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Here's chapter 6 if you haven't read it yet

(This story contains Brothers, Muscle Growth, Pecs, Milking, Cock Growth, Balls Growth, Off-Season Mass, Inflation and more)

The last injection created a few problems that were going to require creative solutions: namely, my bodyguards were getting too big to do their jobs. They were exploding in size, seemingly getting stronger and more powerful by the hour. It seemed like we were losing control—and, as someone who had been the man in charge my entire life, that was intolerable to me. After the fallout from the sushi feast, I knew I needed to take the situation in hand.

Luckily, I knew some people who could help us out: the same team of military engineers that had created the serum itself had developed an experimental device to control it called the BioVac. It looked like a metal choker, and had the ability to temporarily reduce the size of its wearer in order to make his size less conspicuous. How did it work? The lead engineer gave me a detailed explanation that I barely paid attention to, but it had something to do with collapsing tiny pockets of space inside the body of the wearer. It would take my bodyguards’ unruly, overexpanded tissue and contract it from within, giving the illusion of shrinkage.

Of course, my bodyguards weren’t happy when I attached the heavy metal rings to their necks right just as they were finishing their biggest growth spurt yet. The chokers were large, looking more like belts than collars, but I still had trouble closing them due to the circumference of their bull necks.

I opened an app on my phone, and an LED light on each collar lit up. When the shrinking began, my bodyguards stared at each other in horror.

“Fuck, boss…”

“We were so fucking huge. You made us so big.”

“Really big!”

“And now look at us!”

“We’re tiny.”

“Guys, guys! You still look like you weigh 400 pounds each. You haven’t lost any height. And these anacondas of yours?” I grabbed them with a smile. “Even shrunken they’re still over a foot long soft. And now you’ll actually fit in the suits my tailor made you this week.”

They still looked devastated. Usually when I touched their cocks like that they immediately started to get hard. Not tonight.

I patted their still-very-large flanks. “Listen. I promise it’s just for a few hours. I need you tonight and you’re not going to fit in the venue unless you’re somewhat human-sized. The stakes are high tonight—it’s very official, very public. We can’t afford any derailments or distractions. I’ll deactivate the BioVacs as soon as we’re alone again. And besides,” I cajoled, “just imagine what it’ll feel like to re-grow all that mass. All I have to do is push one little button.”

My little speech seemed to cheer them up somewhat. Even their cocks suddenly seemed to be hanging a little lower and thicker.

“Okay, boss. As long as we can go back to being mega-huge.”

“Anything for you, boss.”

“Man, that serum really blew us up.”

“Those people wouldn’t have been able to handle it.”

“Our cocks…”

“And muscles…”

“They were unreal.”

“Too much for them to handle.” They began to smile.

I was pleased to see that even in shrunk mode, they could get turned on by talking about their bodies. Soon, twin 14-inchers were swinging in front of me. Hell, even now they didn’t really look anything close to normal-sized.

“Let’s get to the airstrip,” I said.


My private jet was grand in design. It had multiple bedrooms for me and my guests, a huge bath with showers, an office for me, a kitchen with room for 2 chefs and a salon big enough to fit 8 people comfortably. Usually when I travelled it was just me, the pilot, a flight attendant, and a chef—everyone else in my team had to fly commercial because there was no way to fit my whole entourage on the plane. But my bodyguards came with me since, even shrunken, they were too big to fly commercial. Not that I was about to let them leave my side anytime soon.

I’d been invited to the G20 summit in Oslo to talk about sustainable fashion in Europe. I’d been putting the finishing touches on my speech for a week now, but it still wasn’t done, and this flight was my last chance to do it.

Even now, halfway to Oslo, I was having a hard time focusing. I went to drop my head into my palm when a loud tearing sound startled me alert. My eyebrows rose when I saw the big hole my bicep had just ripped in my shirt. One of my sleeves had torn all the way up to the elbow.

“Not again,” I said.

I’d gained a few pounds over the last few days, to say the least, and it didn’t seem to be stopping. It had been almost a week since the night my bodyguards inflated me with their milk, but my transformation still didn’t seem to be over and my whole wardrobe was rapidly becoming obsolete. I was looking like a pretty decent bodybuilder now, one who might entertain dreams of going pro in another year or two.

What differentiated me from my bodyguards was my muscle gut. I was carrying around a proud, round drum that swelled all my shirts like a billowing sail. Lately, though, my body had gone from comfortably filling my shirts to giving them the fight of their lives. I would have never guessed that a belly like that would suit me, but it did. The gut and the rest of my growing physique even earned me a few compliments. Still, I wasn’t used to the new size yet, and it was surprising how much of a mobility loss these few pounds of muscle had already caused.

I tore the rest of my sleeve off, revealing the generous bulge of my right arm. The slab of muscle was smooth and solid. Underneath it, my armpit hair was visible. Was I still getting hairier?

“Damn it,” I said. “Now I’m horny. Again.”

It was the third time I’d had to pause my writing to jack off on this flight alone. I thought about calling my bodyguards in, but I thought better of it. I couldn’t risk the mess that would create.

My hard cock was pressing against my zipper like a thick stick of dynamite. I watched the door that connected my office to the body of the jet. My bodyguards were probably waiting for me in the main lounge. I imagined them breathing heavily, too big for their clothes even now, dreaming about our next session. Maybe they even teased each other to pass the time. Maybe their balls were full again already, desperate to pump out a load.

All I had to do was summon them.

Fuck, no, I had to focus.

I tried to go back to work, but the bulge in my pants wasn’t calming down at all. I squeezed it tightly with my hand, but all that did was flood my body with pleasure, making me groan loudly.

They’d transformed me into a fucking beast. I had so much meat on such a small body. Fuck, I had to…

I pressed a button on my table, locking the door. I opened the belt that was pressing into my big gut, pulling my zipper down and revealing the black cotton of my underwear. The wet spot forming at the tip was as big as my palm.

Fuuuuuuck. So big.

Even through the fabric, the sight of my hard cock left me speechless. It was reaching past my hip bone now. Damn, my bodyguards were so potent. And was it me, or was my big piece still getting bigger?

The whopper was finally free now, all 11.5 inches twitching  in front of me.

Fuuuuuuck, I thought again, and brushed the tip of my precum-covered dick against my muscle gut. I unbuttoned my shirt, flexed my newly enlarged pecs, and began to jack off.

The sounds my wet hand and my even wetter cock made were driving me nuts. With my free hand, I lifted my balls out of my briefs: a big sack with two lemon-sized spheres that fit perfectly in my big hand.

I had to admit it: my frame was getting overloaded with muscle mass. I wasn’t nearly as tall as my bodyguards, so the mass they inflated me with looked twice as heavy on me.

My pecs jiggled as my hand sped up. Were they sloshing, too?

I looked over at the door. I imagined my boys on the other side, waiting for my orders, not knowing what I was doing in here with the size they’d given me.

I thought about how freaking massive they’d grown after the last injection, and my cock started blasting instantly.


I couldn’t hold back a cry and a groan.

A dozen cum spurts shot into the air, splashing satisfyingly on the desk. My documents were soaked in seconds, blurring the ink.

Finally, I leaned back in my chair, my soft nine-incher rising and falling with my belly, reaching past my navel even now. I looked down at it with a wide smile.

“I‘m going to be the biggest boss in the fucking world, aren’t I?”

My belly gurgled. I gave it a pat.

“I know. I’m hungry for it, too.”

I pressed a button on my desk.

“I need my speech printed out again when we arrive. This copy is unreadable.”


My speech was a huge success, but compared to other talks I’d given, the aftermath of this one felt like a little bit of a downer. An endless stream of small talk with people I didn’t care about, shaking hands and kissing ass, being introduced to countless people who weren’t worth my time.

Luckily, I had my bodyguards with me. I could feel them following me at a respectful distance as I circulated through the huge dimly-lit ballroom.

Shaking the hand of yet another head of state, I noticed that my bodyguards had dropped back. They seemed even more restless than usual. What was going on?

Peering at them from across the room, I suddenly noticed the LEDs on their collars had turned red.

Excusing myself from an ugly man droning on about weather derivatives, I opened the app controlling their collars and felt the blood drain from my face.

Warning. Low power—device will switch off shortly.

I bowed out of the conversation and pushed my way through the crowd toward my bodyguards. How could the battery already be empty?

When I reached them, their suits already looked painted on. Their bulges were slowly coming awake again, the outline of their enormous cocks becoming clearer to the crowded room every second. I could even see two wet spots forming at the level of their nipples—through multiple layers of clothing!

Earlier in the day, they’d mentioned the building pressure in their pecs and nipples, but I had put them off, distracted by the pressure of the conference. I’d been sure the collars would make it through the day—the experts had promised me 24 hours, and they’d been wrong. We only had a few minutes left before my bodyguards would regain their full size in front of a parade of Europe’s glitterati.

Fuck, not here!

“Sorry, boss!“

“We wanted to warn you, but walking…”

“…and talking isn’t a good idea…right…now!”

I could hear their shirts straining against their returning mass. Their chests were swelling with power. Time was running out.

“Your batteries are dying,” I whispered. “We have to go NOW.”

My car was waiting for us at the hotel entrance. By the time we crossed the hundred meters it took to get there, my bodyguards looked dozens of pounds heavier. They were swelling uncontrollably with mass, their groans getting louder every second.


“We’re getting big again!”

“So big…”

“Get in the car!” I shouted.

I had to push their humongous, gorgeous asses with all my strength to get them inside. The chassis of the car dropped visibly as they clambered in.

Inside the SUV, my bodyguards stretched their legs as far as possible and started to moan again as more and more of their previous size began flowing into their bodies.

The chauffeur’s partition was up. We were by ourselves and safely on our way back to the hotel.

With two loud cracks, the collars snapped right off their swelling, veiny necks. I climbed on top of their massive muscle-packed torsos, trying to undo their shirt buttons in time. Muscle, hair, skin: everything was erupting, growing back toward giant size, trying to get free of their clothes.


“Thanks, boss!”

“We’re free.”

“Finally big again!”

“So much meat,” they whispered, looking down at themselves.

Freed from their shirts, their massive muscle tits looked even more amazing than I remembered. Bigger and fuller than melons, they hung heavily from their chests. Their nipples began to harden as their big paws explored every inch of their perfect bodies.

“I missed being huge!”

“I know it was only a few hours, but it felt like forever.”

“Please don’t make us wear those again, boss.”

“We love being huge for you.”

“Mmm, fuck.”

“So much mass.”

“Look at us, boss.”

“So full.”

“Growing for you.”

“We wanna be even bigger for you…”

They pulled me into their laps, mouths open, breathing heavily, their full lips on mine. A big muscular tongue entered my mouth—I couldn’t even have said whose it was.

“Fuck, boss! A little help, please!”

I broke the passionate kiss to see what the problem was. I looked down and found myself eye to eye with their amazing bulges. The muscles on their legs were big enough to fill their pants twice over. The peaks and valleys of their perfectly trained hams were as visible as if they were wearing Lycra. But something even thicker was pushing against their inseams, dangerously tight.

“How could I forget about your monster cocks?”

“Help us, boss.”

“So big …”

I unbuckled their belts and pulled open their pants, one after the other. Two sets of massively swollen balls burst out of their crotches, as big as pumpkins now. I I tried to help remove their pants, but in the confines of the SUV it was too much. They flexed their legs and their cocks grew harder until it was impossible to pull them in any direction.

“Sorry, boss, but the pants are gonna have to go...”


Exchanging a smirk, they grabbed at their suit pants and pulled in unison.

Their cocks, steel-hard, burst their confines and crashed into the car ceiling, only missing my head by inches. Two large dents appeared where their cocks had struck the roof—that’s how much power their cocks were packing.



They were fucking the roof of the car now, their wet cocks sliding along the ceiling as they finally had the space to grow even longer.

I found myself buried in flesh again as their cocks continued growing, smothering me under their heft. Even using both my arms, I couldn’t get my arms around either one. By now they each had to be at least three and a half feet long. And their heads were still inflating further, their slits, at least two fingers wide, oozing pre.

“Oh, man, guys,” I said. “You’ve grown so big.”

“Just for you, boss.”

“Mmmmm, don’t stop, please!”

“I’m not planning on stopping. In fact...I’m thinking we should make you even bigger.”

The veins on their manhoods became more prominent. My words were turning them on even more.

“The collars don’t work. There’s no going back now.”

“Boss? Mhhhh, fuck … do you mean…”

“…we can get even bigger?!”

“Bigger for you?”

Both their cocks sprayed a mess of precum over my body. I was soaked instantly. I licked my lips.

“Let’s go all in. I need you as big as possible.”

And with that I pushed their prodigious dicks back towards them, up and into each other’s mouths. As they began to suck each other, I went down on their pecs and their 8-inch nipples.

“Empty us, boss.”

“Let us grow you!”

“We’re so full!”

“So much milk!”

I drank and drank, only vaguely aware of my gut starting to bulge bigger.

“Fuck everything,” I said to the nipple in front of me. “Let’s grow.”


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