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Here's chapter 7 if you haven't read it yet. It's been a while since the last chapter but trust me when I say that we're back bigger than ever! The story slowly enters the real Hyper Stage. If this is too much for you you can already hype yourself up for the next one. I already have a nice idea for that! Next Chapter will be the last one.

(This story contains Brothers, Muscle Growth, Pecs, Milking, Nipple Cocks (NEW!), Cock Growth, Balls Growth, Off-Season Mass, Inflation, Height Growth (NEW!) and more)

After the summit, It was all over for us. I ought to have seen it coming. Probably the outcome had been inevitable since the day I’d hired the twins. But I couldn’t help myself.

I abandoned myself to my instincts completely.

I was addicted to the two of them, to growing both of them, and myself, bigger and bigger. It was taking all my focus, all my energy and time. Every minute of every day, I couldn’t think about anything anymore but their muscles, their hair, their prodigious pecs, their swinging cocks and churning balls. And all I wanted now was to get bigger for them, to let their milk make me even rounder, even more dominated by my own hormones.

Once I fully gave in, I didn’t bother with my job anymore. I hadn’t been passionate about it for a long time, not really, but now I stopped pretending to do anything related to the company at all. I couldn’t have concentrated on anything even if I’d wanted to.

The Monday after the summit, I felt monstrous as I took a seat behind my desk. I was incredibly aware of my own mass, 32 pounds heavier than I’d been before the weekend started. My bulge was pressing against the underside of the desk, my legs caught between the arms, my shirt too tight for my spreading back. I now weighed almost 290 pounds. Since we’d gotten back, the twins had continued to spoil me with long feedings of rich pec milk every day.

For a second, I thought about doing work.

Instead, I spent the entire morning ordering each of the twins to my office in turn, the breaks in between them so short they were practically greeting each other at the office door.

“I’m hungry, boy,” I would say each time, already swollen and drunk from the previous filling, my beard still covered in milk, my ass squeezing against the sides of my chair.

“At your service, boss,” he would reply, opening his straining top buttons to let his full pecs come tumbling out.

My hard-on was ready to break my zipper. In a daze, I would latch on, drinking hungrily until there wasn’t a drop left. I kept kneading their pecs long after they were empty to be sure I wasn’t missing any, which made my boys groan loudly every time. Their nipples seemed to be getting bigger and thicker every time I saw them, maybe from the pressure of my heavy sucking.

By late afternoon (it was still Monday!), I hadn’t done anything all day but feed and grow. My expensive office chair was creaking and squeaking under my rising bulk, and my gut was pressing harder and harder against the arms. My erection, which had barely subsided all day, felt like a steel rod in my pants. When I finally got it free, I marvelled at the 11 and a half inches that now proudly protruded from my loins.

“Mmm. Holy fuck, I’m so big. The boys are growing me like crazy.”

I couldn’t stop myself from going to work on my new giant dick. Within seconds, precum was everywhere—on me, on the desk, on the floor. My breathing grew heavy as I got closer to finishing myself off, my other hand caressing my over-inflated midsection. I imagined my body slowly converting all the mass in my gut into more muscle for my arms, neck, back and legs. Frantically, I unbuttoned my shirt to check out the swollen pecs lying on top of my belly.

“Damn. I’m thicker than Santa!”

I flexed my now-23-inch guns.

“…and way more jacked. Fuck,” I moaned and the first of many spurts of cum exploded onto the desk in front of me. I pointed the head of my cock at my own face and drenched myself in three long waves. I giggled as my libido finally started to ebb slightly. I must have looked like someone had pushed me into a barrel of sunscreen. I was lucky there was a shower attached to my office. If I had time to use it before the next bodyguard arrived.

When I got home that evening, I was bursting out of my new wardrobe, feeling completely drunk on how quickly I was changing. I stumbled through the house and into the bathroom, breathing heavily. I hadn’t grown into my new weight yet. I lumbered onto my scale, my feet seeming to cover more of it than I remembered, and laughed out loud as the number 312 flashed up at me.

“Holy shit. At this rate, I’ll be the biggest fucker in the world by the end of next week.” I patted my gigantic stomach, and I heaved myself off the scale to admire my body in the mirror. “Maybe I’ll be even bigger than the twins by then.”

Just the thought made my head explode. I bounced my monstrous pecs for myself in the mirror and flexed my biceps. My cock was already rock-hard and rubbing up against my roid gut.

“I think maybe I wouldn’ mind that.”

I grabbed my belly.

“How’d you like to be even bigger than my bodyguards’?” I asked it. “Mhh, just imagine all that mass. And then the two of them can help me manage you.”

Meanwhile, at my bodyguards’ apartment, a needle filled with tren was slipping into an overly-muscled thigh. A wide smile appeared on the face of its owner.

“Thanks, bro. Can’t wait to transform all this juice into some mass.”

The twins were back in their private gym, wearing jockstraps barely big enough to hold their schlongs. Their basketball-sized nuts hung outside them, down between their thighs. They couldn’t take a seat now without rearranging their nuts first.

“I went up to feed the boss six times today.”

“I went up seven!”

“He sure is a hungry boy.”

“Bro, he’s looking so good. And huge! Last weekend really changed him. I can’t believe that was our milk that did that to him!”

“Have you seen the way he looks at us? Every time I unbutton my shirt now my nipples start to tingle.”

The two moved to the bench press as they bantered, loading massive hundred-pound plates onto the rack.

“My pecs have gotten so used to being sucked all the time—they get so full and sore in the evenings now. I just hope the boss doesn’t lose his appetite. I need to start getting milked more often.”

“Hell, me too. These udders just keep getting bigger the more he drinks. I don’t mind the weight of them though.”

“Yeah, don’t get me wrong. I love everything about them. I ordered some compression shirts today to show them off. Hopefully my nipples will still fit in them by the time they get here.”

One of the brothers lay down and started lifting. The other spotted him, his massive sack brushing against his brother's hair.

“Bro you’re tickling me! I think I need another milking.”

“7—8!—9!! UGH! 10!”

430 pounds of barbell crashed back onto the rack. The lifting brother sat up, just in time for his brother’s hands to grope his chest.

“Will you look at that pump, bro?? Magnificent!”

“Damn it. I’m leaking.”

He was right. A weak but steady stream of thick muscle milk was emerging from his nipples. Within minutes, the bench was covered in it.

“We need to find a way to save that for the boss. You know he’s gonna want every drop he can get.”

“That greedy muscle hog. You’re right.”

Their hard-ons had been pressing their jockstraps down for a few minutes now. They tore them off and started jerking in front of each other.

“I can’t stop thinking what it’ll be like when we grow the boss even bigger.”

“Fuck, he’ll be so huge in no time!”

“I want that massive cock of his so badly.”

“Did you see his bulge today? He’s growing like crazy down there. He’s gonna be as much a stallion as us.”

“Maybe more! And he’s so hairy…“

“Fuck, how big do you think he’ll get? He’s gaining so fast.”

“Imagine him at a thousand pounds! All muscle, with a massive gut!”

“Oh, bro, you’re making me so hard! I can’t wait!”

“I want to pump him up so badly.”

“We should be there at the office when he gets there in the morning. So we don’t waste any time before his feeding.”

His brother frowned. “I’m not gonna make it through the night without a good milking.”

Then the other brother had an idea.

“Do you remember those cock pumps we found here on the first day? Maybe we could repurpose them!”

“Bro! That’s genius! Those things don’t fit us down there anymore anyway.” He spread his fingers around the base of his dick, demonstrating that his hands couldn’t even close all the way around it.

Within minutes, they had improvised a milking machine. The penis pumps were made for appendages no longer than 8 inches, and their rigid nipples fit perfectly. A hose led from the cylinder to an empty bucket on the floor.

“This will work for now. I’m sure the boss can come up with a better strategy. He’s so smart, and he knows plenty of engineers.”

“Let me start! I’m fuller than you!”

His brother was jumping up and down with excitement, his colossal pecs bouncing and sloshing. His thick and long nipples were already hard and ready.

“Okay, let’s go.”

The next day, my eyes went wide as I entered my office to find my boys there—along with two big kegs of muscle milk.

“Boys! Is that what I think it is?” My hungry belly was already growling, the noise filling up the whole room.

“Open wide!” they cried in unison. I couldn’t help but obey, lusting for more of their rich milk, dreaming of outgrowing my sad, tired office.

They offered me a hose, but I was too thirsty. With my newly strengthened arms, I lifted the entire keg into the air and began to drink from it directly. Every time my Adam's apple gulped, I could feel my body swelling bigger and bigger. The twins tried to help, but they backed off when they realized I was now strong enough to hold it overhead all by myself. Dicks rising in their suit pants, they watched in amazement as my gut inflated, straining my buttons to the limit. Soon my whole outfit was drenched in the muscle milk spilling from my mouth as I drank faster than my throat could swallow. The first button popped off my shirt just as I finished the first keg.

Ecstastic, I collapsed into my chair and emitted a belch loud enough to shake the whole building. I tried to get comfortable in the chair, but my ass didn’t seem to fit into it anymore, and I could feel that it was still growing bigger.

“More,” I groaned, even though I was so full I was hardly able to breathe. The second keg was opened. I lifted it up—it felt lighter than the last one, although it was just as full—and began to drink. I could feel the rest of the buttons in my shirt and pants beginning to give way, one after the other. As the very last one snapped, my pecs exploded into view, the nipples already pointing downward. Stretch marks flared up over my loins as my muscle gut bulged forward, growing beyond what I would have even imagined possible. Another gulp, and the armrests of my chair exploded away on each side of me, giving my gut even more room to expand.

“So full and round,” one of the muscled bodyguards said, rubbing my midsection.

“Even bigger, soon.” the other added.

“Come on, boss! Drink more! You’ve got to finish it. The two of us are full of milk too and we’re about to explode.”

“Damn, look how big and hairy he’s getting.”

“And that beard, fuck! It got even darker and thicker since yesterday!”

Before I finished the second keg of muscle milk, my bodyguards unbuttoned their own shirts, revealing four unbelievably gigantic, veiny nipple-cocks. Half-hard, they hung down to their belly buttons. I had never seen anything like it before. My mouth would have been watering if it hadn’t already been flooded with muscle milk.

“Maybe we overdid it with the milking last night, boss. Our teats have grown an awful lot!”

“We milked all night, but we’re so full again already. You’d better still have room,” his brother said. Both of them pressed their heavy bulges against my sloshing gut.

“Always,” I mumbled.

I could speak again. The keg was empty.

They took the keg from me and bent down. Helplessly, I opened wide and they each stuffed a bloated nipple into my waiting mouth.

“NGGGHHHH!” I moaned. And then I closed my eyes and began to suck.

I had already taken in ten times as much milk as I’d ever had at once before, but the inflation began in earnest when the bodyguards began to empty their fresh milk into me. The rest of my clothes were tearing off of me. My once-small feet were snapping through the leather soles of my shoes, revealing unrecognizably big, manly toes swelling out of the gap. My legs grew in thickness as well as hairiness as they loudly burst my pants at the seams. And for the first time, I could feel that my whole body was lengthening. When I pushed away the remains of my chair to kneel in front of them, I was well over six feet tall and getting bigger every second. My bodyguards had found a way to transform me into a hairy, giant muscle beast with unbelievable speed. The beard on my round face grew thicker and darker as I continued to drink.

When I rose to my feet. I noticed I was eye-to-eye with my bodyguards. The nipples slipped from my mouth, finally empty.


“Fuck, boss!”

“Look at your size!”

“Oh boys,” I groaned. “Look what you two did to me. I’m gigantic!”

Another roaring belch. My bones creaked—my body was continuing to expand. My belly was as tight as a drum. I gave it a gentle rub with my huge paws. My manhood, hanging heavily below, was lengthening as well, bigger and bigger, growing fastest of all.

“Fuck, I’m STILL not full! How can this be?” I said.

“We might have something more for you!”

The bodyguards unbuttoned their pants, revealing twin 20-inchers.

With a grin, I went down to my knees and presented my rear to them. I could feel their excitement rise as my moon-like globes, still growing, rose in front of their eyes. I arched my back and stretched hard as my body stretched taller still, closing in on 8 feet and still growing.

“Fuck, boss. You sure?”

“This is a dream coming true!”

In unison, the two bodybuilders pressed their cocks against my bottom at once. They put their arms around each other to use the space between them more efficiently, their dangling balls colliding like wrecking balls.

“We’ve never injected you with cum directly before. I can’t wait to see what happens.”

“You’re gonna be so big by the end of this, boss.”

As they began to thrust deep inside me, their pecs were inflating again. They were both already half full again, their meaty nipples slapping against their 8-packs.

“Deeper, boys! Give me more! I need more!” I commanded, and they obeyed. My belly was rubbing along the carpet away from them, growing as they fucked me.

“Fuck, boss! I can’t hold it in any longer.”

“I have to blow my load, too!”

“Fuck, here we go!”


Their balls pulled in close and the two of them began to fire on all cylinders.

“Yes, boys!” I roared. “Fill me up! Make me bigger!”

All at once, I could feel my arms, pecs, belly, ass, legs, back, neck, even my face╖all swelling with muscle mass. Their juice was so intense that I grew almost two feet taller in one insanely intense spurt. My legs parted as my package inflated bigger than ever, to godlike proportions. My muscles looked like they were ready to burst through my skin.

When we calmed down, we found ourselves sitting in a puddle of the cum and milk we’d created. Almost on the point of falling asleep, I grunted: “You did it, boys. I’m finally full.”

When I got to my feet, both my bodyguards took a step back in shock.

I took a wide stance. My gut was sloshing with their juices so it took me a second to notice what they were noticing. At 10 feet tall and 1,940 pounds, I filled almost the whole office all by myself now. I was all gut and muscle, and even as I stood there my weight was still climbing steadily. Even if I didn’t eat or drink anything else today, by morning I would probably be closer to 2,500 pounds than 2,000.

My bodyguards cleaned up, enjoying the view of me.

“We fucking did it. Look at you, boss! How big you are.”

“Our boss is the fucking best. He’s the hottest man on earth. So much muscle mass. So big.”

“And look at that cock!”

That’s when I came to realize what had happened to my dick.

One of the brothers moved up under my muscle gut and held up the big python with two arms, a four-foot long and tree-trunk-thick piece of flesh.

“Oh boys,” I heard my voice rumble, “I’m so proud of you. Look at how big you made me. Now I’m the biggest fucker in the whole world.”

“Are you happy now?”

I belly laughed, and the sound shook the whole room.

“Ask me again when I’m hungry!”



Jesus, from the nipple growth to horny chugging, it’s too hot!!


bravo, well written, well conceived, and very arousing. bravo. burrrp.