger one as we go. Let’s see if today’s delivery is here yet.”

If anyone else had been on our island, they would have been blown away by the sight of my bodyguards emerging from the trees. Two massive men, tall as they were wide, jostling each other as they stumbled to the landing strip where my cargo company dropped our daily supplies. It looked like today’s box had just arrived. The parachute was still attached to it, drifting in the wind.

Inside the box was enough food for a massive banquet. There were shakes and drinks, buckets of meat, mashed potatoes, kegs filled with whole milk—and that was just the top layer.

My bodyguards surveyed the thousands and thousands of calories with glee. One of them sank a meaty arm into the box and fished out a small metal case. He opened it to reveal two syringes filled with more growth formula.

“Oh, wow. They sent even more?” the other asked, eyes aglow.

“I fucking love the boss. He knows us so well.”

“All right, shut up and give me the shot!”

They both took the injections straight into their massive asses, and within seconds the veins near the site began to pulse and bulge.

“Fuck, I can already feel it.”

“Let’s eat while we grow.”

“All right. But then we gotta get to the boss.”

“Yeah, I don’t know how long I can hold back once we start growing.”

The other’s response was incomprehensible. His mouth was already full of food.

They sat down right there on the tarmac, legs wide, and gorged themselves, guzzling and munching down everything they could get their hands on. They relied heavily on each other to feed now—their pecs had begun to block not only their range of motion, but also their field of vision. Pushing against their chins, their pecs were big enough to collide with their biceps anytime they tried to reach their own mouths. It was easier for them to just feed each other.

“Fuck, yeah bro, give me everything you’ve got. Yeah, the keg of milk too.”

“Open wide, big boy.”

Their muscle guts were swelling into big, round, full balls.

“Mmm, so good. They sent so much fucking food.”

“I have a feeling they’re sending more and more every day.”

“I love it.”

“Open up. Another box of chicken coming your way.”

As they ate everything they could reach, their balls were filling up nicely too. The two pairs of nuts swelled bigger, straining against their sacks, churning with fresh cum. The loincloths they wore were ripping apart, revealing humongous cocks and even bigger balls.

“Fuck, we might have overdone it this time. Someone might have to roll us back to the boss.”

“With legs like these? I doubt it!”

He was right. Their legs had begun to put on more and more weight since the injection. Their asses had almost doubled in size while they sat there shoveling food down their gullets. They could feel how much more sensitive their holes had become, the slightest move sending shivers up their spines.

The fine lines of muscle on their torsos grew deeper and more pronounced, until the bulges of their Adonis belts were as big as normal men’s biceps. At the same time, their backs widened, spreading out like wings, forcing their arms to rest at an even higher angle. When the growth spread to their traps, their heads were almost entirely surrounded by muscle.

Short of breath, one of them mumbled, “I feel it in my pecs now. Fuck, bro, this feels good.”

“We’re blowing up.”

“Just when I thought we couldn’t get any bigger! I need to be milked right now. Holy hell!”

They were already leaking, and neither of them wanted to waste a drop. Every ounce had to be saved for the boss. But their pecs were angrily demanding release. Wider and wider, they spread their arms apart. The nipples hanging below grew bigger in anticipation, rivaling the length and thickness of a normal man’s arm.

A rumble shook the palm trees around them.

“Fuck, we kept the boss waiting.”

“It sounds like he’s really hungry.”

“We have to get going.”

They went to stand, but at their new sizes, this was a several-minute process. The two of them were almost spherical balls of muscle now, full of nutrients and ready to be emptied. When they at last could move, they lurched up the little hill above the airstrip, spurting precum and milk everywhere.

Sweaty and out of breath, they came to a halt as another, even louder rumble started to shake the forest.

A voice that could only be described as godly echoed through the trees.

Is that you, boys?

The two bodyguards could only think one thing: Oh, god, he got even bigger. Their mouths formed the word fuck in unison as the mammoth trees in front them started to fall.

Okay, boys, be careful. I’m coming through,” the earth-shaking voice bellowed.

A monstrous foot, as big as a minivan, slammed into the ground just a few feet away from them. It was not only huge, but hairy. The toes sank deep into the muddy earth, shaking the ground beneath them and unrooting two trees in the process.

Guys? I can’t hold this thing up any longer. Stand clear!

An explosive sound echoed through the valley as something as big as an airship crashed to earth between the gigantic feet. The two bodyguards jumped clear at the last second, their heavy bodies creating aftershocks of their own.

When the dust settled, they took in the size of the piece of meat I’d just dropped in between them. My cock was as big as a cargo ship.

With my extraordinary god-cock pulsing before them, the two bodyguards couldn’t control their own hard-ons any longer. They were both soon sporting their own seven-foot erections.

Come on up, boys. The view is wonderful up here.

My hands, large as buses, descended from the sky and grabbed my two bodyguards off the ground. Then I let all 150 feet of me tumble to earth, shaking the whole island. I put the two men down on my protruding pecs, where they anchored themselves between the masses of muscle and a forest of hair.

“Boss! You got HUGE!”

“You’re gonna outgrow the whole island within a week!”

I know,” I boomed. “I also thought that we had more time.

My two little ones rearranged their sacks, getting ready for me.

You have no idea how hungry I am, boys. Did they send more of the serum? It looks like they did.”

“They did, and we’re already swelling bigger for you, boss. We’ve got to keep up with the demand!”

I reclined backward, propping myself up on another hill behind me. “My appetite is getting bigger and bigger every day, boys,” I roared. “We’re gonna need you two to step it up if you’re gonna feed this big body of mine.

I had become unimaginably big. A giant of galactic dimensions. With biceps bigger than my head, I could have rearranged the mountain on the island with my bare hands. My pits had become forests of thick black hair where my bodyguards could have rolled up at night and slept till dawn. My upper body was defined by shoulders rivaling the sea itself in width, and a pair of pecs that bulged with my every move, extending dozens of feet in front of me. The valley between my chest muscles had grown big enough to park a truck in. Below rumbled my insatiable monstrous gut, ready to turn everything in sight into fuel for more growth. The massive orb was big enough to fit a village inside. I could never seem to get it full, and it was demanding more and more every single day.

The bodyguards started heaving their assets toward my waiting mouth. I let my tongue roll out from between my full lips and began to pleasure both their bodies at once.

God, the two of you are getting rounder every day. I love it.

“Mmmm,” they moaned in unison. “We love it too, boss!”

I opened wide, and on cue the bodyguards groaned and began to shoot with all the force they could muster. My cock rose up from between my feet and ascended into the sky, becoming a tower of meat that cast its shadow across the entire island beneath. My gut began to swell again as the waves of cum finally began to arrive in my eager stomach.

I began to grow again almost instantly, my whole body stretching several feet bigger within seconds. I could feel my big feet pushing their way out of the mud, growing toward the mountains on the other side of the valley.

“Come here, you two!”

I reached for them, and it was now an easy task for me to get all their nipples and cocks into my wide open mouth at once. The bodyguards had no choice but to empty every drop into my gigantic lips.

More!” I groaned in between gulps, even as I continued to suck them dry. I was so hungry!

A few minutes later, my boys had nothing more to give. Grudgingly, I released their members, which looked to have been heavily inflated by the strong suction.

Care for another ride? I think you boys liked it yesterday.

My bodyguards started cheering, their cocks still hard and huge.

I picked them up again, lifting them up to the top of my cock head. My slit opened up a little, and I pushed my bodyguards inside.

Fuck, you two got wider since yesterday!” I cried.

I could see my little guys traveling down my shaft, wiggling in excitement. I leaned back, moaning, emitting a rumble loud enough to be heard beyond the horizon as I caressed my inflated muscle gut.

Boys, not so fast! I’m gonna come. Stop moving! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

I grabbed my skyscraper-cock and tried to shove the two muscleheads farther down into my humongous ball sack.

This is what you get when you don’t listen! But—nggghhh—it’s too late. Uff, I have to—ngghh—cum!

The most epic orgasm I had ever experienced ripped through my body as my cock began to shoot, raining cum down on the whole island. Then, with a loud explosion, my bodyguards shot out of my meat, landing on my pecs again in a pool of white cream.

“Fuck, boss! That was even better than yesterday.”

“Your sack is so fucking massive!”

“And I think some of that testosterone found its way into us.”

They lumbered back to their feet, leaving huge puddles of cum pooled underneath them. I took a moment to appreciate how much fuller their nut sacks looked than before, the skin pulled in tight around their balls. They both also looked a lot hairier than they had been a few hours ago. They both finally had nice thick beards of their own.

“And look at this, boss!”

One of the brothers grabbed a hold of something next to his pendulous dick. Another foot-long schlong had somehow grown in right beside his other, much larger one.

“You did it to us with your hormones, boss! It’s because of you!” they cried happily.

Fuck,” I marveled. “I guess I did.

With the tip of my huge fingertip, I touched my bodyguard’s new second cock. I looked over at his brother and noticed he had grown another cock of his own, even bigger than his brother’s.

I’m still hungry, boys, and I think we might have found a way for you to fill me up again. Care for another ride?

The bodyguards didn’t hesitate for a second.

“Yeah, boss. Put us back inside you!”

Now, that’s real loyalty, I thought, as my bodyguards prepared for another trip down my shaft.

We spent the morning repeating the process again and again and again. When we were done, the entire island was coated in several inches of my cum. Even on the coast, it seemed like the waves rolling in to shore now were mostly cum.

In the end, the two bodyguards rested, exhausted, in the palm of my hand, sweating, bloated, out of breath and spurting milk and cum everywhere.

“Fuck, boss! It’s not stopping anymore! Nghhh! It feels so good.”

“Can’t stop!”

Holy cow, look at you, boys. Now we’ve really done it!

“Bro, look at us. Look how big we are!”

“Mmm, so much bigger than we ever dreamed of!”

“Thank you, boss! I don’t…I don’t even think we can walk by ourselves anymore.”

“You’re gonna have to carry us.”

Even better. That way you’ll always be by my side—and I can keep growing you both. Guess we’ll just have to keep growing you until you pop!

The little muscle orbs in my palm had nothing to say to that. They just rolled their heads back and smiled beatifically, rubbing their cheeks against the masses of trap muscle that surrounded their heads.

By lunchtime, my bodyguards’ ballsacks were as big as houses, pumping out multiple gallons of spunk for me every second. They hung down from my palm like oversized wrecking balls. Their sacks were surrounded by multiple enormous cocks, each of which was constantly shooting jizz. They didn’t even have to get hard anymore—they were just cumming all the time.

I had the biggest meal of my life after that. Of course, I kept growing the entire time. After a while, I realized my feet were touching the sea. When I realized what was happening, I just laughed and kept drinking. I knew I was getting too big for the island, but I was determined to keep sucking until my monstrous gut was full. And then, if I managed to do that before nightfall, it would be time to give my perfectly round muscle bodyguards another trip down my cock.

The End



That was INSANE so hot and manly!!

David J. Brick

An amazing end to an incredible hot story!


Fucking awesome. So inspiring!!! Bring it on!

Tug Taylor

Truly an epic, neverending story ! The powerful images walk in my dreams at night. Thanks many times over 👊!


This has been the best story I have read in a while. A perfect mix of muscle, fat, bellies, giant sizes and businessmen. Thank you for writing this masterpiece!